Dragon Family Overview of ERA 1, 2 and 3

6 months, 21 days ago
6 months, 21 days ago
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Entry 1
Published 6 months, 21 days ago

This is a quick guide to the most prominent characters in the Karrucci Family, beginning with Era 1 (Nari’s era), Era 2 (Rin’s era), and Era 3 (Alessio’s era).

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content warnings: abuse mention

I am writing this one first due to it being the most recent, my current hyperfixation among the families, and easiest to catalogue. 

Alessio Karrucci: the last son Rin had before he “died”/was executed by the Pie Eaters (a temporary name for an alien race—he accidentally killed their last fertile queen). He was allowed to hold Alessio when he was born and begged to hold him when he opened his eyes. He got this wish, but Alessio had been taken from him shortly after. When he was executed, he died in intense sadness, and his restless remains are kept onboard the Pie Eaters’ ship continues to haunt the inhabitants, including the new queen they created with the help of Ashuton’s scientists.

In his teen years, Alessio was an assistant + hall monitor (glorified hall monitor, many would say) at the academy he attends, just like his how father Argönon was an assistant at his school. Students line up every morning and present their bags for inspection by Alessio and his team, but in all honesty this is them paying their “respects” to Alessio.

Alessio had many admirers, but many haters as well. A group of them managed to commit acts of debauchery on his body, which ended up with Alessio being nearly traumatized and… pregnant. (do note, dragons are shapeshifters, so pregnancy works differently for them than it does for humans)

Lemuria (temp name): he is Alessio’s firstborn. Lemuria‘s DNA is composed of Kit and Alessio’s, but sadly was also mixed with the DNA of his abusers due to the brutality of their attacks. When Lemuria was born, Alessio had difficulty understanding that Lemuria is just an innocent baby. He refused to care for him, and twice he considers killing it, only to be brought back to common sense by his grandmother, Nari. It took months for Alessio to overcome the first hurdle of negative feelings he has towards the baby. Despite him being more caring towards Lemuria, he still has moments where he slips into thinking “I don’t want to care for an abusers’ baby. Get that thing away from me.”

He is still receiving help for this, and Lemuria’s grandparents try to create a normal life for him while keeping Alessio involved positively.

Lemuria knows his father hates him. He is a god’s child, so this makes sense. However, Lemuria thinks things will get better. When Alessio brought him to school, Lemuria was hostile towards the group of guys that traumatized Alessio. This filled Alessio with a little more hope that maybe his baby won’t grow up to be an abuser after all.

Naitoti: he is Alessio’s son that has the DNA of Kit, Rin, Ashuton and the Wishgiver they saved in another universe. Naitoti was a big hatchling when he was born and required a lot of power, nearly killing his brother and sister in the womb but also making Alessio weaker. Almost nothing can kill a god dragon, except their own children growing within them. Naitoti had to be cut from Alessio, but him siphoning so much power from his father had weakened him so much that he was killed in the process.

Rin risked the possibility of drowning for eternity by traveling to the hellish wolf planet to get the ancient wolflord to revive Alessio’s body (more about that detailed on Orm’s bio: https://toyhou.se/19792849.orm-atlison). Due to Alessio being a son of Argönon, resurrecting him required methods different than draconic science/magic. The wolflord was pleased with Alessio and his children’s existence and Rin’s intense love for Argönon, and sent the ancestors to bless Alessio’s children as well. Should they ever meet death, they will meet their lupine ancestors and be reborn.

Born/extracted alongside Naitoti was Mattia (a boy) and Edvige (a girl). Mattia has a defect because he was closest to Naitoti when Alessio and his own life force were being siphoned. Mattia is a short dragon, and won’t grow much. His shapeshifting abilities are heavily limited.

Edvige, whom has the DNA of Alessio, Kit and Reine’s warrior daughter Elspeth. As a Bloodwing dragon, she has red hair similar to Rico’s but brighter. At first it seemed Edvige didn’t have a defect, but she grew big unusually fast. She is taller and bulkier than Naitoti and Mattia.

Later Into the future, dragons re-settle on an old world and populate it with wolves and dragons (and Crotonians but they snuck in uninvited). Naitoti and Ashuton ended up sharing a body sometime before all of this, and they ended up on that planet with Naitoti’s two siblings. Ashuton’s main body was imprisoned in a tree + Alessio himself was kept in stasis beside it. Naitoti became a power source for his half of the planet, while Mattia took care of the other half.

Naitoti’s body would crystallize and he became revered by the dragons and wolves living on his half of the planet. The crystal throne he lays on is visited by his worshippers and they give offerings. He does wake up from time to time, leading to him creating a group based around his ideals. 

BUT things happen, he gains the title of Wombkiller because he siphoned lifeforce from mothers to get his own womb working (he failed), clashed with his brother and sister many times and was ultimately separated from Ashuton but imprisoned again—this time in Mattia’s body. Mattia turned their body into stone as a way of imprisoning Naitoti because of how destructive their clashes had gotten (think: splitting the ground type of destructive).

Mattia’s children and Edvige sought help from past version of Alessio, and he was able to unseal them and heal Naitoti with a warm kiss on the head and gentle words of encouragement.

There was more… but for the sake of brevity it will be input into its own story.

Mattia: he is the son who struggled to be taken seriously due to his shortness and appearance. Mattia struggles to maintain an older-looking form, thanks to Naitoti stealing power from him when they were growing inside Alessio.

Mattia has wolf ears and a furry mane on his tail, but chooses to hide these. Mattia is very wise, and a little basic. He likes peace, quiet and dancing. He knows how to cast spells with wolf dances taught to him by the women (and 3 men) spelldancers in Argönon’s clan. 

Mattia’s power is immense. During his clash with Naitoti, the duo split the grounds asunder. This immense power is why Mattia will always seek the non physical confrontation route of any conflicts he’s in. His sister Edvige will usually fight for him.

Besides that strength, he also has the ability to compel anything with just his presence. Not every dragon can compel anything. A lot of times Mattia isn’t aware of this and does his best to “turn off” that ability. He isn’t above using it to his advantage, though. All manner of heroes will bow before this dragon.

Edvige: she is Alessio’s daughter. Out of the trio, she is a bloodthirsty fighter like her mother. She is always looking for a dangerous battle to engage herself in. She learns from her enemies, incorporating their moves into her own. She has been felled many times but her body revived itself in the natural draconic way.

She is taller than both of her brothers, and wields a sword she crafted herself from the bones of her pet cat (this was no ordinary cat).

Edvige learned the process of smelting and bladesmithing when she was young. Her teacher was a smithy who lives in Argö’s clan. For some year, she dedicated herself to learning different smithing techniques and training herself in sword fighting and fencing. She only did smithing because she was bored.

That is all for Alessio’s children. When it comes to Karrucci children, the boys are usually a hot mess but the girls are vibing and enjoying their peace. Edvige is a perfect example. She’s relishing in the thrill of battle while her two brothers are going through an emotional crisis.