Being Put in Your Place

3 months, 23 hours ago

Min-Hyuk tries to blackmail Ryuta.

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Author's Notes

This is set in the big Danganronpa AU I got for my kids with another friend's OC but like tbh, this sums up their relationship p well

“Oh, you’re finally here! I was expecting you like…maybe 2 hours ago? Better late than never, I guess.”

There was a big and bright smile on Ryuta’s face.

“Sorry, all these fancy and rather eeeeextra food places all look and smell the same. A bit overwhelming for common folk like little ol’ me, you know?”

There was a similar smile on Min-Hyuk’s face, one that someone could easily mistake for nothing but innocent.

“Ah well, I’d rather be dead than be caught in some run down, disgusting McDonalds in public. I gotta choose a place that fits my image, y’know?”

Ryuta already wanted to punch this guy in the face.

The look on her face didn’t change, not wanting to let this guy see how much he was already to her. However if one could look closely, there was a very obvious and clear murderous energy in the air.

It looks could kill, Min-Hyuk would’ve died a long time ago.

She was amused at how oblivious the young man seemed to be towards her negative energy, especially when he seemed to invite her to sit in the seat across from him.

Of all the places to invite the young woman, a karaoke bar and one that held private rooms…

Ryuta felt uncomfortable being alone in the room with him, especially when she had no idea why she was here. Still, she didn’t want to give this guy the satisfaction of her being intimidated by him. It was the only thing Ryuta could think of. Why else would this guy invite someone like her to a very expensive place like this? Neither of the two were exactly on good terms with each other so why?

Ryuta stuffed her hands into her art supplies filled cardigan pockets, feeling around for her X-Acto blade. It gave her some comfort knowing she had something on hand just in case the conversation was heading south.

She’d slouch on the sofa chair near the table full of small appetizers and such. She’d eye the small plates of food (all Korean based) before looking up at the younger teen. She knew a good way to get on people’s good side is through their stomach and considering it’s been quite a while since she’s had any decent food, it was very tempting.

Ryuta liked to think she had a good amount of self-control but man, was it just seductive.

“Aww, don’t be shy!” Ryuta looked up at Min-Hyuk, the smile still on her face. “I hear you’re a vegetarian so I made sure to get the best ones off the menu. If there’s anything else you want, order ahead! It’s all on me~”

Ryuta’s right eye twitched.

“…Geun Min-Hyuk, the Ultimate Influencer,” Ryuta stated. “2nd Year at the North American branch of Hope’s Peak Academy, having transferred from Psy Flame Academy located in South Korea at the beginning of the winter quarter.”

“Aww…someone’s done their research,” Min Hyuk chimes in with that infuriating preppy tone of his. “With someone of your status, I didn’t think you’d be so…well-informed.”

“HAH!” Ryuta laughed. “Just because I’m poor as fuck doesn’t mean I’m an idiot. I gotta know my fellow Ultimates, y’know? Plus someone as big as you, even some low class street rat knows who you are.”

She’d suddenly lean in, her energy taking a darker tone.

“And as someone who’s been around people like you, I know you didn’t invite me out here out of the sheer kindness in your heart. What do you want from me?”

“Ah, straight to the point, I see,” the smile didn’t falter from his face, slightly unnerving the woman. “Good. Less time for me to waste.”

Ryuta would raise an (nonexistent) eyebrow at him as the younger teen would scroll through his iPhone, wondering just what he had in mind. There was a brief moment of silence until Min-hyuk finally showed just what he was searching for on his phone to the older female.

“…you dragged me all the way out here just to tell me you like my painting of you?” There was a slight lighthearted tone in her voice.

“Like it? Oh don’t get the wrong idea,” there was still a cheerful tone in his voice. “I absolutely detest it. What the hell is this? Is this supposed to be me?”

Ryuta looked away, almost ready to burst out laughing. “Ah, not this shit again—“

“I thought you were the Ultimate Artist? What the hell is this creepy stuff?” He’d cross his legs. “What’s with all the red? The eyes? The phones? That creepy smile on my face? Why does it look like something straight out of a horror movie?”

“I am the Ultimate Artist, baby,” Ryuta said with such confidence. “I paint what I feel and I feel what I see and what I see…is a lonely little rich brat brat who’s willing to whore himself out all across social media if it means to get even a crumb of attention from people.”

Min-hyuk would finally frown.

“Tell me, parents didn’t hug you enough when you were a baby? People only wanted to be around you cause of your money?” Ryuta would rest her arm on her knee, resting her face in her palm. “Is that why you put up this whole influencer persona? So you’d give a reason for people to want to be around you? To feel like people actually want you around? Ahh…what a sad life for Geun Min-hyuk, hehe..”

Ryuta can see Min-hyuk’s composure slightly breaking, prompting a smile on her face. She enjoyed breaking people down, especially people she felt deserved to be broken down. Being someone of great wealth and having everything handed to him, Min-hyuk was someone she felt who absolutely deserved to be brought down and humbled.

