
3 months, 12 days ago

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"I've been meaning to ask you something." Shatter hummed, trying to not sound to interested even if he was the one who had prompted a conversation. 

"Go ahead." Kazoku nodded, a look of curiosity in her eyes. Metal also eyed him in silent question.

"When you first approached me and Metal you said you came from some place far away." Shatter started, running a paw through the snow. "You wondered if we came from the same place. First I can assure you we did not. You would not be nearly so comfortable around me were that the case." He huffed. You'd think with the way those three idiots from Team Havoc acted around him and Metal they were, but no. They simply respected their intimidating presence. "I wish to clarify that you mean you came from a different world." He paused. "Like we did."

"That's right." Kazoku was quiet, her gaze settled on some point far from them. Honestly she didn't seem to really be looking at anything.

Shatter didn't particularly care for the saddened look on the eevee fusion's face. Not that he had any idea of how to fix it. Fortunately for him though help came from the place he'd least expected it. "YOUR HOME. TELL US ABOUT IT." Metal prompted.

"O-oh well..." Kazoku had a sad smile on her muzzle. "It wasn't all too nice honestly. I grew up in a lab with some others. I was really close with one..."

"I belive you compared me to them when we first met." Shatter hummed.

"I did." Kazoku laughed weakly. "You two have a lot in common." She frowned. "We were really close. I'd even call him my brother." Her ears drooped. "We'd do pretty much everything together. The people running the lab sort of encouraged it. When they kept us together we behaved more I guess." She shrugged. "I don't remember much of what happened before I ended up here but... I know something bad was happening. There was a lot of flashing lights and yelling. I was with my friend. There was pain and then I was shooting awake in the snow."

Silence stretched between the three. Shatter honestly had no idea how to respond to that. Sharing anything about where he came from seemed like a... poor idea.

"YOU MISS IT. DESPITE THE POOR CONDITIONS YOU ALLUDED TO." Metal spoke up yet again. Since when had the robot gotten decent at this?

"I do. I mostly miss the people though." Kazoku took a shuddering breath. "I mostly miss my brother though." She wiped away tears before they could fall. "What about you? What was where you came from like?"

Shatter cringed. That was something he hoped she wouldn't ask. He'd have to choose his words carefully. "It was... different from here." He started, trying to gather his thoughts. "I..." There really was no gentle way to put it was there? "I'm not sure you would like to know about where I came from." He finally settled on. You would most certainly think differently of me, he did not say.

Kazoku watched him silently for a while. "I understand." She gave him a small smile. 


"Alright." Kazoku sighed. "If you ever wish to tell me though I'll listen." She was quiet for a moment. "Thank you." She finally said.

"For what?" Shatter asked, generally confused.

"For listening. And thanks for prompting me to talk about it Metal. I... needed that." Kazuko's smile grew slightly brighter. 


"Well. Shall we grab something to eat?" Shatter was desperate to move away from all this. With general agreement the trio headed off. Maybe he'd eventually feel comfortable enough to tell her. That day wouldn't come any time soon though.