Write for the Coe Above- Lepus Literature

3 months, 4 days ago

Lepus and Orion find themselves outside their spaceship, on a previously undiscovered moon.

Lepus: "Hey."

Orion: "Yeah?"

Lepus: "You ever wonder why we're here?"

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Author's Notes

Set on a mysterious moon, with a reference to some other colourful space marine fiction in the introduction, this work of fiction is for the craft for the coelune event and can be expanded upon if necessary! So hopefully the characters aren't too OOC- that's why I decided not to go as far as I could. I mean, 5000 words would be easy seeing Lepus and Orion interact in a whole new, undiscovered environment, but before that sorta time sink I need to know if this is what the requester was asking for :(( idk the notes were: N/A what was I supposed to do with that?? not on u btw but I just dk where to start haha



“You ever wonder why we’re here?” The white-haired man turned to look at his partner, seemingly lost in thought. 

“I mean, that’s one of the galaxy’s greatest mysteries, isn’t it? Why are we here? Is there a god? Or some unknown cosmic coincidence that birthed us. Or perhaps, we are simply just characters drawn or written on a screen, brought to life by-” 

“No, silly; I meant why are we here, standing outside our spaceship, on this particular moon?” The purple haired humanoid- yes, on closer inspection they were both humanoids with rabbit ears- turns to poke their partner in the cheek. Which failed, because they both had helmets on. “I mean, what was that all about, Orion?” 

Orion flushes, turning red like the tips of their stray bangs, his tail twitching in indignation. “Nothing, Lepus, you don’t have to worry about that!” 

“Okay, okay I wasn’t gonna push!” Lepus smiles, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Then, his smile turned into a slightly more devious smirk. 

“...but now you’ve got my curiosity. What don’t I have to worry about?” 

“... we’re standing on this moon because somebody thought it was a good idea to send us both out to explore.” Lepus goes to raise their hand up again, wanting to poke at Orion’s adorable pouty cheeks. But alas- their bubbles were in the way. 

Wait. Hold on. Was that slander against them?

“Sheesh, way to change the subject. And you were the one who was getting bored on the planet we were on!” Lepus playfully swipes at their partner, who in turn, leaps back. 

“Oi! Careful there Lep’s! And I didn't mean- this just wasn’t my idea of a date, you know?” Oh no. Orion’s calling him by his nickname! Maybe Lepus should stop pressing his buttons for now. 

But his buttons were so fun to press! 


Before Lepus could figure out what exactly was the end result of this meaningless (but fun) squabble, their research equipment dinged. Specifically, their silicone filter. 

“Oh wow! Hey look, it’s done!” Lepus points out the obvious, leaving a slightly disappointed Orion trailing slightly behind them. “One day. One day I’ll get them to have a serious conversation.” 

Lepus reaches the machinery first, bounding over before squatting down to the small tool-box shaped invention that he neither knows nor cares about how it works. All she knows about it is to understand the readings. 

“Hmm let’s see, 5% oxygen, 18% nitrogen, 59% silicone- oh wait, this means we can breathe the air here!” Lepus shouts in excitement. 

“Hold on ‘Lu we don’t know about the unknowns of the atmosphere yet-” Orion reaches a hand out to stop them, but his hand instead just landed on their face, squishing their nose. 


Lepus darts out their tongue, making Orion flinch and pulling his hand back, before they open their mouth, “Well Ori, the air’s fine here!” 

“I swear, for whatever reason, the dumbest people are the luckiest,” Orion huffs to himself, shaking his head. If Lepus was dumb, then what did that make him? He who chose to follow this purple-haired idiot across galaxies? 

“Well, what’s the next step, Lepus?” 

Author's Notes

ushfiuds I hope that that was okay???