Prompt #1: “Even in Death, I will be there for y

3 months, 2 days ago

Explicit Violence

First Prompt; WIP

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“It’s been years since Ilia had passed. Maybe not many, but life had moved on. The sun rose, the sun set. 

Shi was blinded, after Ilia passed. But she’d succeeded, she’d protected the one she’d chosen. 

Now? Now, it may all go up in the flames, as those that consumed Ilia and Kyrena.

Slowly, the forces converge on the academy. Academi'r Bendigaid, Academy of the Blessed, they’d finally settled on. But it’s no time to linger on the past, merely on the battle at hand. Inazuma is restless and sparking with a fury that was barely seen, almost uncontrollable in the light of the first battle since Shi had been rendered blind. Despite their prowess, despite their training, preparation, the likelihood of survival slowly slims as the calls echo through the halls.

“Twenty thousand strong!”, Caisin. “Harpoons, bloody incredible, truly, far better-”, That seemed like Avalon, or someone even happier when faced with such slim chances of life.

It continues, as Shi carefully prepares her beast, carefully prepares herself. There’s no one left now, that Shi could entrust both the life of her Ina and herself to.

A storm is brewing, she can tell. Inazuma is outside, perched on the stone rings above the valley, keeping watch of her domain and the lightning crackles along her scales, dancing across Shi’s skin. They breathe together, then, listening to the commotion. “The last resort. Keep the academy safe.” Keep yourself safe, is what no one truly said. Shi waits, letting Inazuma be her eyes.

“Come, my girl. What are you waiting for, hm? Thy Lady Death has granted us an audience, if only briefly.”

A warm hand under Shi’s chin, and hot, almost burning warmth, across her eyes. The nerves bind together and the skin smooths, broken to mended. Cold to warm.

Thunder cracks. Kyrena roars a challenge to the skies and launches from the stone, the wind that at first seemed to whip Ilia’s form away now catching the solid forms. Inazuma shrills a battle cry and once again, fire and storm prepare to descend on the battlefield.”

Even though the ceremony had taken place over a week ago, Shi endured that pain like it was happening daily. She has lost many loved ones, but never one she had loved this much. Her breathing, to this day, was still painful. The colours around her were dull, diluted, no longer exploding with magical prowess. The sounds around her were muffled, nothing of importance fell on her ears anymore. Once a recognized and highly feared battalion leader, rendered to nothingness. A once silent and feared Shadow that had a *run on sight order* placed on her head, was now no better than a child picking up a wooden sword for the first time.

*But that’s just the impact Ilia had on her.*

It was hardly the poor girl’s fault. Ilia quickly picked Shi up and treated her like her own kin. Shi gained the mother she never had, gained unconditional love; even when she made mistakes, large or small. She learned with Shi, on how to control her animalistic rage, taught her the beauty of the world, and allowed her to put trust in others. Ilia, laughter that rang throughout the academy, sounding like bells. But the most beautiful of women, come with the strongest rage. With how patient she was, she had the most fearsome anger that put even Shi in a chokehold on some occasions.

Inazuma also found herself lost without Kyrena. The massive fire wyvern, once her right wing, now flying high in the clouds, finally freed from Humane constraints. Inazuma’s lightning was lost on that fateful day, not even the hatchlings, her own hatchlings, could help her sort through this. Quentin and Bayou both fell on deaf ears, though they never wavered. They daily, no, hourly, checked up on Shi and Inazuma. Quentin tried to pull her out to train, but the woman succumbed to her own sadness and self pity. Bayou, gently nipping at Inazuma, couldn’t even pull a reaction from the short-tempered beast.

Poor Aeris and Zaria also couldn’t pull Shi from her chambers. Aeris, the individual that Shi immediately took to, swiftly became Shi’s kin. Inazuma also taking to Zaria unusually well, doting on the wyvern almost immediately. Inazuma would often suffocate the poor wyvern with affection, which was unusual for the rather indifferent wyvern. 

All was for naught.

Shi currently, was in her room, staring at the altars she devoted to Lady Death and Lady Love. She knelt before them, her head bowed and her hands together. Her eyes closed as she breathed painfully, silently. Silent tears rolled secretly down her cheeks, her throat burning as the salty trails went down her cheeks and dripped onto the ground, leaving wet marks on her pants and on the ground.

Everything suddenly came crashing back.