Little did she know, however, is that Min-hyuk was someone who wasn’t going to take shit without a fight.

“…I want a new painting,” he’d finally say. “This kind of crap? Not really my style. I do have an image to uphold, y’know.”

“Awww really?” The grin on her face grew bigger. “Well, too bad I don’t care.”

“I’ll pay you.”

“And you think money’s gonna change my mind?” A laugh. “God, you’re more naive than I thought. Do you know how many people come to me asking for me to paint them a new picture just cause they’re too soft to see themselves for the people they really are?”

“Uh huh,” there was a serious tone in Min-hyuk’s voice. It was rather jarring compared to how he was talking before but Ryuta wasn’t concerned about it. “Well, here’s the thing. I’m not like most people. I always get what I want, even if it means getting my hands a little dirty.”

“Oho? And just how do you think you’re gonna get me to break, rich boy?”

Min-hyuk would smile once more.

“You know who you remind me of?”

Ryuta ignored him, prompting to get a dumpling instead.

“Junko Enoshima.”

Ryuta nearly dropped her dumpling.

“Junko Enoshima…the Ultimate Fashionista,” Min-hyuk would lean back in his seat, looking as though he was in deep thought. “Or should I say the Ultimate Despair? The very person who caused The Worst, Most Despair-inducing Incident in the History of Mankind years ago, before we were even born. Ah, what a dark history…”

Ryuta would glare at him, dropping her playful facade altogether.

“What the fuck are you trying to get at?”

“Oh wow, language!” Min-hyuk exclaimed, putting on a fake surprised look on his face. “Sheesh, calm down, why don’t you? I know Junko’s like…a forbidden word around Hope’s Peak but y’know the phrase. People who don’t know history are doomed to repeat, or some junk…”

There was a sly look in Min-hyuk’s eyes.

“…but you do know your Junko history, don’t you? You know it quite well.”

Ryuta still had her hand in her pocket, clutching the X-Acto blade in her pocket like her life depended on it.

“…what’s wrong? Junko got you all fired up?” Ryuta was starting to really hate the cheeky grin on his face. “Usually people are uncomfortable, maybe a little angry even, whenever Junko gets brought up. You look like you’re gonna straight up kill someone—“

“Answer the goddamn question,” Ryuta growled at him. “Why the fuck are you bringing that bitch up?”

Min-hyuk let out a sigh.

“For someone who’s the second coming of Junko, you sure seem slow.”

Suddenly Ryuta leapt at him.

She swung her X-Acto blade at him, attempting to slash his face. She didn’t care if she was going to get in trouble or even possibly arrested. Ruining his face meant ruining his career and as long as that was the case, then she didn’t care what happened to her one bit.

Unfortunately for her, the male teen merely grabbed Ryuta’s arm just before the blade struck. The smile on his face never faltered, further unnerving the girl.

“Now now, think things through, why don’t you?” There was such a condescending tone in Min-hyuk’s voice and it was driving Ryuta crazy. “I need this face and you need a home so let’s not do anything we’re both gonna regret.”

Ryuta was still flabbergasted at Min-hyuk’s catch and his change in demeanor. It was the first time she’s truly felt…afraid in anyone’s presence.

“…h-how,” she stuttered out. “How do you k-know—“

“For someone as naive as you when it comes to social media, you’d be surprised how much info you could find on someone,” he’d throw Ryuta’s arm down, away from his face. “You’re Ryuta Sudou, the self-proclaimed Ultimate Artist— or at least, that’s what you want people to know. Your real name is Akane Enoshima and your real talent is being the Ultimate Analyst— just like Junko Enoshima.”

“S-Stop,” Ryuta meekly said.

“Raised by At Despair’s Door, a small cult dedicated to Junko’s ideology. Hope’s Peak found you cause a couple of dumbasses from the cult took it upon themselves to post about ‘the second coming of Junko’ on Twitter.”


“Desperate to keep another Tragedy from happening, they agreed to provide a home for you, far away from that cult as long as you abide by their rules and demands.”

Ryuta held her hands against her ears, trying to block out Min-hyuk’s words. “Shut up shut up shut up—“

“Even if it’s a cult dedicated to Junko, they were basically your family, right? Very interesting how fast and eager you were to take Hope’s Peak’s offer. I wonder why—“

Suddenly Ryuta got down on her knees.


She kept her head down, trying to hide the distressed look on her face. Here she was, thinking she had the upper hand and severely underestimating this guy. He was even more of a danger than she expected. More than even Jun herself, even.

“Stop…please stop…” she’d bowed her head, practically begging at this point. “I’ll do whatever you want, just please stop talking. Please, don’t tell anybody either. Especially my class, please—“

“Oh honey,” there was a smug look on his face. “Where do you think I got most of my information from?”

