morning beauty.

3 months, 4 days ago

Hau takes Duvidha to a bookstore in Solane, but they take the long walking route of Glencloud instead to embrace the beauty of the morning world around them.

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Author's Notes

ANOTHER PEAKWING PIECE HEHEHEHE im really loving writing about them its been so much fun :,,) this was kinda like an environmental practice; i wanted to see how detailed n pretty i could make the scenery so hopefully i did a decent job <3 enjoy!!!

With as comfy and content as he was, it was quite hard to find himself waking up until the sun’s gentle kiss of arrival finally roused him awake.

The early morning mist was thick and wisping under the sky above as Hau peered his eyes open sleepily and shifted them out to his window, thick limbs sprawled out on the large bed frame with white sheets folded and tossed around his body in a clear attempt to cocoon him back in. He squinted and blinked a few times to register his surroundings, reaching a large blue talon over his face to rub away the clouds of sleep blanketing his eyes as he was greeted to the sight of the Glencloud docks following the ribbon of cobblestone slanting and twining down his door to the crystal blue waters. Even though he wasn’t right beside the water now, he still had a pretty decent view over the roofs of where his past residence was as he saw the early morning fishers already pushing their boats out to seize as many catches as they could in the welcoming rays.

If I had more motivation to fish, I’d be out there as well embracing this beautiful morning. Hau yawned, his maw gaping open to let out the warm gust of morning breath and blearily wiping at his face again before he sat himself up, tidying up the awkward fluffs in his mane while he blinked over at the clock, tilting his head. Though I think the early mornings would start to get to me more than they already are… I think I had somewhere to be this morning, didn’t I? What was it again?

His eyes caught on the small electric clock on the side of his bed, blinking to register the time and the buzzing it droned through his mind. He clicked his tongue, rubbing his eyes once more as he glanced out at the winding streets below. Elsewhere is working at the library again this morning, so I’ll go to see him… But there was something else, wasn’t there?

“What am I forgetting?” Hau finally asked himself in a mumble as he sat up a bit taller, rubbing his face and pinching his face now deeper in thought as his eyes searched away from the clock. Though the time wasn’t of much help, his eyes flicked around for more clues until they shifted towards the small clump of eggs in the room, resting against each other in bundles of blue and purple blankets with no mind in the world. Only when his eyes caught on their forms and saw the sun slanting off of their pale forms did he finally feel the jolt of realization zap him awake in a shockwave of surprise. He jerked himself up and off of his bed as he scrambled onto the floor, his feet making stumbling ground as he yelped out, “Oh! Duvidha!”

That’s what I was forgetting! Hau’s mind instantly clicked on as he fussed with his mane one last time before hustling over to the two eggs in the corner nestled away, giving them a gentle kiss on each of the smooth surfaces before quickly making his way down the spiral stairs of his home to the kitchen and living room on the bottom floor. His tail was bouncing and waving earnestly, feet pounding and thudding on the firm wooden flooring below him while he started to move around in his kitchen and basked in the morning sun glowing more intently through the taller windows making up most of the wall behind him. Oh, moons… I can’t be late to meeting with him! 

It was all clockwork from there; he let his talons do the work that he was trained to do for years, sifting up ingredients and concocting a quick but bountiful omelet steaming with eggs, potatoes, and vegetables with tangy and zipping scents that made his mouth water. He let his mind drift to the plans for the day as he glanced outside, stretching his wings briefly before focusing on the dabble of sunlight starting to peer over the rolling shadows of the coastline beyond. Today’s my first day taking Duvidha to the library. Ever since Elsewhere took over while Azira’s gone, he’s been wanting to go… Zucker and Fumes don’t have much time nowadays with their work schedules and Firefly being a bit more of a talonful, but I said I could take care of him and go with him! Especially since I’m dating Elsewhere, after all!

Which means it’ll be worse if I’m not on time! Hau whipped his head around towards another clock situated against a shelf in the kitchen, yelping once more with the buzzing digits winking at him beseechingly as he wrapped up his omelet and sectioned it out, eating most of it himself while he bundled the rest of it for the dragonet he would soon see. He readied the pack situated by the door, the brown leather cinch sack holding different copies of his partner’s books and his own notebook followed by a few loose coins and bills floating around that he nudged aside with the foil-wrapped meal as he slung the pack over his shoulders and settled it right under his wing before he slipped out the front door with a gentle click. 

Chilly! He shivered at the shade of the small hill inlet covering the minuscule sunshine they had in the early morning, but he locked up his door and quickly made his way out of the shade and into the faint cuts of light zipping through the tiled streets of the city as he rubbed his face one last time with his arm before smiling weakly up at the pale blues and golds beaming over the rise of hills and homes situated above him. He took a moment to embrace the late trails of sunrise, the scent of fish wafting around from the outskirts of the main city as colorful buildings were glinting from the hints of light accenting their renaissance hues. 

Don’t think I’ll ever get over the sunrises here, Hau mused dreamily, eyes wandering to all of the little details before glancing back down the streets leading into the city that were already starting to clamor with noise from the morning markets. With one last fluff of his sweeping wings, he started his way down with a few cheerful flicks of his tail. We can continue to watch the sunrise together, though! For now I need to go meet up with him!

