A Questionable Choice

6 months, 12 days ago

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Shatter squinted his eyes in focus. He could almost feel a sliver of his former power come to him as he called. Three figures flickered into existence for brief moments before they were gone. Better, but there was still a long way to go. Was it even a good idea to try this in the first place? Sure Metal still willingly stuck by his side but these three... these three had far more reason to not do so. Yet he still felt compelled to try, and no it had nothing to do with Kazoku encouraging him to try and make peace with his past. Not at all. He sighed. 


"Should I even be doing this?" Shatter pawed at the snow. "I believe you calculated the chance of this going awry to be rather high."

"A 90% PERCENT CHANCE BASED ON YOUR LACK OF CONTROL OVER ME." Metal oh so helpfully reminded him.

"What are you doing?" Shatter most certainly did not jump at Kazoku coming out of nowhere. There was no proof and he'd deny it till his dying breath.

"Nothing." Shatter was quick to brush it off. Until he knew how this was going to play out he didn't want to tell Kazoku. If he had to deal with three hostile souls that was on him and Metal. He didn't want her involved.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." Kazoku frowned, looking entirely unconvinced.

"Well it is." Shatter refused to look at her. 

"DO NOT WORRY. WE WISH TO KEEP THE RESULTS OF WHAT WE'RE DOING TO OURSELVES UNTIL WE ARE DONE. WE SHALL INFORM YOU OF WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON ONCE WE CONCLUDE." Metal offered. Well that would likely only make her more curious but perhaps it would be enough to hold off her pushing for now.

"... fine. But I don't like this." Kazoku finally said after an uncomfortable silence. "I'll leave you to... whatever you're doing then." She looked reluctant to leave.

"Do not worry. We know what we're doing." Shatter finally looked at her. Her frown deepened but Shatter gave her what he desperately hoped was a reassuring look. Not like he was entirely sure what that should look like in the first place, but he did his best. After holding his gaze for a few moments she finally nodded and walked off. Time to get back to work.