God of Death

2 months, 30 days ago

Character Creation for Wedda; The God of Death

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Name: Weddo I Gyd; Welsh Origin; End of All; Death

Race: Deity; God of Death

Gender: No true gender, takes on the appearance of female

Age: Appears late 20s/early 30s but is as old as time; truthfully

Height: 6’10”

Weight: 220 lbs

Build: She is muscular, but still on the lean side. She has a six pack, and visible muscles that are noticeable when she flexes. She has an hourglass figure, with built but lean arms. Her chest is a 36D cup and she has thick thighs. Her eyes are predatory and narrow, angled somewhat downwards towards her nose, similar to a wolf’s eyes. She has a chiseled chin and a defined jawline on both sides. She has high cheek-bones, and her skin displays no wrinkles as she is ageless. She has a delicate, button nose that seems to complete her whole face. Her eyebrows are thin and long, her left eyebrow having two slits cut into them, her right eye having a claw mark with two of the three slashes going through her eye. Her right eye has black and white eyelashes, the left half being black on the top and bottom, the right half being white on the top and bottom. Her right eyebrow is also half black and half white, the left half being black, the right half being white. Her left eyelashes are also black and white, but they’re disorganized and sporadic in their placing. Her left eyebrow is also black and white, but the colouring is also disorganized and sporadic. The same colouring + placement applies to her second set of eyes as well.

Ethnicity: Welsh

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


“Forget about revenge. The fate of those who seek revenge is grim. It's tragic, You will end up suffering and hurting yourself even more. Even if you do succeed in getting revenge, the only thing that remains is emptiness.”

“I'd been wondering whether there is a meaning to a failed love. Is something that disappeared the same as something that never existed? But now I know there is. There was a meaning right here. Because despite the heartbreak, I'm still glad that I fell in love with you.”

Skin Colour: Caucasian, but she has more of a white pigment to her.

Eye Colour + Appearance: Her eyes are the spitting image of “predatory existence”. The whites of her eyes are a bit more grey, a light grey, but definitely grey. However the veins in her eyes are a void black, blacker than the eye can perceive. However, her veins are string-like, almost as though there were a spider living within them and spinning a web. Like a madman started scribbling desperately over her eyes, trying to block out the horrors escaping from within. Her pupils, oh her pupils. They were slit, like a reptile’s. They’re bright purple and almost diamond shaped, and have many smaller diamonds within, only darkening (purple) in colour. Lastly, around her eyes are these cracks that are painfully similar in colour to the veins within her eyes. They’re rather prominent against her skin, causing her to look as though a child dropped a porcelain doll and she began to crack around the eyes. However, when angered, the cracks seem to deepen, darken, and lengthen. No one is sure why this happens, or quite frankly, what happens when she’s like this. In addition to this, she has a second set of eyes underneath the first set. This set of eyes are for nocturnal use only. They can be damaged when exposed to sunlight, and are always closed during the day or when she’s in the light. They appear as slits when they’re closed. Due to them being nocturnal, if a light is shone on them, they glow a bright white colour that’s almost blinding. 

Hair Colour: Black that slowly ombres to dark grey, to light grey, to white, to translucent. The true length of her hair is unknown; thus her power is unknown

Hair Length: Appears to go down past her knees, but the true length is unknown

Hair Style: Long straight hair, with bangs that fall past her eyes. However, her bangs seem to split perfectly, some parts in between her eyes, and other parts of her bangs brushed to the side of her face. No matter what happened, they always remained out of her eyesight. 


Right Arm:

On her right arm, Wedda has a red Welsh Celtic Tribal Dragon that extends the whole length of her arm, wrapping around it. The tail begins on her middle finger, wrapping around it, then her hand, and the rest of the body extending upwards the length of her arm. The head ends on her collarbone, the jaw looking like it's opened, going to take a bite out of Wedda's throat.

Left Arm:

On her left arm, Wedda has three Welsh Celtic tribal symbols linked together, repeating several times in a chain that wraps around her arm. The first symbol starts on the palm of her hand, the following symbols following suit, wrapping around her wrist and upper arm, before the pattern repeats, the chain of tribal symbols repeating and wrapping upwards until the last symbol lands on her left shoulder. The first of the three symbols is the Five Fold Symbol. This symbol in particular is often tied to the balance of the universe. The circle in the middle is the universe while the four items around it symbolize the elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The second symbol of the three is the Triquetra. It symbolizes eternity and equality as well as the mind, body, and soul, and the past, present, and future. The last of the three symbols is the Shield Knot. It offers power along with protection.