He could practically taste the exotic and pungent smells of breakfast meals and divine coffee pours soaking in his nostrils as he made his way down the tightly packed streets into the heart of Glencloud, winding his way around the endless array of cleverly-placed food carts and drink wagons wafting their scents over the alleys and enticing onlookers to purchase their goods. He could even see some artists and painters setting up their canvases on a grassy hill tucked into the city on a higher rise above the slope of buildings around them, overlooking an inlet with cracks in between each building to give a view towards the lake. A quick waft of fresh paint and mixed fruits for different mediums of artistry drifted over his senses, locking his brain in a sweetened stupor before he forced himself to carry on. 

He wound through the streets expertly after a year and two of practice, letting his heart ache sadly with the carts and vendors he passed that he didn’t try to converse with this time around as they filled every corner of the plaza he was passing through. He even recognized an old friend from culinary school, shooting her a bright grin and getting a flutter of her antennas in return matching a warm and welcoming smile, only able to see a quick wave from her before he was on the move again. He slipped through the streets until he found himself on a familiar incline opening up with more views below them of the sloping city, making his way up the much quieter bend outside of the main plaza and streets and passing by the arrays of bunched houses squashed together until he reached the faded purple walls of the home he was looking for. His claws ticked to a halt, glancing around at the quieter streets as only a bird’s gentle coo was heard fluttering around him to null the louder clashes of the city behind him.

Nice and quiet… Hopefully that means Zucker and Fumes are getting some good sleep. He raised his talon to knock, but then hesitated as he pulled his wings back and let it hover over the door in uncertainty as he studied the tiny rounded window planted on the door in worry. Do they want me to knock? If they’re sleeping, would that disturb them? Hopefully it wouldn’t, hopefully Duvidha is ready for me and I don’t disturb anyone else…

He raised his talon and wavered once more before knocking delicately, doing his best to keep it as short and quiet as possible before lowering his talon back to the ground to wait patiently. He could hear soft clicking behind the door, followed by a voice that made his floppy ears perk with familiarity. His claws kneaded into the stones below, tail swishing to curl back around his claws while he waited with a gentle pulse occasionally whooshing through his ears soothed by the gentle rays of the sun on his back. Please tell me I didn’t disturb anyone…

Before the doubts could eat at him further, the door finally slipped open with a soft ding of a few tiny bells inside to reveal two shapes peering up at him and blinking in greeting. One had exhaustion clearly lining her blazing green eyes, but were still shining with welcome at the sight of him as she gave him a sleepy smile while she covered her eyes from the sun with a drape of her dark gray wings. “Ah, there he is. The big guy himself.”

“Fumes!” Hau perked up briefly at the sight of her, but then drooped seeing the sleepiness ruminating in her gaze as he ducked his head with a slight tilt behind it and a soft noise of concern bubbling out of his throat. “Oh, no. Did I wake you? I ran a little behind; I’m sorry.”

“No, no. You’re fine.” Fumes snorted briefly and waved one of her wings after Hau’s apology, shooting him a reassuring smile before stepping aside and peeling open her wing, revealing the brown dragonet in question that Hau had been waiting for. The younger dragonet assessed him with large blue eyes under his mother’s wing while she bent her head down and gave him a crooked smile, seeing her tail coming around and gently nudging her son as she brought him forward just a smidge. “Just wanted to make sure Duvidha got to you this morning and send him off before I went back to bed.”

Hau let out a hum of understanding, nodding as he did his best to give the dragonet a welcoming and warm smile of his own. The dragonet didn’t smile back, but his head bowed slightly in a polite greeting as he shuffled his claws with a timid expression that made Hau’s heart glow quietly in sympathy. So much more nervous than his sister, even though he’s older than her… I hope he’s okay with all of this.

But just as a few more doubts started clouding around his mind, worries gnawing on the tips of his teeth to make his jaw a little heavier, Fumes chimed in with a ragged voice filled with sleepy gratitude, “Thanks for doing this, Hau. We really appreciate it; I’m sure Zucker would thank you a million times if he were awake right now.” She shot an exasperated but affectionate look behind her shoulder towards a divot in the wall, a hallway Hau knew was leading towards the two different bedrooms in the house. “He’s a bit busy snoring away; don’t think I’m too excited about joining his snoring again, but I’m sure he’s relieved to get some good rest.”

“Oh, no worries at all!” Hau shot her a toothy grin after the lighthearted chide towards her husband as he shifted around his weight, puffing out his fluffy chest to brandish more of the cotton-like fur beside his floppy ears. His tail swished around briefly as well, the heart-shaped form flecked in pastel stripes from the hint of sunlight pouring down on them in hazy morning glory. “I’m happy to do it, and Elsewhere’s excited to have him! It’s a great opportunity for us all!”

“Both of you working on your skills for later then, yeah?” Fumes mused lightly with a knowing smirk now toying along her sleepy face, Hau’s face starting to burn with the implied scrutiny. She looked smug at Hau’s soft mumble and sheepish shuffle in return, flicking her wings once before settling them again.