*The smoke was thick and heavy in the air. Men and women shouting alike, wyverns roaring in the heat of the battle. Ice, water, lightning, and fire alike exploding around the battlefield. Shi was dancing around on the ground expertly, the sparkle of lightning cracking the sky in two as shrill animalistic screams ravaged Inazuma’s throat.

“Are we having fun yet girl?!” Shi laughed loudly, her body jerking backwards, though her laugh was cut short. Another guttural, shrill scream roared out, but this wasn’t Inazuma. No, this was her counterpart, Styrmir. Shi desperately looked around, her wild eyes landing on the wyvern that was rapidly descending from the skies, wings folded.

Panic and adrenaline coursed through her body.

“Inazuma! Where’s Orson! Where’s Ilia! Find them! Find Kyrena! Help Styrmir! Where are they?!”

Shi’s scream was desperate, animalistic. Another shrill scream as Styrmir was able to catch himself, but his flying was ragged, uneven. Shi’s eyes widened further as she noted the direction Styrmir took off towards.


This scream was even more painful as it ripped out of Shi’s chest. The massive storm wyvern was flying in the direction of the ceremonial caverns. 

She remembered at that moment, that Rider and Wyvern are one in the same. They share the same wounds. As Shi got a clearer view of Styrmir, her horror only expanded, her face paling. The great storm beast, with scales the colour of silver and grey that mimicked the clouds above, was finally seen with a true wound. Matching that of Orson's, unbeknownst to Shi, a gaping hole of blood-red carved through his chest, and the liquid that dirtied the gleaming scales was so horrendously unusual for the great beast. Shi was horrified, what could have done this? Did the beast get struck with a harpoon? No! She didn’t hear any harpoon shots, let alone see them! Orson? Orson… Orson!

Where was Orson?!

**Here!!* It was Inazuma.

Shi looked up and saw where her wyvern was and raced in the direction. Her eyes widened as they grew bloodshot. Orson was on his knees, sword throat his heart, blood dribbling down his chin with a cocky smirk on his face. His own sword pierced the heart of his assailant.

“Ha. Gotcha,” Orson coughed out cockily before dropping his arm and falling over. Shi raced over to him, her steps not faltering. She wasn’t stupid, she knew he was dead. All life left his face and eyes as he grew cold. Once she made it to him she looked him over, her eyes desperate for any life signs.

There were none.

Shi screamed out again.


Inazuma winced from this but continued to stay high in the skies, avoiding any harpoons and oncoming attacks. Her cunning and keen eyes finally found Ilia.

**Behind you, to your right, run!**

Shi wasted no time and immediately stood up and raced in the direction of Ilia blindly.

“Find Quentin, Avalon, Caisin, Kore, Adar!! We need to ensure Orson’s safe return!!”

Inazuma tried to voice concern, but Shi went numb to her concerned emotions. She just raced through smoke and flames. Until she nearly collided with Ilia.

“Ilia, we-,” Shi began, but her mother just turned to her with sad eyes, already knowing, tears welling in her eyes.

“I know my sweet girl, I know,” she spoke painfully, her right hand gently resting on Shi’s cheek. Tears slowly welled in Ilia’s eyes as she gazed at Shi with not only sadness but love and maybe regret?

Shi narrowed her eyes as she looked at Ilia, slightly leaning into Ilia’s hands. She, unfortunately, knew the look in her eyes.

“Please, Ilia, please,” Shi began to silently plead with the woman she dubbed her own mother.

“Please don’t,” she continued, her voice cracking, her eyes saddening. She closed her eyes tightly, Shi’s own tears beginning to spill out after so long.

“I still need you, we still need you,” Shi begged through cracked and forced words, her voice hoarse and pained.

“My precious girl,” Ilia spoke softly, smoothly the girl's hair as she pulled her daughter tightly into a hug. Shi rested her head on Ilia’s shoulder, her eyes still closed.

