Free Willy!

3 months, 13 days ago

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"Be free you little chaotic gremlins!" Reaper threw the door of Lily's wide. Being in Freestate, while risky, was a nice change of pace. A different environment to cause chaos. One away from that duo of zorua that unnerved him so much. They watched as their partners in crime, Scorch and Forge, herded most of the newly hatched pokemon outside. Once the baby pokemon were free they began to run all over the place, dispersing into Freestate and being a massive pain to recapture. "Alright gang, that's our job done. Let's get out of here before someone takes notice."

"You got it boss! Let's dash." Scorch began to scurry away.

Forge glanced around, probably looking for anyone nearby. "We seem to be clear for now, but let's hurry."

Reaper motioned with a wing for the litleo fusion to follow. "Let's get moving then. We should catch up to Scorch before he can can somehow get himself caught." He chuckled. Reaper happily admired their work as they moved away from the origin of the chaos. It was nice when they could stick around a bit and admire their handiwork. Though more often then not there wouldn't be time to. This time though, the hoard of released baby pokemon provided enough of a distraction that the trio went more or less unnoticed. They did their best to look like some sort of innocent bystander as a group of four knights passed them. Thankfully the group didn't even stop. Probably focused on rounding up the children.

"Looks like we got away scot free this time huh boss?" Scorch excitedly whispered once the group had passed.

"So it seems." Reaper grinned. "Good work. That should take them a while to clean up." He snickered. "And the best part is there's no meddling zorua here. They're all the way back in Shiverkeep."

"Are you certain of that?" Reaper froze at the all too familiar voice. There was no way. They turned to see the exact duo they didn't want to see. The hisuian zorua, the one who had spoke, glared at them. There was none of the slight joy or playfulness that usually came with the zorua catching them. That sent an involuntary shiver down Reaper's spine. "Here I was having a tolerable... vacation. Then next thing I know the children that I was forced into helping watch are gone! Imagine my shock when I caught sight of you lot." He growled threateningly.


Reaper gulped as their two underlings moved closer to them. Maybe... maybe they needed to try and stand up to them? Yeah! There was three of them and only two zorua. They could handle this no problem. "I think..." Reaper took a deep breath, steeling his nerves. "That it's you two who should get outta here. In case you didn't notice you're outnumbered."

A slight smile twitched at the hisuian zorua's mouth. "Very well. We do this the fun way. Metal?"


Much faster than Reaper had been expecting the robotic zorua leapt at him. "Hold still, I'll get it!" Forge sounded strained.

"I think you'll find you have your own issues to worry about." The hisuian zorua was suddenly there, looking rather threatening with all the red markings seeming to follow Forge's movements. 

The trio struggled against the zorua duo. Reaper had the unfortunate experience of learning that they weren't al talk. They had the strength to back it up. Barely managing to throw Metal off themself they shouted to the others. "Retreat! This ain't worth it!" As the three fled Reaper could feel eyes on his back. What felt like far to many sets of eyes. They really needed to figure out a way to avoid those two. If Reaper ever saw them again in their life it would be too soon.