Still nervous about the whole ordeal, but I suppose it is training in a way, Hau mused to himself as his mind flicked back to the two eggs safely bundled in the corner of his bedroom back at home. Though they occupied a portion of his mind constantly, having it brought in front by Fumes made his chest crawl with an anxious warmth he had to press away with a paw before it wound around him too intently. I’m glad I do have Fumes and Zucker here with us to help, though; they’ve been such good parents. Especially Fumes; I’m glad I can learn from her. 

Fumes hummed after Hau’s embarrassed silence, both of their eyes returning back to the dragonet underneath her wing still shuffling on his talons with uncertainty as he studied the two adults. His mother gently tapped his snout with a claw to draw his attention to her, gazing up while she gave him a steady nod in return while lifting her chin. She gestured to herself first, then Hau as she informed him evenly, “I know you’re naturally a good kid, but you’re going to be a very good kid for Hau and Elsewhere at the library, yeah? It’s a privilege to get this opportunity; I know you’ll use it well, but just remember to listen to them, okay?”

“I will,” Duvidha swore to her with a solemn note within the anxious squeak, Hau squashing down any sort of giggle from the dragonet’s pitch as he shifted a sack similar to Hau’s in structure looped over his shoulder and under his wing in the same manner. He ducked his head and hesitantly stepped up to Hau’s side, his wings twitching uneasily until Hau lifted one of his own wings up to let him hide away into his side under the thick blue drape of feathers he provided. He let his wing droop down again, but it was held lightly over his back and shoulders to give him wiggle room in case he didn’t want to be touched.

Nervous little bug… I’ll take care of you. Hau offered Duvidha one more smile before nodding up to his mother, who was watching both of them with a tired but softened smile that seemed to be a bit rare in the much more ferocious half of the dragonet’s parentage. He raised his talon and rested it on his chest, meeting her sharp green eyes as he swore to her heartily, “Don’t worry, Fumes. We’ll take good care of him, I promise.”

Fumes cracked a wider smile at his vow, nodding to him one last time before raising one of her talons up to gently push the door, keeping it cracked while she poked her snout through to muse to them both through the crevice, “I know you will. Have fun, you two.”

“We will!” Hau cheered with one last flutter of his wing, scooting back with Duvidha in tow to let her shut the door quietly behind her before he turned back to the street inclined behind them both, letting out a happy sigh and stretching his snout to the sunlight above. The crisp chill of morning air was dissipating under the sneaking waves of heat trying to warm up the environment around them, but the scent of all of the carts from behind him drifted from nearby to help his body wake up with a happy jitter. Moons, I really wish we had time to see all of the stalls. They all always have such good food; I’ve even made my own little pastries from time to time, and they sell so well! It’s always so much fun!

But when he glanced down at Duvidha under his wing, he saw him hunched up and blinking around them with another nervous glance, shifting his talons and his wings with a quiet and incomprehensible mumble that made Hau settle and ease himself back down, smiling weakly down at him. Poor nervous little guy… I absolutely get it; it can be a lot when first embracing it all. 

I want him to enjoy this though! I’ll show him what some of the morning markets have to offer; just a little taste of them for now until he gets used to all of it!

“Are you ready to head on out, then?” Hau asked him, keeping his voice gentle so he didn’t startle him. The dragonet jumped a little anyways, blinking up at Hau while he ducked his head to give him a soft smile to match his delicate demeanor. “I have a few little food and drink booths we can stop by for some morning snacks and drinks; Glencloud is practically infamous for having the best food vendors, and I’d love to show you some!”

With a small jolt of realization, Hau shifted his back around to his chest to rifle around in it for a moment, pushing past the currency and change dangling around before he found the foiled omelet back in his grasp as he passed it over to Duvidha instead. He gave him another comforting smile while he passed it on, adding with a small hint of pride sneaking into his voice, “Here’s some omelet I made this morning though; seems pretty good, if I said so myself! Just a little fuel for the rest of the day!”

The dragonet took it in one of his talons, unraveling it with a nose that twitched after the waft of warm egg hit both of their nares and made a hungry look appear in his eyes he didn’t try to hide. He took a tiny bite from it to test it out, chewing for a moment before a new shine in his eyes made Hau’s spirits rise along with his shoulders, a pleased hum now leaving the dragonet’s mouth as he nodded more earnestly and bit into it once more, the golden-brown mush in his claws gripped happily. 

That’s better; no one can resist my persuasive cooking, it seems! Hau gave him another grin, tucking his wing back around him once more before they made their way back down the slope and past the last arrangements of squashed housing to fade back into stacked apartments and restaurants as they went back into the shadows of the main city. The dream-chasing musicians were already at work with fluttering guitars and other string instruments twiddling through the air, mixing with the scents of cinnamon and maple winding throughout the compact streets and building crowds starting to flock towards prized stands for a chance at early morning dippings.

Hau could feel Duvidha shrinking into him more from the sight of the crowds and bustling activity, his wing tucking further around the dragonet in silent comfort as he strode into the square with a few unsteady beats in his chest that eventually evened out as he navigated through with Duvidha by his side. Even if it resulted in a few more bumps than normal, most dragons he accidentally nudged with a shoulder or a wing would give him a cheerful laugh and wave in return, adding to the evenly griddled warmth steaming within his heart and lifting his spirits to make his cheeks curl in a permanent smile while he waltzed through the life-filled clearing. 