Ryuta’s eyes widened.

“You care so much about your classmates yet they wouldn’t hesitate to snitch on you if given the opportunity, especially when they’re getting paid a leg and arm’s worth,” Min-hyuk tapped a finger to his chin, looking as if he was pondering.

“I wonder who it was that ratted you out. The chef? The spirit medium? The botanist? The lucky student?

Ryuta felt tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

“Or maybe, perhaps the detective? You two are rather close and he’s a smart guy. He probably figured out your sad backstory during your time in that killing game simulator—“

“JUST WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?” Ryuta screamed at him, nearly ready to rip his head off.

Min-hyuk, however, wasn’t fazed by Ryuta’s outburst.

“Well, first thing first, deleting that painting off your Instagram would be nice. Please and thank you.”

Ignoring the smug look on Min-hyuk’s face, Ryuta furiously reached for Min-Hyuk’s phone. Logging into her account, she’d scroll through her library, all bombarded with similar paintings she’s done for other students.

She recalls the amount of times she’s been confronted and threatened with taking down the pictures and all the times she’s ignored such requests. Why should she? People spend too much time trying to hide their true colora, trying so hard to get others to see them as the image they wish to be perceived as.

Min-hyuk wasn’t an exception. The guy’s built up such an appealing image of himself that people would easily eat up. Was one picture really enough to distort people’s view of him?

Was he really that insecure?

“…you’re taking an awfully long time,” Min-hyuk would speak up. “What, don’t tell me you’re too poor to know how to use the latest iPhone model.”

Ryuta responded by throwing the phone at Min-hyuk’s lap. The influencer would merely pick his phone up and scrolled through the gallery himself, making sure the post had actually been deleted.

“…next, I’d like you to get rid of the painting.”


“What, are you deaf too?” Min-hyuk let out yet another sigh, getting tired of repeating himself. “Burn it, rip it, pour paint on it— I want to see it destroyed and defaced with the results posted on your insta, please and thank you.”

Ryuta was near speechless. “You…you can’t be serious. T-That’s my artwork. I actually take pride in those—“

“Well, you can always make another one. Just not of me,” Min-hyuk winked at her. “Speaking of, I’d still want that new painting. I’ll even pay you like I said I would. I’m not a complete asshole, you know.”

Ryuta merely stared at him in disbelief.

“Ah well, I’m sure you’ll do it. You’ll do anything to keep anyone knowing about your thing with Junko, am I right? Ah, of course I’m right.”

He’d suddenly get up on his feet, stretching his back after sitting for so long.

“Well, it’s been fun. I got some gigs I need to go to and you got yourself a new painting project to do. I think we’ve already wasted enough of each other’s time, yeah?”

Ryuta continued to stay on the ground in complete disbelief as Min-hyuk made his way to the door. For the first time in forever, not since the killing game simulator, has she ever felt such despair.

It was such a….horrifying feeling. Being trapped in a deep hole with no hope of ever getting out. No matter how many times she’d try to climb out, how much effort she gives, she’d find herself at the bottom every time, only to wait for her impending doom.

Hope was for the optimistic.

Ryuta was not an optimistic person.

Despair was always there for her, even when she had nothing.

As much as she'd try to escape her past, she can’t escape despair.

She can’t escape being in Junko’s shadow and that fact alone is despair inducing.

“Aw, you look so troubled..” Min-hyuk commented just as he was in the doorway. His tone reeked so much of smug energy that Ryuta would have no hesitation to punch the guy’s face in if it wasn’t for the fact she was mostly numb to the world right now.

“Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?” were the last words he said before closing the door behind him.

And just like that, Ryuta snapped.


“Ah, Master Geun Min-hyuk,” the female hostess said, speaking in Korean to the young teen. She looked fairly surprised to see the young influencer. “You still had 30 minutes on the clock. Was everything to your liking?”

“Don’t worry, everything was perfectly like always,” he’d wink at her. “My meeting just ended a little early, that’s all.”

“Meeting?” She’d look behind him, expecting someone in the hallway and trailing after the influencer. “I didn’t see anybody else leave within the past hour…?”

“Ah, they’re still taking care of business there, don't worry. Speaking of…”

Suddenly Min-hyuk would take a checkbook out from his bag. After filling it out, he’d hand it to the hostess, a calm smile on his face. Though confused by the sudden act, the hostess would accept the check before proceeding to check just how much it was worth.

Her eyes widened.

“That’s to cover whatever damages my client causes there. She’s not feeling too well under the weather, if you get what I mean.”

There was a grimace on the hostess’s face. “…damages?”

Suddenly there was a crash coming from down the hallway. There was an ever bigger grimace on the woman’s face.

“…” Min-hyuk would proceed to write in the checkbook again. “Let’s add another $500 here…”

“T-Thank you sir…”