3 months, 14 days ago
3 months, 10 days ago
3 3981

Chapter 3
Published 3 months, 10 days ago

Explicit Violence

"oh god i did not just witness you two grown ass men kissing in this fucking room."

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In the bustling heart of Nychterída, at the grand port known as Freiheitshafen, two siblings with hair as golden as ripe wheat fields, bid a fond farewell to their friend Griseo. Aureolin Sonnenlicht, the elder of the two, let out an audible sigh, his usually bright eyes clouded with concern. "That deal," he muttered under his breath, "will surely lead to the downfall of the main family." His words fell on deaf ears as Griseo and Lanelle Sonnenlicht, Aureolin's younger sister, simply rolled their eyes in response.

Aureolin Sonnenlicht was no ordinary young man. As the prodigy of the distinguished Morgenlicht clan, he was quite the popular figure, especially among the ladies. Despite his charm and good looks, his mother harbored suspicions about him, adding an air of mystery to his persona. On the other hand, his younger sibling, Lanelle Sonnenlicht, who was the chosen successor of the illustrious Sonnenlicht family, was the polar opposite. Lanelle was physically frail but possessed a keen intellect and a remarkable skill in the medical field.

Lanelle, with her soft eyes that held a glimmer of wisdom beyond her years, turned to Griseo. "Griseo, you've got this!" she encouraged, her voice gentle yet firm. "Even though your courtroom performance was less than satisfactory, the deal you brokered with the judge, the—"

Griseo, flustered, interrupted her, waving her hand dismissively. "Man alive! I know I made a mistake, okay?" She sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. But then, as if reigniting her spirit, she straightened up and declared confidently, "I'll do well! I'll pass the exam on the first try!"

The siblings groaned in unison at their overly enthusiastic friend, but their hearts swelled with pride at her newfound confidence. Lanelle chuckled softly, reaching out to gently stroke Griseo's hair. "I'm certain you will," he affirmed, his voice filled with unwavering faith in her abilities.

Aureolin looked at Lanelle in disbelief, his voice rising an octave, "What?! You were never this nice to me when I was exiled!" His outburst left Griseo in shock, this being the first time she was hearing about Aureolin's exile. Lanelle merely shrugged, her gaze indifferent. "You can take care of yourself," she stated matter-of-factly.

"That's still unfair!" Aureolin protested, his voice echoing across the port. Griseo, however, couldn't help but giggle at the siblings' banter.

Soon, two black-haired individuals and a brown-haired girl made their way towards the trio. A black-haired young lady, her eyes sparkling with amusement, was the first to intervene in the siblings' argument. She tilted her head, her voice breaking the tension, "This departure deserves a formal farewell."

"It seems the Enigma Brigade won't be the same. But it's Griseo, so I guess it's alright." She added, her words causing a ripple of laughter among the group.

"Oh, shut up already." Griseo retorted, her tone playful, as she joined in the laughter.

Griseo found herself sitting on the cool, hard floor of the boat, her patience wearing thin as she anxiously waited for the remaining passengers to embark. "These men really need to pick up the pace," she muttered under her breath, her gaze wandering over the slow-moving crowd.

A child's voice, filled with cheer and hope, suddenly cut through the air. "Take care of yourself! I'll become a super-hunter and come back, I promise!" The boy's declaration was met with laughter and a flurry of dismissive remarks from the adults around him. The child, known as Gon, didn't seem fazed by their words. He merely glanced over at Griseo, who was nestled in an isolated corner of the boat, looking utterly bored.

With a sigh, Griseo muttered to herself, "People who are insecure always seem to find pleasure in trampling on others. What a world we live in..." She then buried her head in her knees, closing herself off from the surrounding commotion.

Noticing her demeanor, Gon wisely decided to give her some space. He quietly retreated, leaving Griseo to her thoughts. A while later, a violent storm swept across the ocean. Throughout the chaos, Griseo remained fast asleep, unbothered by the turmoil around her. When the storm finally subsided, she awoke, her eyes fluttering open to find the passengers around her unconscious, or possibly even dead. Panic surged through her, but she quickly checked her own pulse. "My heart's still beating," she thought, sighing in relief. She then checked the pulse of one of the fallen men. "Yep, they're alive."

Deciding to investigate, Griseo made her way around the ship. She spotted the captain and Gon standing together at the ship's edge, their eyes fixed on the horizon. Intrigued, she approached them. "Hey, Cap! The people are dead!" she joked, a playful smile on her face as she jogged over to them. "What are you guys looking out for?"

"Another storm's gonna come again!" Gon responded with a sense of certainty, his eyes never leaving the vast, unending expanse of the sea. His gaze was focused, as if he could see the invisible signs of the approaching tempest.

"A storm?" Griseo asked, her voice filled with surprise. "Wait— you mean there was a storm earlier? Is that what happened? How come I didn't notice anything?" She genuinely couldn't recall any signs of a storm.

"You're probably a heavy sleeper," Gon teased, a playful grin spreading across his face. He found her obliviousness quite amusing.

"I wake up before my alarm clock does," she retorted, her eyebrows raised in disbelief. Her voice held a hint of indignation as she defended her alertness.