It can certainly be overwhelming here, but I will never get tired of the cheerful audience Glencloud seems to harbor. It all feels so bright, so wonderful… I’m so glad I’m here. It’s right where I need to be.

But he geared his thoughts and focus back down onto the ground feeling Duvidha’s steps slowed in hesitance, keeping a wing around him as he dipped around a few carts to quickly scoop a few stops in before they reached the library. He was able to stop at a berry stall with dangling decorations showing off all of the different color-sorted fruits scattered around, grabbing a handful of different berries he passed down to Duvidha without hesitation as he shifted him aside to let him try them without halting the building lines. When he got them to a quieter corner of the center, he lifted his wing and glanced underneath to see Duvidha chewing on a few sticky warm violet berries with his face contorting from the tart and sweet aromas layering his tongue. Hau caught the moment Duvidha’s eyes shone brightly with the flavors settling in as he let out a cheerful chirp in response that made Hau laugh softly before guiding him to the next stalls, letting him snack on the berries all the while. 

He was able to stop by his friend’s stall he had seen before as it caught them on their general direction they were heading, recognizing the bee-themed cart selling different cafe drinks and honey specialities he didn’t hesitate to delve into. His eyes skimmed across the different options before landing on the specific golden-black jar, tapping it and pulling out the required change while he mused to the fluffy brown and gold dragon behind the jars, “You already know what I’m grabbing, Pollen; maybe just get a hot chocolate for the little one!”

“Of course!” The PeakWing, Pollen, beamed back at him through a fuzzy brown and gold face. She was already on her way over to the steamers and machines gurgling and hissing softly in steamed beverages wafting to Hau’s nose, flicking a few switches before a longer and satisfying drone came from one of the mixers as it bellowed up steam from the top. He caught hints of vanilla and coffee beans drifting over his senses, letting out a happy sigh before one of the antennas on the dragon’s head flicked to gather his attention with shining purple eyes warm with tease. “You certainly have a different way of showing your affection compared to your boyfriend; you’ve nearly bought out my whole blackberry honey stock!”

Calling me out this early in the morning… Hau’s face burned warmly with the comment, unable to suppress a soft and sheepish giggle as she nudged forward his vanilla latte and the hot chocolate for Duvidha’s flexing talons as he reached for the drink on his hind legs, taking it instantly and sipping it with a quiet yelp from the scorching liquid and an embarrassed expression he did his best to hide under his wings as he sipped it more carefully the second time. Hau snagged a few of the jars she nudged his way, waving his talon as dismissively as he could as he stumbled, “It’s not- It’s not a competition! I just like doing nice things for him too! And he appreciates it! It doesn’t have to be a big gesture like his!”

“Mhm, right! Have fun, lovebird!” The barista cooed, shaking her head with a grin and waving them off as Hau tucked a wing around Duvidha again to lead him away, happy to be given the dismissal with how warm his face was starting to fester. They were easing themselves out of the main morning market section, but Hau could still hear the trails of music from stray artists finding their place along the alleyways in the city, as well as starting to find even a few more painters as the buildings started thinning around them and making way for dangling ornaments scattered along the buildings and patches of fields to overlook the rise of buildings and the shining surface of the large lake they were heading towards. And in the distance beyond it all, Hau could see the rise of the bridge for their destination leading towards the rising towers and overwhelming density of the capital within their sights in splendid anticipation. 

Solane. Hau’s mind breathed out, letting his feet slow to take their time through the remainder of Glencloud as he balanced the sweetened drink in one of his front talons. He made sure Duvidha had a good grip on his cup before continuing at all, watching the dragonet sip it delicately and wrinkling his nose a few times to stamp down the scalding temperatures before going back to drink it, docked ears flapping in joy. As Hau chuckled at his reactions, he couldn’t help a faint twist in his chest as he saw the looming city in the distance they made their way towards. I suppose I get why Elsewhere would still want to stay there, considering it’s the capital and it’s great for his writing career, but… It all just seems so… Overwhelming compared to here. And that’s saying something with how busy these streets always are; just a different kind of busy compared to Solane.

He turned to glance back down at the streets behind him, hearing the echoes of laughter and more music starting to build up from their previous location in blended melodies somehow making something pleasant despite the different arrangements. He shifted his bag around so it was situated more comfortably under his wing before glancing over at Duvidha’s snout twitching while he inhaled the scent of the thick hot chocolate in its foam-like structure wafting up at him, wings still fluttering from the fragrance. After nudging him gently to get his attention with a gentle chuckle, Hau nodded out to the bridge and asked him warmly, “Are you ready for Solane?”

Duvidha blinked up at him in faint befuddlement, turning to look out at the bridge for a moment before his eyes skidded back to the town starting to fall more behind them. He cupped his drink closer to his chest before finally meeting Hau’s eyes again, his nod a little more hesitant but still certain as he folded his wings back and tilted his chin up with an excited glint caught briefly in his eyes. “Yes, sir. I’m ready.”

Oh, moons. That makes me sound much older; I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Hau laughed at the formality, nudging Duvidha briefly again before starting their way down to the coastline and the long bridge connecting the two cities over the lake now shining in more splendor as the buildings faded away behind them. As they ascended down the last slope of their town before reaching the bridge, Hau mused to him lightly, “No need to do formalities with me! Just call me Hau; that’s really what I prefer.”