“You know I am not long for this world, look at the forces around us. You know I have to,” Ilia softly cooed into her sweet girl’s ear as she continued to smooth her hair. Shi began to feel the warmth envelope her as Ilia’s body began to hum to life. Her body gained an otherworldly glow, as Kyrena roared out proudly in the distance. Rider and Bonded alike knew what had to be done. Kyrena herself followed Styrmir, aiding in his arrival at the ceremonial caverns. At the sight of this, Inazuma roared out a pained scream, begging Kyrena to come back. Her lightning streaks shone brilliantly across the void coloured sky. She raced after Kyrena, desperately trying to avert her directional flying. In response Kyrena gently cooed to Inazuma, reassuring her that it was her time, it was fate and meant to be. For one made of fire, ash was smothering her scales already. The waves of flame along her skin slowly fading, leaving marks. Burn marks. The dark scar of shadow, still hidden under her wing, spread and spread to consume the new scars, swallowing the fire for the last time. Inazuma let out the most raw, nails on a chalkboard, scream any Human had ever heard. She cried out longingly for her mother wyvern, soon hovering and watching as they flew off, no longer blocking their flight or trying to redirect Kyrena. Instead, Inazuma whirled around and dive bombed back towards Shi. She set the field a blaze with electrical current. 

The lightning danced across the battlefield, setting all the blood and any other liquid ablaze or humming with electrical volts. As she landed, the ground shook and she screamed out another painful scream. Her throat began to illuminate a bright, stark white against her marbled colouring. Her lightning shot out of her mouth, decimating buildings, walls, and forces alike. She began running around, shredding anything and anyone in her way.


Inazuma jerked her head over to Shi who screamed into Ilia’s shoulder.

“Please recover Orson’s body and find out where the fuck the others are!”

Inazuma recoiled, though silently slithered away. She went over to Orson’s body, gently picking him up in her maw and setting him on her back, laying across the saddle she adorned. Moments later, Bayou landed with Quentin on his back. Quentin’s eyes were wild, Avalon and Caisin following soon after. Kore and Adar arrived in haste, all accompanied by their wyverns. Every single person and wyvern was slick with blood, many wounds inflicted across their bodies, some minor, some major.

As the smoke cleared, the group was able to see the truth of everything. As Inazuma’s crackling body lit up the battleground, everything was revealed.

There were troops closing in with weaponry they couldn’t hope to escape in their current state. The forces overwhelmed them 100 or 200 to 1. Ilia knew this long before Shi did, due to her battle crazed state. She was having fun, afterall that’s what her mother told her to do, so she did. She gave many sacrifices for Lady Death and Lady Love. But this fight, this was different. They had more forces than was originally reported. Due to no fault of anyone, it was just… An ambush.

Time seemed to slow as Ilia gently kissed Shi’s forehead.

“I love you Shi, carry my memories with you throughout all your experiences.”

Those were the last words Shi heard from Ilia as she exploded into a brilliant light show of reds, oranges, and yellows. Her arms slowly dropped from embracing Shi as hellflame devoured the entirety of the forces and students alike. Though, the flames felt warm against Shi’s skin, along with the other students and wyverns alike. Their wounds slowly stitched together as they regained their health, stamina, endurance, speed, strength… Whereas the screams from Ilia’s enemies roared in Shi’s ears. Her eyes were still closed as she clung desperately to Ilia’s now lifeless body.

Shi began to cry, loudly at that. She screamed, she cried, and she screamed some more. She dropped to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks continuously, though she still clung to Ilia’s body, hugging her close to her chest. She buried her face into Ilia’s neck as she sobbed, her chest heaving up and down rapidly, heavily. As the pain coursed through her, Inazuma was also affected. She roared out in pain as Quentin retrieved Orson’s body and placed it on Bayou’s back.

Inazuma started thrashing around, her whip-like tail cracking as it moved side to side sharply. Inazuma continued her shrill screams and roars, her pain being clearly etched into everyone’s memories. Her own scream was accompanied by Shi’s continuous pained screams. The other’s around them gazed at Shi and Ilia, their own faces twisting in sadness. Some cried, some screamed, some remained silent. They all allowed Shi to remain where she was, and no one attempted to calm Inazuma’s rage.

Afterall. They were all wiser than that.

Shi finally pulled her head away, desperately brushing Ilia’s hair out of her face. Shi’s own eyes searching Ilia’s for any sign of life. Her breathing only quickened as Ilia’s magic, instead of regaining strength, continued to pour out of her until there was nothing left. This confirmed Shi’s greatest fear. She began to hyperventilate until she threw her head back, releasing a throat rattling scream that made the whole group flinch from its raw strength.

The scream lasted several moments until Shi’s voice forcefully cut itself off from being turned raw. Shi hunched over, her head falling. As if the God’s were mourning and crying, the sky became cloudy, rain soon following. This didn’t pull a reaction from Shi. She was only allowing her vulnerability at this moment because she knew Ilia had saved them, protected them. She knew that the army and their weapons were decimated.