Griseo sauntered leisurely towards the boat's edge, her light giggle rippling in the air around her as she hummed in a teasing tone, "I hope Leviathan won't eat me." The docks of Freiheitshafen, steeped in history, had always served as the convivial meeting ground for the Enigma Brigade. It was tradition to sing a song, jovial and playful, directed at the monstrous sea creature, a taunt echoing across the vast expanse of water. Griseo was so entranced by the rhythmic sway of the sea that she lost herself in the view. The time flew by unnoticed until she saw the familiar faces of the men from earlier, now boarding the rescue boats. The sight induced a fit of laughter, and with a spring in her step, she made her way towards the captain's quarters.

As she stepped over the threshold and into the captain's quarters, she was greeted by a warm, welcoming grin that immediately put her at ease. "You're late," he said with a playful chuckle, his eyes sparkling with an unmistakable humorous glint. Offended yet amused by his audacity, Griseo chose to disregard his remark, focusing instead on her more pressing task. She began systematically gathering the names of her new crewmates. There was Gon, a boy whose eyes burned with a fiery determination that hinted at a personal vendetta. Leorio was next, an old man whose professional appearance belied his insatiable thirst for wealth, a trait that both intrigued and alarmed her. Kurapika was the third, another man driven by an unquenchable thirst for revenge. And lastly, she introduced herself, Griseo, a name that held its own mysterious allure. The motley crew intrigued her, each individual's story and motivation weaving a fascinating tapestry of human desire and ambition. But her train of thought, as it delved deeper into the complexity of her crew, was abruptly interrupted by the captain's booming voice, ringing out across the room and demanding her attention.

"You, girl!" he called out to her. Griseo returned his gaze with a questioning look, her brow arching in response. 

"And what, pray tell, is your purpose in coming here?" the old man inquired, his tone light and teasing.

Griseo could feel a bead of sweat trickling down her temple. She cleared her throat awkwardly, her voice wavering slightly as she responded, "Ahem- well, I-I have my reasons, but I think we might be better off not wasting precious time discussing them." She tried to laugh it off, but her nervousness was palpable.

"You claim to be a member of the Morgenlicht family, correct?" The old man's tone had changed, serious now.

She nodded subtly, her eyelashes casting long shadows over her flushed cheeks. Her response, merely a murmur, barely reached his ears, almost lost in the hushed tranquility of the room. "Yes..?" she breathed out, her question hanging in the air like a fragile promise waiting to be fulfilled.

The captain, for that's who the old man was, let out a hearty laugh, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Well, I think I have my answer now!" he declared, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Griseo groaned inwardly. "Ugh, man alive..."

The captain's laughter echoed around them. "Don't worry. We still have plenty of time for a long, drawn-out tale," he assured her, his tone filled with a strange sort of comfort.

Griseo sighed, brushing off his joviality with a dismissive wave. "The Morgenlicht clan is quite extensive. Four families, bound by a single power. But within that power, there's a potent force... What was it again?" Her gaze drifted towards Kurapika for a brief moment. "Ah! The Scarlet eyes." At the mention of that, Kurapika turned to face her, but she paid him no mind. "The power of the eyes was so potent, I lost control and ended up obliterating half the mountains of Olympiaberg." With a snap of her fingers, Griseo added, "I didn't want to get into the nitty-gritty, so I kept it simple."

Leorio could hardly believe his eyes as he stared at her in absolute shock. "Are you serious?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise and disbelief. Griseo simply responded with a solemn nod of her head, confirming the truth of her statement. "Olympiaberg is one of the largest and most important cities in all of Nychterída! It's a stronghold of political power and influence! How on earth did you manage to get there, kid? That's not just breaking a few rules - that's literally trespassing on government property!" The old man's voice was loud and filled with incredulity as he struggled to comprehend the enormity of what she had just revealed.

Griseo quirked a wry smirk, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. Her voice laced with an undeniable self-assurance, she began, "Well, one could say I have a certain flair, a knack you might say, for navigating the labyrinthine intricacies of such complex matters. The politics, the power plays, the delicate dance of maintaining order amidst chaos, it's all a game to me." She paused for a moment, her smirk broadening into a confident grin as she leaned back, her arms folding over her chest. "And who, pray tell, is going to halt the progress of someone who practically embodies the government itself? Who would dare to challenge the authority of the one who holds the reins of power?" She chuckled lightly, the sound echoing in the silent room as she confidently declared her dominance over the very system she was a part of.

“With my status, I have the privilege of having unlimited access to basically anything and everything within the city limits of Nychterída. This unique advantage, this special privilege, has largely contributed to my current situation, that is, if you've noticed, the fact that I am a Morgenlicht.” Griseo shrugged nonchalantly, her gaze meeting Leorio’s. “But there's no need for concern on your part, Leorio. I'm perfectly aware of your rather... limited comprehension abilities. I'd wager you'd need a good five minutes to fully understand the classic humor in the phrase 'why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9.'” She let out a giggle, her amusement clear, which only served to make Leorio's eye twitch in annoyance.