Scars: She has a main slash scar that’s across her left eye. The largest, deepest slash out of the three present goes through the iris, discolouring her eye to white where the slash is. This doesn’t interfere with her vision. The scar extends upwards several inches onto her forehead, and downwards several inches towards her cheek. This specific slash also goes through her second left eye. The second slash of the three is just an inch or so above her eye, but below her eyebrow and extends down through the whites of her eye (on the right side of the left eye) and then curls dowards at an angle to the right, crossing onto and over her nose. The third slash seems to be the lightest, and the “gentlest” of them all. It’s lighter in colour, and the shortest in length. This slash doesn’t touch her eye, instead it’s on the left side of her eye, but underneath it. It extends downwards a few inches, barely long enough to go over her second left eye. 

Other Markings: In addition to her main scar over her eye, she has scars littered all over her body. Though, due to her being a God, the scars healed into thin, silver lines. They almost looked too perfect to be scars, but there’s nothing else they could be.

Other Appearance Additives: Several:


She has two sets of horns that are adorned in many trinkets. They range from skull and bone fragments of every single species, to wrappings, to bells, and more. There’s also been rumours that there’s trinkets from Love woven within the intricacies as well. The first set of her horns are on the side of her head, just behind her temple and above her ears. They’re large and curl backwards, extending just past her ears before the loop ends and begins to curl again. However the second loop is rather loose, and appears almost poorly formed. The remainder of her horns after the first loop are almost vertical, though near the end it does curl back several inches. These horns are black in colour, but slowly ombre to dark grey, light grey, white, and then translucent. Similar to her hair, however her horns do have an ending point. Her second set of horns are on her forehead. They’re long, and extend upwards vertically about two feet. They’re cone in shape, however they slowly slim down to a point at the tip. However, the right horn is broken and is only about a foot and half in length. Only Death and Love know how she befell this injury. Where the horn is broken, it shows no sign of healing, nor will it ever. The break isn’t even either, it’s rather rigid and there’s prominent cracking several inches down the horn, however it won’t break any further. Her second set of horns are the same colour as her other set.


She has a long, whip-like tail that is centered on her lower back.. It appears segmented and metal in material. Her tail, when it’s not elongated, is eight feet long starting at the base. When it’s elongated, that length is doubled. Even though her tail appears metal, it is a part of her flesh, though it’s as strong, as durable, and as sharp as any otherworldly weapon. At the tip of the tail it comes to a sharp point. Her tail also consists of an infinite poison generated by her life force that causes the receiver to turn into ash from inside out. In addition to being able to lengthen and poison, it can also split into eight separate segments, however this also cuts down the strength, durability, sharpness, and potency of her poison down to one eighth of what it originally was. Her tail is black that slowly ombres to dark grey, light grey, white, and then translucent. The translucent colour starts at around six feet in length. The inner workings of her tail however are a dark royal purple that have flecks of glittery black, dark grey, light grey, and white within them. In addition, when moving, her tail is silent, even though it appears metal in appearance.


She has eight wings in total, two sets of four and they’re centered on her back. However, the wings that appear to be the upper wings are actually placed lower on her back. The wings that appear to be under or lower wings, are actually placed higher on her back. The first four are large and are in front of the other four, and are slightly smaller than the other four as well. The upper wings on both pairs look like a crescent flipped on its side, the points pointed upwards. However, there is a gap in the center, where her head and torso is located. The actual bone on the four upper wings that protrudes from her back is curved rather deeply. It curves inwards towards the feathers. Now, her second set of wings come down at about a 45 degree angle away from her actual person, her body. They’re a bit thinner, appearing almost more kris-like in shape. (A Kris is a dagger from Javanese Origin) Even though these are wings, they almost appear metal in material, similar to her tail. However they are silent, similar to her tail as well. They are also made of her flesh, similar to her tail as well. Her wings are, starting at the base, black that slowly ombres to dark grey, light grey, white, and then translucent. The inner workings of her wings are a dark royal purple that have flecks of glittery black, dark grey, light grey, and white within them. Her wingspan totals sixteen feet, each wing being eight feet in length and height. Lastly, around the inner outline of the main bones on her wings are placed eyes. There’s no set amount of eyes per wing, however it is a single line, they don’t stack on each other horizontally. Each eye is a near perfect copy of each of the other Gods. They don’t obtain any abilities/powers that the God’s have. The only thing it allows Death to see, is the “realm” the Gods reign over. This is to push the narrative, “No matter whom you pray to, whether you pray or not, I am the one who comes for you.”