She knew Ilia kept them safe.

Once again.

She clenched her jaw as rain poured down onto her and the others, soon extinguishing the flames. The putrid scent of burnt flesh pulled her back to the fight. Shi slowly, numbly, shakily, stood up. She carried Ilia bridal style, turning around to face the group. Her face was hard, her eyes long lost of the vulnerability that once plagued her whole person.

“We have won. Mount your wyverns and go back to the academy. We will make ceremonial preparations immediately. But before we do, I expect everyone to meet me in the meeting room. We have much to discuss in regards to the funerals we are about to undergo.” Shi spoke matter of factly, not allowing any room for questions or discussion.

Shi walked swiftly to her mourning bonded, her back now turned to the group, she gave herself a moment.

The others noticed this and departed immediately.

Now alone, Shi rested her forehead against Inazuma as she began to uncontrollably sob. She held Ilia close to her chest as her body shook just as uncontrollably. Inazuma, though she was choked up herself, did her best to reassure Shi. Gentle rumblings vibrated against Shi as Inazuma growled gentle, soft words. Inazuma was aware that Shi needed her desperately. Shi pulled herself away from Inazuma, gently settling Ilia atop of her wyvern. 

She then pulled away from the two and walked over shakily to a wall. She began to repeatedly punch it with her right hand until-


Shi inhaled sharply as she quickly pulled her hand back and began to shake it. 

“Broken huh?”

She gazed down at her hand numbly before chuckling softly, shaking her head.

“You idiot. Mother would scold you right now. She just healed you, what are you doing, going and breaking your hand right after?” 

She continued to chuckle, but to her surprise? Her hand began to heal. A soft smile tugged on her lips as tears dripped down onto her healing hand. Looking up at the sky, she closed her eyes and let the rain fall on her.

Putting her hands together, she inhaled.

“Lady Death, Lady Love. I have lost two riders today, one I considered my mother. Please, make their passing as easy as possible. For, my mother deserves nothing less. She taught me to love myself, and loved me despite my many flaws. Orson, for being the older brother I never had. He taught me with tough love, but I’ve never seen a man protect something he loves so fiercely, until I met him. They deserve the very best you are able to offer, and I humbly request this of you, for I will offer you the most sacrifices possible. My mother herself hath given many a sacrifices in your name, and other respective God’s alike. I will continue to do so in not only their honour, but your honour as well. Lady Death, Lady Love. I call on thee to aid me through this trying time, and to put any punishment on me, and not onto those I love so desperately, that are being sent to you, here today. I beg of you to respect them and honour them for their doings, and if there’s still something in their way, call on me. I am subservient to my Ladies, I will do anything you call upon to ensure their passing.”

Shi exhaled shakily, her eyes slowly opening. She turned and walked back to Inazuma, gently patting her neck before mounting her. She secured herself, ensuring Ilia’s safe travel back to the academy. Inazuma and Shi flew in silence as the storm seemed to follow them back. However, the rain wasn’t pelting her, nor was it cold. It truly seemed to embody the tears of the God’s they desperately prayed to.

After several hours, she made it into the ceremonial cavern system. She quickly found Kyrena lying on a pyre, Styrmir down further atop a separate pyre. Inazuma landed silently and Shi dismounted, silently walking up to Kyrena. Kyrena gazed at her, noticing the sadness in the assassin which reflected the sadness in her very own eyes. Shi placed her hand gently on Kyrena’s head, resting her forehead against the large, elder dragon.

“Hello my sweet girl,” Shi cooed softly, tears streaming onto the magnificent beast. Even in the stages of death, her scales glowed brightly and shifted like lava rain through her veins.

“I’m so sorry, Kyrena,” she whispered softly. Kyrena shifted in response, giving her a scolding growl. This caused Shi to chuckle, a smile now on her face. 

“You’re right, I shouldn’t blame myself,” she murmured softly, her head still pressed against Kyrena's. Her hand gently ran along Kyrena’s head, the warmth seemed to hug Shi’s own hand, causing more tears to be pulled from her.

“I already miss her, you know… Everything reminds me of her.”

Kyrena cooed back gently, an effort to tell Shi to not worry, she’s not alone.

“I’m scared Kyrena,” she continued shakily, her eyes now closed.

“How am I supposed to lead in this state? I can barely function myself.”

Kyrena pushed her body against Shi’s head and hand, a motion to comfort her. Inazuma also pushed reassurance onto Shi. This in fact helped as Shi exhaled a shaky breath.

