Skire Cooking Time

1 month, 22 days ago
1 month, 1 day ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 22 days ago

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Gotta gather ingredients!

It wasn't very often that Semesta had chose to cook or even make their own food. After all they barely had any free time, if they did it was at most a day and at the least a few hours. So due to that if and when they had that free time, they had normally went out and down to their favorite lil' food stall. They didn't always only just go there, there were other places they went to! They happened to just go to that one often as it was just, well... their favorite place to nab a bite from. Which actually meant they always went to it, they just didn't want to admit just how much they keep spending there is all. Plus Semesta was pretty sure they were keeping the place in business alone, by themselves at this point.... Because of how much they loved it, it had led them to write about the place to the Skire Scoop, a newspaper. While on one hand, yes, let's go off about how they spent their days off including the name and location of their MOST favorite lil' food stall. On the other hand, it seemed the Skire Scoop did actually read these responses they got and even sometimes posted them up..... So on this free day of theirs, going about their normal routine. After looking around a bit, they went to go get their favorite snack of all time, but as they approached the place, Semesta stared at an enormously looooooooong line to it. They could only stare in shock, their mouth agape, at the line. How could it be this long?!?!? It had never been that long before. So they had chose to awkwardly shuffled their way to the front, stopping at the side of the stall. Once they were there, the owner wasted no time in thanking them for writing about the food stall in the Skire Scoop, as it led to so many Skires from all parts to come over and check them out.

After the quick chat to the owner and because of all that fuss and the long line, all Semesta could do was to shuffle awkwardly all the way back home with no buns to bring back. This was a first. So in a huff they had spent most of that day sulking about and kept slapping their tail all around in anger. Then a few day after once they found out they had a full free day, they woke up very early, and cheerfully skipped their favorite lil' food stall once again. After all, as they left early enough this time that the stall would open just as they got there, so even if there was a line, they had to be able to get in early. But as they had reached the street where the lil' food stall was, there it was. That new weird long line once again. This time it had seemed the line was so much longer than before. As if it only had grew since yesterday.... It'd take way to long again to even get the buns and have their normal routine with it. Knowing that had lead them to stomp off and all the way back home, sulking the entire time and grumbling all the way back. It had only took them an hour of sulking at home before they got a new bright idea of what to do about the new situation. After all, today was a free day AND they had left early, both of those combined now meant they had plenty of time to do whatever they wanted.

Which had led to now, them choosing to cook, as their idea was to make their very own buns with different types of fillings. While they would be missing their favorite colorful little wrappers to the buns from the lil' food stall, they could always buy some of their own. Or even have some designed and printed for them. So, as they now had this newly freed up time, they decided to try a brand new hobby, which was to cook and make these buns but they were going to be their very own, very best and completely more unique buns! As they did like the more traditional flavors but they also liked the few odd ones as well from the lil' food stall's 'Try something new' days. Although it was unsure if Semesta's bun would be that more unique or even the best.. as they've never cooked much before this. Much less made something as complex as just the bun dough itself. However they seemed enthusiastic and excited enough about it, so maybe they could get it to work.

Before they made that rash of a decision to leave home to nab all the required ingredients, Semesta did have a sit down, so they could look up some common bun recipes. Pulling a notepad towards them, along side their favorite pencil. They mumbled the common ingredients needed for most of them comparing the few. Tapping their pencil on the chin, they picked the recipe they liked best for starting out on cooking. Once it chosen they began to write down on the notepad, the list of the ingredients they'd need for at least for the bun itself. Of course, Semesta didn't forget about the filling, they decided to pick some of their favorites ones and then some of the minor oddball ones they had found to be interesting to really just eat. While flavor was important they did want some different ones as well. So plucking off the list with the bun ingredients, they jolted the filling plans on the new notepad paper. This one being much more filled than the other.