She has three sets of fangs. One on her upper canines, and one on her lower canines, they’re about one inch in length. Her upper canines can extend eight inches in length. This can occur when angered, but she can also extend and retract them at will. However, the base fangs are always there, she cannot make them look humane like her other teeth. The third set of fangs is behind her upper canines, on the first upper molar. Instead of looking like a human upper molar, it looks like another canine fang, similar to her upper fangs. However, this set is about three fourths of an inch long.


Her ears are long, and pointed outwards, resembling that of an elf’s. Her ears come to a rather sharp point, and are adorned in several piercings and chains. All her piercings are black in colour with all the chains being silver. Although, there have been sightings of a pink piercing here, or a purple piercing there, and maybe a gold chain as well. Everyone speculates (knows) that this is Love’s influence on Death. Her ears are white in colour, but slowly ombre to light grey, dark grey, and then black. 


All of her veins are visible through her skin. Her veins are the blackest black, that’s it. No greys, no glitter, just black… The blackest black. It’s also noted that when she’s angered, the veins in her arms, around her eyes, and in her neck thicken and become textured against her skin, like they’re popping out.

Outfit: Please See Reference Photos Document

Language: Can speak, read, understand, and write every single language

Personality: Wedda is cold and calculated. In addition she is cunning, manipulative, ingenious, intimidating, serious, and quick to snap. She shows zero remorse, and often shows no hesitation when performing her duties. She couldn’t care less about the other Gods, only Love, Rau, having her full attention. Underneath her unnerving exterior, she’s extremely passionate, but she’s rather toxic. She’s controlling, possessive, and obsessive. However, for her relationship with Rau, this seems to work. Wedda would annihilate anything in her path to ensure the happiness of Rau. If Wedda isn’t around Rau, there isn’t a soul that can keep her in line and control what she does. The only reason she maintains a civil relationship with all forms of life is because of Rau. After thousands of years of being hated, someone finally showed her love. It’s begun to change her outlook on life, but it’s a slow process. She’s made many enemies in the line of maintaining her peace with Rau, and she’ll continue to do so until the end of time… Literally.

History: Big bang happened, life forms were created, life forms began to die, bam, Death.

Current Time Period: unknown

Stats: unknown


Life Force Absorption:

Wedda is able to absorb the Life Force from any living thing and then convert that force into Death Force via Life Force Conversion. This allows Wedda to regain health, stamina, endurance, and mana. 

Death Denial:

Wedda is able to deny, elongate, or change the death date of any living thing. In the same regard, she is also able to speed this process up. However, if Wedda were to save someone when they were supposed to die, it does absorb a chunk of her own Life Force.

Life Force Conversion:

Wedda is able to convert any form of Life Force into Death Force. This allows Wedda to regain health, stamina, endurance, and mana.      

Death Force Manipulation:

Wedda is able to control the Death Force in herself and the others. She’s able to shape her own Death Force, having it take on appearances of animals or humans. Upon completion, the Death Creature will have a conscience but will be subservient to Wedda. She can make multiple copies of this, and she can use her own Death Force to create anything of her wildest dreams. However, she isn’t able to do this with another's Death Force, unless she absorbs it and turns it into her own. She is however, able to manipulate the longevity or quality of one’s life through Death Force Manipulation.

Death Manipulation:

Wedda is able to control the bodies the dead left behind long ago. Through this, she’s also able to create new and different skeleton creatures from skeletal remains that don’t make up a whole being.

Call To Arms:

Wedda is able to call out to the familiars from her realm. Whether it’s from the void or paradise, any and all come to her aid. Upon summoning, the familiars have a conscience, but they serve Wedda. They can be used as allies for an attack, or Wedda can sacrifice them via Death Force Conversion. Upon death or sacrifice, the familiar returns to the plane of which they came. 

End To All:

Wedda is able to unleash a force of decay. This force spreads all over an entire planet, causing all living things to slowly decay away, crumbling away into piles of dust upon death. This process is slow and painful, causing the recipient's veins to grow ichor black in colour. It turns their eyes bloodshot, and wild as their sanity is shattered before death. The decay starts with the least important organs, starting the decay process from inside out. Before turning to ash, the decay causes the body and all parts to liquify whilst the recipient is still conscious and alive. 


Wedda is able to steal the Life Force from any living thing. Thievery doesn’t convert the Force, instead it steals it and then releases it into the air. When this happens, neither Wedda or the being she took the Life Force from have it. It’s like it never existed, gone, dissipated into the air. Wedda is able to continuously drain any living thing until it no longer has any Life Force left. If she does this, the living thing shrivels up before exploding into ash, now dead. In the same regard, she is also able to take tiny increments if she wants to at a time. 