“You’re right. Orson and Ilia alike would be scolding me right now,” Shi said with a stuffed chuckle. Inhaling sharply, she pulled herself from Kyrena and gathered Ilia’s body from Inazuma’s back. She walked back to Kyrena and set her down onto the pyre next to her wyvern.

“I trust you can protect her until we’re able to get proper arrangements in order?”

Shi smiled down at the noble,  respected, and powerful wyvern. Kyrena let out a rather impressive roar, confirming Shi’s thoughts. Her smile only widened as she rested her hand on Kyrena’s head one last time. She looked down at Ilia before leaving, her eyes saddened and she pulled herself away before more tears threatened to spill down.

Mounting Inazuma, they fly down just a bit and find Styrmir. He’s laying on a pyre, Orson already laid next to him. Inazuma landed and Shi dismounted, walking up to Styrmir. He issued a warning via a growl, causing Shi to raise her right hand warily. Electricity crackled against his body, another warning in itself.

“Shhh Styrmir, it’s me, Shi,” she cooed softly. The proud wyvern raised his head and looked over at her. He gave her an apologetic grumble, the crackling electricity now dissipating. She walked up to him, resting her forehead on his. Styrmir had grown rather tolerable of Shi and Inazuma, dare she say he may have even liked them. Her hand gently ran across his neck, her eyes closed as she let out a shaky breath. Tears welled in her eyes and they soon spilled down onto his magnificent marbled scales.

“I will ensure everyone pays the utmost respect to not only you and Kyrena, but Ilia and Orson, and the God’s alike. I will ensure that Orson and Ilia get their piece of paradise they oh so desperately deserve. You needn’t worry Styrmir, I will guarantee everything is as easy as possible for the both of you.” 

She pulled away, giving him a confident nod before glancing down at Orson.

“I will return shortly. Once we make proper plans, it won’t be long, I promise.”

She gave Styrmir another confident nod before excusing herself. Mounting Inazuma again, they flew out of the ceremonial caverns and towards the front doors. Shi dismounted and opened the doors.

“You’re free to do as you please, but do not wreak havoc and do not stray far.”

Inazuma grumbled and wandered off, most likely going to the highest point to mourn.

Shi walked towards the main meeting room and opened the large double doors. Everyone was gathered and sitting in silence. Shi entered, closing the doors behind her and walked to the head of the table. She sat down, and the others followed suit.

“First and foremost. Ilia and Orson both fell today. Their bondeds are back and in the caverns, along with Ilia and Orson alike. We all know Ilia’s wishes. We need to keep all the God’s in mind and have utmost respect through the entire procession. This is the first funeral ceremony since the God’s have been fully recognized. We need to ensure they know we pray to them, believe in them, and are subservient to them. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can go wrong. I understand everyone is in mourning, but be on your best behaviour. We’re not children anymore. Am I understood?”

Her tone was hard, but not harsh. Her eyes scanned the room and she was answered with a string of “Yes’s”.

“Good, next we’ll go over personal belongings. Ilia had several things reserved for people, as did Orson. I will speak to each of you privately about these items. I don’t want to hear any complaints.”

She scanned the room, her face very serious. Everyone nodded in agreement.

“We all know how funerals go, but I will explain anyway since it’s been awhile and since this one needs to go smoothly.”

Shi paused a moment before continuing.

“Ilia and Orson will be burned with a combination of fire and lightning. This is to respect and honour the God’s, all of them, but the elder God’s in particular. It’s also for any of the God’s that Ilia or Orson were closely connected to as well.”

She continued.

“Before the burning, Orson and Ilia will be clothed in their riding outfit. Caisin will ensure Orson is in the proper attire and I will ensure Ilia is in the proper attire. This is to remain professional and respectful for not only the God’s, but for those that have passed as well.”

“The saddles will be removed from Kyrena and Styrmir, and the armour of Ilia and Orson as well will be removed. Their weaponry will also be removed. All these items along with their clothing and other items will be saved for later use or for display and learning purposes. However, anything to do with magic that was specific to them will be burnt with them. That means Ilia’s personal books that pertained to her magical abilities will be burnt.”

“Once the flames have burnt down to nothingness and all that remains are the ashes, we will gather the ashes into clay pots crafted by everyone in here. Once we’ve gathered all the ashes, we will take flight to the birthing point of Kyrena and Styrmir. Upon arrival, we will crush the pots and spread the ashes where Kyrena’s and Styrmir’s egg hatched. This allows the magic to be absorbed into the younger wyverns, thus giving back to the world.”