Once it was all written down and decided, they grabbed and then put the lists in their bag and began to get ready to leave. They didn't need much as they had just came back from the food stall not to long ago. With a brief check, they looked in their kitchen to see what they did in fact have. Although sadly, it wasn't in much shape to make anything, as it was pretty bare. So they knew they should get all that was on both lists or at least a small chunk of it. As they didn't know if they even make these taste good in the first place. So after the check, they nabbed their bag and took off to the nearest store. They knew this one most likely was big enough to have what they needed.

As they got into the store, grabbing a cart on the way in, Semesta headed right to the baking aisle or at least the aisle they never went in much, and just named it the baking aisle. As they knew it had only ingredients to make other things from their brief trip in one time and not normally any finished foods. Which it had left them to never bother going back down it much whenever they went to the store. But this time was different as they chose now to explore it for the sake of buns, without much of a search, they found the yeast and flour fairly quickly, the two being near the opening of the aisle. Lucky for Semesta these two bags were not far apart from one another. At first they thought, let's just a bag to try as they haven't really cooked or made anything like this before. Then came the thought of the buns and in the cart went three bags of each one. Then one extra bag of flour as the recipe required more of it compared to the other. After they got those two, they pushed the cart down a few steps down the aisle, with a quick glance around they found both sugar and salt. They decided to take only two small bags of salt and two medium bags of sugar, placing them by the other bags. They were lucky that the store tended to keep all of this stuff in the same aisle, it made it easier to get all they needed for the buns themselves. Now, they only need butter left for the buns, which they knew they'd find in the colder aisles, stored away in a freezer. Lucky for them they knew the butter would be close by to the vegetables and fruits. Some of those which they had wanted for the filling types they really liked.

With a push and a shove they pushed the cart off quickly to the next area, dodging the few other Skires that were out and about, while going all the way to the back of the store. In the back, they knew that was where most of the meats and other frozen foods were, although they mainly wanted the meats not the frozen foods. Well at least this time they didn't want the frozen foods, who knows maybe they tasted great on buns too. For now they were planning on only sticking to the list, if it goes well this time, they could try looking at the frozen foods the second attempt. With that they picked up a package of ground beef, a package of sausage and then a pack of ham placing them gently in upper part of the cart. While they had a lot of favorite flavors, not many contained these meats, however they did want to pick some up to try a few different blends. Then with a swing of the cart they booked it to the aisle with beans, now these they liked best. They knew where they were always located at, stopping at the exact spot without even looking. A few different types went right in the cart without much of a thought, after all it was their favorite!

With that they only needed to go to one more area, which hopefully had the rest of the things they needed. A brief walk to the left of the store, down the aisle and Semesta knew they were there. By the meats they placed two tubs of the first butter they found. Nearby as they had knew were the vegetables and fruits. Now these they wanted quite a bit of them, some could be made into jams or just plain cut up chunks or bits. It didn't take long for the cart to began to get full as they had began to pack in first the packed fruits and vegetables. After a bit the cart was packed full, also threatening for all of it's contents to spill. It only took them a short pause before finding the closest employee and asking them if they were kind enough to bring them as extra cart. They only had to wait for a short bit before they got the extra cart. So had went in the grapes, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, apples, oranges, bananas, lemons, and more. At first it was only going to be what was on their list but one after another, they kept getting more and more ideas and plans. Semesta was going to have so many buns that they'd never run out again!

So with that, this gathering of ingredients has now lead to them having two really full shopping carts. Which in turn, lead to a very, very empty wallet because of the costs. Maybe it was cheaper to buy those buns after all..... but it's just with that new line, it was nearly impossible to even get any. If they did? It'd take all day and there would go all of their chill time... However! Thinking about it, this may be cheaper in the long run! Well as long as they figure out how to cook them correctly, then they could just store all the extra ingredients away in some containers. But this was just only one part of learning how to cook, which meant it could still go very wrong, and if it did? Well... that'd be so much wasted money and ingredients, so the outcome if the money was spent well or not is still unknown. For now at least the ingredients were gotten, learning to cook it correctly was after. With the little boost of faith, Semesta made a mental note to take a look at the recipe again once they got home and after they put everything away. They for sure wanted to get it all done correctly in one go after all. Otherwise the next step after that would be to cook!