Note: Life Force cannot be regenerated unless a being has a specific ability that does so. Life Force is equivalent to your age, not your health. In the same regard, it’s similar to wounds inflicted by a Soul Weapon. Soul Weapons wound a being’s soul, trapping them in the body they’re currently in until they die. In addition to this, the wound will not heal unless a being has a high ranking healing spell that directly heals the soul. The exchange for this is usually the healer's life. 

I See You; I Hear You:

I&I is a passive ability that allows Wedda to hear and see everything everywhere at once, no matter the plane or realm or time of existence. She sees and hears, quite literally, everything.


Infinite is a passive ability that allows Wedda to be anywhere and everywhere at once, no matter the plane or realm or time of existence. She is anywhere and everywhere all the time, at every single moment, in everyone’s life. If Wedda were to “die” in one part of a world, she wouldn’t be dead. The variation or version of herself wouldn't exist for that brief moment. Infinite will always ensure Death’s existence in all of time and reality. The only thing able to override Infinite would be the cease of all time in all places of all realities. This includes the past, the present, and the future in all planes and realities of existence. There isn’t a “main” version of her, though many speculate that there is a main one, and it’s the variation of her that’s always with Love.

Shadow’s Embrace:

SE is a passive ability, that’s realistically more of a curse, that Wedda has. If Wedda were to make physical contact with anyone, they would immediately begin to crack and crumble, starting around the heart. As the person begins to crack, shadowy arms begin to creep up from Death’s Mother, Earth. These poorly formed arms grasp onto the person, causing them to slowly turn into a shadow themself. As they go through the change, they slowly submerge into pitch black. Until all that remains are the memories of the person that was once before her as they are now one with the void. Depending on the relationship Wedda has with the person, the death can be excruciatingly painful, or the more euphoric moment of their life.

Enchanted Items: She has 10 rings, one on each finger. They all do all have different abilities and do separate things. She also has two necklaces that are meant to be worn together. The necklaces also have a specific ability. Will be added when it’s not 4 AM and I have a thundering headache.


Dyno Dwr; Killer of Men

Dyno is Wedda’s Legendary Weapon, her Grimoire. Inside it holds all her spells, along with her mana reserves. It also holds all information about the other Gods and other otherworldly deities. It also has the list of every being that owes her a favour, money, anything. There’s also curses, buffs, and debuffs in her Grimoire as well. Living within the Grimoire, like the book was possessed, is the Legendary Welsh Cat Creature; Cath Palug. That is who Dyno truly was. Upon being slain, he swore subservience to Wedda. She bound his soul to her Grimoire. In doing so, Dyno is able to take a material form. When in his true form, he is about 10 feet tall on all fours, and about 12 feet long, not including his tail. He is 20 feet long with his tail being included. He has eight tails, which represent the amount of lives he has. He looks like a large Puma, but has chin fur that's several inches long. His facial bone structure seemed to resemble a Caracal, as well as his ears. As they were long and had tufts of hair at the ends. The hair itself was several inches long and stood straight up. His tail also ended in a tuft of hair, similar to a Lion’s, except it was much longer, the tuft of hair being nearly a foot long itself. It also came to a point and laid/stood straight. His paws are about the size of two Human heads, slightly larger. His claws are several inches long, and several inches thick. His two front canines are several inches long, far larger than any canine on any animal. Whilst Dyno was alive, he was a light blue colour with dark blues shaded on his sides, neck, and hindquarters. His tufts of hair were also pure white and his eyes were crystal clear blue. In addition, his teeth and claws were white, and his tongue was pink. Now that he’s dead and bound to Wedda, he is light grey with dark grey shading, in the same spots. His tufts of hair are now the blackest of blacks, and his right eye is identical to Wedda’s, his left eye being pure black with a silver slit for a pupil. His teeth and claws are now black in colour and his tongue is white in colour.

Weaknesses: Wedda doesn’t have many weaknesses, as she is Death personified. One cannot kill Death. However, Light Magic/Abilities do work exceptionally well against her. Life Magic/Abilities also do a number to her. Lastly, attacking her Life Force directly also works on her, but her Death Force also acts as her Life Force. So she essentially has two health bars. However, the only way to actually kill her, would be to annihilate/destroy all of reality, taking her, and quite literally, everything and everyone else with her. Even then, she would be the last to die. All of time in all planes of all realities of every single existence would have to collapse and cease to exist simultaneously. Once everything else is dead, Death would then fall. This isn’t to say variations of her can’t be killed. The entirety of her just can’t be removed from existence without everything going before her. Variations of her can also be imprisoned or trapped.