Athena Bio

2 months, 30 days ago

Athena's Bio; done by Cenocide on TH

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Athena is a young adult who, during the day enjoys being outside enjoying the weather. She can often be seen drawing, doodling the beauty of the world around her or those she cares about. If she isn’t drawing, she will almost always be reading. She is rather soft spoken and carries a gentle smile, taking each step with elegance; her head held high.

However, during the night it’s as though an alter-ego comes out. Athena really breaks out of her shell when the nightlights turn on! She frequents raves, night clubs, and bars. Making sure to never miss a beat, she will often bar hop with one, or all, of her partners. Dancing, drinking, and enjoying the buzz, Athena thrives in the night time.

With all that being said, she is in an open relationship with her partners Blair, Ravage, and TBN. She loves them all very dearly, as they mean the world to her and she means the same to them. She is an absolute flirt and tease and will use this against her partners daily, trying to use her cuteness as a way “out” of punishment… But it never works.