Duvidha shifted his wings sheepishly, but there was a hint of a smile on his face that made Hau’s chest burst as the dragonet nodded again before sticking by his side once more, both of them making their way onto the marbled structure already filled with many different dragons strutting their way across the bridge or planting themselves on the cool surface to perform or paint with the vast lake surrounding them all. The other large cities were clear in the distance, seeing the large fortress walls of Plighten and the towering business suites of Lakeview glinting in opposite corners across the lake as they all formed long bridges to meet at the sweeping capital in the middle. And between them all, the early morning glares skipped across the shining glassy blue lake rippling with morning fishermen already making the most of the fair weather and whatever heat they had within the late winter off-season.

Glorious. One of the prettiest sights in the kingdom. Hau and Duvidha made their way along the long arch, Hau unable to hide a smile at the wondrous expression glowing from the round dragon's eyes as he stretched his neck and chin up to look over the walls making up the bearings for the bridge. He smiled down at the dragonet, taking the empty cup sloshing in a hollow hum in his claws before he spilled it and depositing it in a passing trash can while he murmured, “Quite a sight to see every morning, isn’t it? I’ve always enjoyed walking along the bridge to Solane for this reason, even though it would be much faster to fly. Soaking it all in is my favorite part of the day.”

Duvidha nodded wordlessly, Hau watching the young dragon’s eyes search around the passing dragons and the low drones of performers kicking off the day. He saw his eyes shifting over to the large towers of Solane they were slowly coming up closer to before his gaze finally moved to rest right above their heads, Hau flicking his eyes up as well to catch the drifts of white trailing clouds and the last of the morning’s haze decorating the pale blue canvas above their heads as he finally heard a quiet whisper mingled in awe from Duvidha, “This is your walk every morning?”

Exactly my reaction, even after over a year of experiencing it. Hau’s smile didn’t wear on his face, only solidifying itself more as he shrugged and adjusted his bag, tossing his own drink away before carrying on with a few more satisfying taps of his claws against the marble material. He couldn’t help a chuckle rising from his throat, making his fluffy chest bounce with the noise as his eyes set on the distant capital. “Most mornings, I try to! I come to see Elsewhere since he lives here, and I usually try to walk as long as I’m not in a hurry. It’s absolutely worth it to slow down and watch everything around you for a bit; you get to learn a lot about the PeakWings that live here or travelers coming to the capital by just watching some.”

A wordless murmur from Duvidha came in response, the young boy’s eyes constantly wandering to each passerby laughing with their partner or the lineup of fisherman choosing their location along the bridge, seeing his eyes already clouding with thoughts of what the dragon’s stories may be. Hau let him bask it all up in silence, keeping the smile on his snout as he led the way but slowed his steps to let them both soak it all in. He could see cranes soaring across the lake in flecks of white and hear the chirp of mesa songbirds, as well as listening to the fish jumping from the waters and splashing far below their talons that echoed when splashing underneath the bridge directly. All of it was paired with a much colder wind circling around them, a fresh chill from the lake’s breath around them but having the sun to do its best to warm them right back up again.

Still one of the prettiest places I’ve had the privilege of living near, Hau acknowledged with another smile, his eyes searching the backdrop of mountains packed behind the capital city, silhouetting the ostentatious glints and shimmers in front of them. A twang of melancholy pulled at his heartstrings, his smile becoming more wistful for a moment as he folded one of his wings closer to his side while the other kept a light drape over Duvidha’s shoulders. Ozyrn was gorgeous too, of course, but Glencloud… It has a bombastic beauty to it. Creative and joyous. Ozyrn was cozy and a good home to grow up in, but Glencloud is a great representative of my future. Mine and my friends that are here with me. I don’t regret it for a second moving here.

At last, after he let his thoughts peter away and their morning walk quickened slightly due to the brisk air around them chilling deeper into their bones, they reached the sweeping entry gates of Solane in their golden splendor as they were opened to reveal the large plazas already lined with PeakWings amiss, more pristine builds around them and more clamor bouncing off of the shiny walls as bells rang and shops with sizzling grills or trilling ornaments mixed in the swell of it all. The colors seemed much more sharp here, not as colorful or adventurous but still holding a similar glow and fervor behind them that the main lake cities seemed to carry.

Hau folded into himself and tucked Duvidha into his side until he could feel the quivering of feathers from his wings, trembling from the new overwhelming noises and sensations. As his blown eyes stared at the building crowds around them in alarm and fear, Hau ducked his head and murmured gently down to him, “It’s overwhelming for sure, but just stick right by my side. I’ll get us directly to the bookshop so we don’t get lost.”

Duvidha glanced up at him with shell-shocked eyes, but he nodded to show he heard with a trusting plea in his gaze that made Hau’s chest swell further. With a burst of determination fueled by the anxious dragonet’s expression beside him, he ducked his head and kept him firmly close to his side as he moved his talons forward, already set towards the destination of the library he had familiarized himself with beforehand. He could already tell the noises would get to him too much if he stopped now; the loud banging of objects and hollering of dragons were already making his ears buzz and the inside of his scales feel like they were constantly vibrating with it all. Usually he didn’t mind the excitement, but the stimulus from Glencloud itself was enough for him; Solane’s clutter was much more erratic and voluminous. 

