Personality and History

3 months, 22 days ago

Just a little thing I wrote up for her!

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Myrtle - Renamed Buttered French Baguette

Myrtle is the first munchkin that Jay owns. She was purchased as the person who was taking care of her no longer had time to engage with her or train her, leading to the cat becoming somewhat complacent in terms of behavior. While she has had previous litters, they were all taken from her too early and she seems to have a few issues with possessiveness as she was not allowed to keep many things for herself. She was often bullied by larger cats, and had a bit of a temper towards other cats she thinks will take things from her.

She is however extremely well socialized with people, having met a significant number of kids while she was with her previous owner. She tolerates loud noises, sudden movements, and unexpected surprises much better than Jay does, and likes to follow him around as he does chores around the cattery.

Her favorite thing is birdwatching. She loves to sit by the bird feeders and watch the birds come and go, and in the springtime, she allows the birds to pull fur from her mane to line their nests. Jay will also set out the fur that he gets when he brushes her, and the birds don’t seem to be afraid of her (maybe because they realize her legs are too short to ever reach them properly).

She tends to get lost in the snow, and Jay will have to shovel a path for her to walk around in the winter. She is very adept at balancing, and can often be found in precarious and seemingly impossible positions. For example, on top of the fridge. Halfway up a fallen tree. On a rock halfway across the river (she loves to swim). On top of the roof, and most confusingly, inside a bale of hay in the loft of the barn.

In the long term, Jay plans to breed her and let her raise her cubs this time in order to bring new blood to the munchkin breed which fits well with La Montagne Cattery’s passion for reviving endangered breeds.