info and shit

3 months, 9 days ago
3 months, 6 days ago
8 751 3

Chapter 4
Published 3 months, 9 days ago

meow meow meow

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I'm Brazilian and I may sound confusing when saying something in english, It's NOT my native language! keep that in mind

I'm very very clingy with my friends and have some very attachment issues

I'm SO FUCKING SENSITIVE, I cry easily depending on what you say, I overthink about every single thing someone says, I apologize a lot for things that don't even make sense

I do kys/kms jokes a ton, but let me know if you feel uncomfortable around these

My art usually contains gore, self-harm and other possible scars, suggestive art and bright colors, almost all of that topics will be tagged as "TW", I DO NOT GLORIFY SELF-HARM NEITHER THINK ITS  A AESTHETIC, I POTRAY PARTS OF MYSELF INTO EACH ONE OF MY CHARACTERS/ART PIECES