So loud… So much going on! Solane is just another level compared to Glencloud; I don’t think I could ever live here full-time. I really do wonder sometimes how Elsewhere, Panacea, and Sedona do it… Need to stay focused, or else I’ll lose myself to something here!

He kept his chin tucked, only letting his eyes bounce around to the glimmering knick-knacks and streamers around him to check for landmarks before keeping his sights on the colorful tiles below his claws instead, his heart starting to pound louder in his ears with the buzzing feeling remaining as it traveled down to his talons and up around his face. He squinted and shook his head a few times to try and chase it off, the quivering child in his wing helping him keep focused on the task at hand. Don’t get overstimulated, just keep going…

He could feel a swing of relief in his chest when he felt the incline in the road slightly and glanced up briefly to see a round circle opening of another plaza at his disposal, a familiar building shining in pearly gold and white splendor in front of him as it was scattered with stars and plants trailing from the tall glass windows in tendrils for decorations around the building. Hau could see the large arrays of bookshelves and desks assorted within the tower, its arching height starting to rival a few of the buildings around it as he brightened at the sight. Already, there was a crowd of dragons around the front gathered and waiting with their own book bags, hushed murmurs and fidgeting claws as they waited for their study sight to open up.

One of the most prestigious and infamous libraries in the area, Hau recalled as they stepped up to it, catching the winks of luminescent paint spiraling in starry patterns outside of the building beaming from glimpses of the sun stretching over them. He paused to bask it all in for a moment, his mind flicking quickly with the image of the fluffy white and dark blue dragon that owned it with pride. I’m still surprised Azira let us in, but I can also understand why. Of course he’d want to keep his business going; a part of him probably wanted to show it off. Can’t say I blame him. 

With a quick glance around at the dragons, Hau felt another joyful lurch yank his heart at a familiar deep purple and white form stretch one of her wings out to wave towards him, a grin lighting up her features and making her red eyes shine. He hurried his way over to her, the dragonet still in tow as he came close enough to finally hear her words over the clamor of Solane’s morning streets paired with her illuminated beam, “Surprise! Hey, Hau!”

“Panacea!” Hau’s voice came out faintly strained from the clamor, and the dragon’s eyes instantly filled with sympathy as she waved her tail for them to follow. She guided them all away from the masses until they scooted their way up against the wall of the library, ducking under one of the protruding windows above them with winding vines trailing over their heads and into their manes as he gave her a relieved grin within the shadows of the building. “I wasn’t expecting to see you this morning! Thought you would already be at work by now!”

“Got a few hours before I head into the lab!” Panacea chimed, gesturing to the building beside them briefly before waving her claws up into the air as she motioned vaguely towards a road behind her and most likely the direction she came from as her smile widened briefly. “Usually I don’t have time, but they gave me a few hours in the morning to look for some books related to a certain disease they’re wanting some more information on. Figured since Sedona was sleeping in with Gale after finishing her messenger rounds, I’d come by before heading into work!”

Hau grinned back at her, shifting his wing aside to let Duvidha blink up at her and for Panacea to catch sight of the younger dragon. Duvidha still seemed a bit frazzled from the chaos of Solane, but his quivering was dying down as he shuffled under Hau’s protection and gave her a timid nod in greeting. Panacea let out a soft coo of her own, eyes shining with a halo of a newly mother’s love as she ducked her head and gave him a polite grin. “And hello to you, Duvidha! I heard you were coming by; I’m so excited that you wanted to come! I’m glad you like reading as much as I do; I’m sure Elsewhere will like it too!”

Duvidha blinked a few times, his eyes still wide while he watched her, but he eventually gave her another nod before nestling back into Hau’s shoulder, the large PeakWing nearly melting with the touch and the silent trust he was placing with the larger blue figure. Panacea giggled softly, taking a step back as her eyes shone in understanding when she met Hau’s gaze again with her own affectionate exasperation as she mused, “I wish Gale seemed as interested in books, but I think she took after her other mother instead. Hopefully I can convince her someday.”

Hau chuckled along with her, but he heard the chorus of dragons bundled around grow louder as he heard quiet clicking and tapping from inside the building as the locks were unlatched. He and Panacea both made their way out from under the shadows, Hau keeping Duvidha tucked into his side as they watched the doors of the library finally open and the swarm of PeakWings that had been waiting now flock inside with excited murmurs and cheers, nulling out the tinkling bell that rang as the doors were swung back for the public to enter. 

Hau’s heart started ringing along with the muffled bells from inside, but he forced his talons to stay planted where they were and gave Duvidha a patient smile when he glanced up at him questioningly, the three figures lingering outside. Let the herds go in first and let everyone else settle in before we go in… Need a second to calm down from the loud crowds anyways; at least waiting will help the others in the library disperse around!

Panacea didn’t seem bothered by waiting either; she was adjusting her satchel once more, quiet words murmured under her breath as if she were going over a list while she fluffed her wings out and flicked her pale tail around in her counting thoughts. As the rest of the audience made their way inside, the library starting to glow from the inside out, she finally flashed Hau an excited grin with a few excited hops on her feet. “Ready to go in?”

