3 months, 5 days ago
3 months, 1 day ago
3 3981

Chapter 1
Published 3 months, 5 days ago

Explicit Violence

"oh god i did not just witness you two grown ass men kissing in this fucking room."

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"The hour has arrived, the moment of utmost importance…" The words left her lips in a mumble, barely audible, with a volume so low it was almost a whisper, disappearing as quickly as they were spoken.

I've managed to ensnare myself in an incredibly complex predicament yet again. This time, the intricacy of the situation feels as if it stretches on into eternity...

The aristocrats of this prosperous nation, a country rich in heritage and wealth, were visibly irate at the young girl's silence. Women adorned in sophisticated cream gowns, their jewelry sparkling under the chandeliers, and men in their dark, expertly tailored suits filled the grand court. They were there, not merely as passive spectators, but as active witnesses to what they believed would be the downfall of a notorious troublemaker.

'She's demonstrated such reckless behavior! She should've anticipated the consequences. Has she not dedicated herself to the study of our ancient and revered texts?'

'She's proven to be nothing more than a chronic nuisance. She has never undertaken any meaningful work that contributes to our society.'

'A more severe penalty might be appropriate. Yet, we must remember that she is still a child...'

"Do I need to reiterate my words?... Griseo Morgenlicht-" The man's voice echoed in the almost silent room, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air.

Enough internal debates. There's no possibility of retreat now, young lady.

Griseo sighed quietly, a soft sound that starkly contrasted with the internal turmoil that was churning within her. She inwardly chided herself before speaking. "I accept. However, I wish to voice one request, one condition, should I successfully navigate through this... test." Her gaze on the judge was unyielding, her multi-colored eyes reflecting a calm yet intense determination.

The judge hesitated, his gaze momentarily softening as he looked back at Griseo. "We will grant your request, as long as it falls within the boundaries of our power and does not defy the established norms."

A faint smile momentarily graced Griseo's face, her eyes sparking with newfound confidence. "I... will never assume the role of the family's head." The assembly and every spectator in the grand courtroom gasped, taken aback by the audacity of her statement. As they slowly digested this unexpected request, murmurs gradually filled the vast room, each whisper adding to the tension that hung in the air.

'I can't believe what I just heard! Such an outrageous utterance!'

'Can you believe her audacity? She's such an ungrateful child!'

All I had was a single, humble request...

Griseo looked at the judge with hopeful, pleading eyes. His judgement was the only one that mattered to her in this room filled with nobility. Their opinions? To her, they were as unreliable as the whims of the ancient god of thunder and rain.

"... The final decision shall rest with Lord Akane." His voice echoed through the room, the statement hanging in the air like a sword of Damocles. Griseo's eyes widened in disbelief.

What is this I'm hearing..? No, this can't be happening...

'The leader of Pallas?' That title carries a heavy weight with it.

'This is... a matter of great significance!' There's no denying the gravity of this situation. This isn't just any ordinary matter; it's something that could potentially change the course of things to come.

As I had anticipated, he has complicated matters further... He's thrown a wrench into the workings of our plans, and now we're left to deal with the aftermath. My sister, with her stringent sense of right and wrong, would definitely disapprove of this...

Griseo lowered her gaze, a wave of unease washing over her like a stormy sea.

All this... is simply the result of a harmless prank? Griseo looked down, her mind desperately trying to recall the details of the memory that had brought her to this point.

Griseo's chuckle rippled through the silence, her laughter light and playful. "Fear not! It won't be a painful ordeal," she assured the room with a playful glint in her eyes, but her laughter carried a hint of sadistic pleasure, adding an unsettling undertone to her words.

At that moment, the room echoed with the sharp, distinct sound of the judge's gavel striking the wooden block. Once, twice, the sound reverberated, bouncing off the grand walls of the court, silencing the murmurings and drawing everyone's undivided attention back to the proceedings at hand. The judge, an imposing figure seated high above the rest, looked down at the young Griseo, his gaze stern and unyielding.

"Are there any objections, Lady Griseo?" His voice echoed his authority, the question hanging in the air, challenging the silver-haired girl to defy the expectations of the court, and setting the stage for the next phase of this high-stakes proceeding.

Griseo, with her heart pounding in her chest, closed her eyes. She took a deep, calming breath, desperately trying to steady the storm of emotions raging within her. She could feel fear and anticipation battling for supremacy, but she knew she had to keep those feelings under control. "No," she said, her voice surprisingly steady despite the turmoil inside her, "I have no objections.

There was a moment of silence, then the voice she had come to dread rang out once more. "Then it's settled. Griseo Morgenlicht," the voice seemed to take a perverse pleasure in dragging out her full name, "will participate in the arduous, grueling Hunter Exam." The voice emphasized the word 'arduous,' making it sound like a death sentence. "This will serve as a form of punitive action, a punishment for your transgressions."