“Following the ceremony, there is a one week period for those who wish to, to pay their respects. Keep in mind that everyone is allotted a specific time to allow privacy during this trying time. Keep in mind, you will be paying respects to Ilia, Orson, Kyrena, Styrmir, **and** the God’s. Not just the loved one’s we lost today.”

“Those who are in mourning will be expected to be wearing formal attire or complete riding outfits to the ceremony. There isn’t a set colour, but you are expected to be present and in that attire. Do **not** make the mistake of thinking I’ll allow anyone to get away with **anything**. I will not let **anyone** risk Ilia and Orson’s safe passing with their bondeds. Just like I wouldn’t let anyone do it for any of you.”

“After I speak with everyone about the private belongings, you are encouraged to wear anything given to you by those we lost. This is especially encouraged during the week-long mourning process. This allows more aid to push Ilia and Orson through. It’s a sign of our love for them, and our unwavering support.”

“I personally have an altar in my room for Lady Death and Lady Love. I strongly suggest you all to do the same for the God’s you are closely affiliated to. Especially, again, during the week-long mourning process. I will also be setting up altars for Lady Death and Lady Love in here for everyone to have access to. I strongly urge you to take it amongst yourself to put altars in here for the God’s you yourself are closely affiliated with.”

“Any questions?”

No one responded, instead they all shook their heads solemnly. 

“All right, then I will make my way to everyone to discuss the belongings. Once I make it through everyone Caisin and I will go ensure Ilia and Orson are properly clothed. Whilst we’re doing that, Quentin I’d like you to go through Ilia’s items and find the things that should be burned. Avalon I’d like you to do the same thing, but for Orson please.”

Quentin and Avalon nodded, and Caisin nodded as well with a small smile.

Shi made her rounds, informing each student of things they had been gifted with. Shi herself got throwing knives, silver jewelry, books, hair jewelry, dragon jewelry, and a bow from Ilia. From Orson she got many maps, a few informational books, and two swords. She did split the jewelry and hair jewelry with Quentin. The rest of her weapons were spread out amongst the group. Orson also had a plethora of weapons to give out. Orson also had a few books he wanted to be left to Caisin, and Ilia had a few pieces of clothing and jewelry she wanted to be left for Avalon and Aybis. 

“All right, now, everyone do what was asked of you hastily.”

Before Shi went to Kyrena’s cave, she entered Ilia’s room before Quentin. She grabbed the books she knew Ilia left for her, ensuring Quentin wouldn’t accidentally mark them for combustion. As she sifted through her mother’s things, a sad smile was painted on her features. Her eyes, even though glassy, didn’t spill tears.

Within several moments Shi was done, and slipped out of the room and made her way outside. Calling for Inazuma, she mounted her precious girl and they flew into the ceremonial caverns together. She didn’t really take in the cavern around her, not until she re-entered. 

Hot steam blew over her face, causing her hair to fly backward. Her eyes closed, before reopening moments later once the steam dispersed. Her eyes, now wide, looked around the massive cavern. Active lava pooled across the bottom of the cavern, large step-like boulders leading upwards towards the pyre Kyrena laid upon. Lava waterfalls exploded from the sides and poured into the lava floor as pockets of steam exploded around them.

Shi exhaled shakily, ushering Inazuma forwards. She quickly landed on the rock podium the pyre was on and Shi dismounted. She walked over to Kyrena first, resting her hand on the warm scales.

“You did a great job girl, now rest easily. I have everything under control now,” Shi spoke softly. Kyrena gave a comforting grumble at this and seemed to relax against her hand, knowing that she and her rider can pass on peacefully. At that moment, Kyrena passed.

Shi stifled her cries as she unbuckled the saddle, the magnificent beast, pulling it off of her swiftly. She set the saddle down by Inazuma before walking to Ilia next. She removed the woman’s armour, revealing the riding outfit underneath. She exhaled shakily, as she stepped down, setting the armour next to the saddle she had previously removed. She turned around, walking back to the pyre and gazed at Ilia and Kyrena once more. A sad smile melted onto her features, **Finally, you’re at peace**. After a few moments, she bent down to pick up her armour. She managed it rather well, given her build. 

“Inazuma, please carry Kyrena’s saddle up to the first flight point for her and Ilia.”