Hau nodded earnestly, giving her a returning smile and gesturing to let her lead the way as he unfurled his wing from Duvidha to let him bask in all of it by himself. When Duvidha flashed him a startled look, Hau gave him another comforting smile and nodded his head towards the open doors of the bookstore once more. “Go on! I’ll be right behind you, I promise. Go take those first steps yourself; you got this.”

Duvidha’s eyes arched in surprise, but Hau caught the wondrous and excited gleam returning to his eyes as his snout molded into a smile, nodding before turning and starting slowly after Panacea’s skipping steps making their way into the store. The dragonet was much slower and cautious, but Hau could see the trembles of excitement quivering through his steps and through the rest of his lean body as his chin tilted back to stare at the dangling glass stars greeting them by the entrance, too high for any of them to damage but catching the sheen of sunlight cutting through the plaza to rebound against them and give off a crystal blue sheen as he stepped in. Hau was right behind him as he promised, his eyes lingering on the glowing objects above him with a blissful smile as he reached up to tap one in greeting before stepping through the doors into the library.

It was certainly worth the talk and praise it brought up; the first few floors were like stepping into another realm, decorated in pearly whites and diamond blue sheens as decorations of plants blended with the regal pale hues in display. Bookshelves were arranged and painted as if comets were shooting across the bearings, capturing the paperbacks as asteroids in a galaxy of knowledge as more vines and white berry-like bushels in pots were blooming along tables and small study inlets pocketing through the first few floors. The windows down in the lower floor were wider, giving a clear view of the streets they were walking on just previously but nullifying the noises to a satisfying hum and replacing it all with the sound of windchimes hidden throughout and glass dancing in the sunlight to cast bubbles of white glow along the floors and walls.

But as his head tilted back and up to take in the rest of it, he saw the extent of levels stretching far above his head as the color scheme faded to beautiful blacks and dark blues, more star-like decorations dangling from the roof and walls of the building to catch more of it in a literature starscape. More shelves and tables lined themselves up back away from the large center space open for dragons to fly in, some already finding the hidden alcoves within the bookshelves as they nestled into the provided blankets and pillows with a few books and scrolls at their disposal. It was all blended together in milky-like cosmos, Hau taking a deep breath as he took it all in.

It’s one of the most gorgeous places I’ve seen. It really does remind me of the actual owner of the store, if I were to be honest. He took a few steps in further to stand beside a gobsmacked Duvidha, his jaw gaped open while he stared around him. Hau chuckled as he waved to Panacea before watching her depart, his eyes following her before she vanished into the shadows and left him to look back around at the peaceful core of the plant-woven floors. Even though Azira isn’t here right now, and even though we had a rough start… It is really nice that he let Elsewhere run it for a bit and make some profit from the book sales while he’s in between projects. I wasn’t really expecting it from him, but it’s nice. And it’s nice getting to witness this beauty every day.

At the thought of a few dragons, Duvidha jumped as there was a swoosh of wings from somewhere above. And as Hau turned his eyes back up to where the building was shrouded in stars and darkness, he found a dragon a few floors above already leaping off the floors and stretching the two pairs of wings out in full spread, gusts of wind and billows of pages rippling from his extra support. He appeared like a swirling galaxy of his own, dark colors blending and mixing together to peel a dragon right out of the night sky as all four of his wings were flapping slowly to glide his way down to the two dragons staring up at him, Hau immediately catching the glowing blue eyes and the bountiful joy he could see lighting them up. 

Speaking of beauty and one of the most beautiful things to witness… Hau watched the form descend on them, feeling every part of his body previously humming from nerves now aflame and glowing with the gentle kindles of a reassuring candle, cozy and homely while his face was burning with much more abashed coloring. The stutter in his heart from the first development of his feelings came back in full swing, always evident at the sight of the dragon in front of him. There he is.

“Hau!” Elsewhere finally called to him, landing a few feet away from him and Duvidha with a sweep of his wings and a few scatters of listless scrolls on the ground prey to the miniature hurricane as they rolled around in a cluttered frenzy. The keeper poked the strays with a claw, startled at the mess and quickly nudging the mess of pages out of the walking path before striding his way over to the fluffy blue and white PeakWing, his long dark legs helping him stand a few inches taller than the thick dragon in front of him as he gave him a shy smile doing its best to hide his radiant joy and affection. “I was wondering when you were going to show up. It’s great to see you.”

Hau swallowed away the dryness that had accumulated in the back of his throat, doing his best to relax the stutters of his heart and the flames around his face as he took a few steps closer to his boyfriend with a growing grin on his face. He couldn’t help the soft giggle bubbling from his mouth either, filled with affection as he nudged his partner briefly with his snout. “We tried to show up as early as we could, but I wanted to show Duvidha some of Glencloud’s street markets. It’s hard to resist them.”

Elsewhere’s calm and luminous exterior was ultimately contrasted by the embarrassed and sheepish look appearing on his face from the intimacy, his scales too dark to have a noticeable blush but feeling the heat from his cheeks before Hau pulled away. He shifted his gaze over to the dragonet in question, who was staring at Elsewhere with doe-wide eyes as he gave the younger dragon a gentle smile in return. “That’s fair. How’s he liking all of this so far?”

“It’s a lot to adjust to, but he’s warming up to it. He’s doing well.” Hau turned towards Duvidha and waved him over with a talon, doing his best to have an encouraging smile on his snout. Elsewhere shifted beside him to appear much calmer as well, seeing the tall dragon crouching down slightly while Hau gestured over to the dragonet. “Come say hello! You remember Elsewhere, right? My boyfriend?”

Hau caught the abashed glow on Elsewhere’s face once more at the title, but he returned his gaze to Duvidha as the dragonet crawled up slowly to the two with glowing eyes, his steps tender but curious as his wings pressed tightly into his sides. His torn horns were caught in glints of orange light from the sheen of glass and sunlight glow from the windows near them, shifting as he tilted his head to study Elsewhere before he chirped out weakly, “Hello…”

“Hi there,” Elsewhere greeted, Hau’s heart turning to gurgling mush hearing the extra note of gentleness within his voice. He ducked his head to smile at the dragonet, folding his wings in tightly but spreading one of his smaller ones out towards the endless arrays of books around them. “I’m glad you came. We have a lot of books that you can choose from, and I’d love to help you pick some out if you’d like.”

Duvidha seemed too spellbound from it all to formulate a full response, but the mentions of books certainly piqued his interest as he perked up with a more eager nod. He was still hunched from his nerves, but a portion of him seemed to relax slightly at the mention of his favorite hobby as he started stepping towards a few shelves on the bottom floor, pausing to take it all in as his fur and scales were caught in amber hues from the outdoor light.

Hau’s heart softened once more for him, images of the dragonet from earlier in the day flicking across his mind with all of their adventures beforehand. Seeing him standing alone, encased in glowing highlights from the literature world around him encompassing him in full, Hau’s heart was full at the sight. He absolutely belongs here too. Even though he’s young, he absolutely belongs in the library. I can already see him being just as in love with the city as I am. 

Before he could move any further, however, Hau felt a gentle breath ghosting across his ear as Elsewhere murmured to him, his wings gently brushing against Hau’s own, “I can tell you’ve taken good care of him with how confident he already is. You’re a natural at all of this.”

Three moons, he really does know what to say to make me a mushy puddle… Hau knew his face was exploding with color, unable to hide the building heat clouding his face in crimson glow as he pulled back slightly to give Elsewhere a sheepish grin. “I don’t know if I’m a natural, but I do enjoy it. It takes time and patience, something I do my best to have for everyone. It goes a long way.” 

With a tiny nudge from his wing, Hau added in a hushed tone as he stepped closer to his partner to feel his breath brushing back against him from the cool surface of Elsewhere’s cheek beside him, “You’ll be great at it too, I’m sure. I’m excited to see you show him around and talk about all of your favorite books.”

Elsewhere had the grace to appear more sheepish than before, shuffling on his talons and glancing back out at the dragonet with many different thoughts starting to swim over his face. But before Hau could question any of them, Elsewhere gave him a gentle smile and stepped forward, ducking his head to plant a gentle kiss on Hau’s snout. Hau leaned back up into it, reciprocating the quick but blossoming warmth of his touch before he stepped back, brushing his dark wings against his lighter ones as he murmured gently, “I’ll learn from the best. It’ll be a fun adventure we can take together.”

Just like our future dragonets, Hau’s mind mused with another gushy puddle of warmth sifting around and soaking his heart in as he took another step up towards his tall dark partner. He leaned up and planted a kiss on the dragon’s cheek, murmuring with a note of giddy excitement sneaking into his tone, “And it’ll be good practice for later on. I can’t wait for our turn and our own dragonets.”

Elsewhere’s jaw hung open, doing his best to try and hide the blundering expressions of anxiety, joy, panic and love that all mixed into one until he coughed loudly and shuffled his wings around, his flustered state making Hau’s chest bubble in affection once more. He giggled, his feathers fluffing out at the cheesiness of it all as Elsewhere took the lead first to head over to the dragonet in quick and elongated strides. He paused by him and ducked his head to speak to him, starting to gesture with his wings and his claws as he began his ramble about the bookstore he was tending to with claws pointing out small corners and details that Duvidha soaked in with awestruck glow behind his deep blue eyes. 

Hau let himself soak in it all for another moment, his eyes lingering on the two before stretching out throughout the bookshop and to the windows showing the rest of the unfurling town outside. His heart was much lighter, singing with a gentle tune that mingled with the faint trills of birdsong harmonizing with the windchimes nearby as his whole body was encased in warmth. 

Living in beautiful cities with delicious food and rich culture, alongside my best friends with dragonets of their own and the love of my life right by my side, ready to take the next step with me and our own dragonets coming soon. What a great life to live. 

Hau gave the outside world one last smile before he turned towards the two dragons waiting for him expectantly, reaching for the dark outstretched talon as he let himself sink right into the side of his partner in comforted bliss. And as he did earlier that morning, he let himself tent a wing over the dragonet that the smaller form happily sank into as the three made their way deeper into the library, their adventures of the morning only barely begun.