Inazuma grumbled in understanding. Grabbing the saddle gently, careful not to dig her talons into the leather. Rather, she scooped it into her large talons, maintaining its current condition. Shi gave her a nod of approval and walked off, carrying her armour to a room meant for safe keeping. In this room were other items, mainly clothing, from Ilia and Orson. This is where all the item’s she would put away for safekeeping would remain, but also where the display items rested until it was time to be, well, displayed. She would reach the room quickly and effortlessly, setting the armour down gently, only to leave immediately afterwards. Calling on Adar and Quentin to follow suit, they made their way towards Kyrena and Ilia’s first flight.

Meanwhile in the electrifying storm cave, there laid Styrmir on the pyre with Orson lying peacefully next to him. Styrmir was near death, but needed to ensure his rider’s dignity. His hearing picked up on Eira and her boy, Caisin, long before his eyes did. He picked his head up, inhaling deeply, ensuring that was for sure, who was coming. Once he was certain, he rested his head back down. 

Entering swiftly, Caisin looked around at the horrifying beauty of the storm cave. It’s the only cavern that has bones, bones of the very first storm wyvern fully exposed. As he looked around he noticed the constant cloud of thunder and lightning that fills the cave. Nests are built around vines that hang from the ribs of the skeleton. The vines have solidified from dead eggs turned to stone, from nests and hoards melding together under the constant strain of the storm above. Looking around more he sees platforms forming for more nests to be made. A glimmer catches his eyes and he notices an assortment of furs, feathers, bones, coins, keys, anything from metal to stone to whatever glimmers in the light. All the items are scattered around amongst the nests. The exposed bones, despite being millennia old, have little more than faint cracks in them, even with the weight of stone hanging heavy on them. Craning his head downwards as Eira coasts he sees a raging river below, that is fed from somewhere high above and spills down through the stone.

Caisin didn’t have long to marvel in the beauty as Eira quickly landed on the platform that Styrmir’s pyre resided on. Caisin dismounted and cautiously walked into Styrmir’s sight. The large, dignified wyvern raised his head, breathing Caisin’s scent in deeply as his vision was failing him. With a reassuring grumble, Caisin rested his hand on Styrmir’s head.

“Calm, Styrmir. You’ve done your job, now it’s your turn to relax and ascend into paradise,” Caisin spoke softly, but confidently, his words coated with respect. Styrmir grumbled in agreement, his head pressing against Caisin’s hand, his heartbeat ceasing. Caisin too, stifled a cry as he rigidly unbuckled the saddle on Styrmir. He walked over to Eira and gently placed it next to her. He then walked back to Orson, removing his armour and confirming that he was in a proper riding attire to be sent off. Walking back to Eira, he set the armour down, only turning back to kneel down next to the pyre. He bowed his head and remained there for several moments before getting up and walking to Eira. Similarly to Shi, he gathered Orson’s armour, he struggled a bit, but was able to manage it well enough.

“Eira, take Styrmir’s saddle to the first flight point of Styrmir and Orson. It’s very important you take special care,” Caisin spoke to his bonded softly, shifting the armour so he had a free hand to rest on her head.

Eira’s chest rumbled as she understood. She pulled away from Caisin and gently scooped the saddle within her claws. Her rider’s words echoing in her mind, she ensured her claws didn’t worsen the current shape of the saddle. With a nod of approval, Eira began to fly off to the first flight point. Caisin then turned and walked off to the same room Shi went to. He passed her as he made it to the room, giving her a nod as he entered. He set the armour down gently next to Orson’s items before exiting the room. He called out to Avalon, asking for her help to carry Styrmir’s saddle to the same room.

The five walked to their respective locations, meeting Eira and Inazuma where they expected them to be. Shi, Quentin, and Adar gathered Kyrena’s saddle and carried it to the same room with the other items. Simultaneously, Caisin and Avalon gathered Styrmir’s saddle and carried it to the same room Shi’s group walked to. Rather quickly, Caisin and Avalon met up with Shi’s group. Both parties entered the room and gently set the saddles down, promising to tend to every item in the room properly once they had adequate time.

After they delivered the saddles, Avalon and Quentin went off to gather everything they deemed should be burned. Once they passed Shi’s inspection, they got the okay. Quentin then delivered those items to Kyrena and Ilia, and Avalon delivered the items to Styrmir and Orson. Once they returned, everyone gathered into the main gathering room, Shi being the first to arrive.

“All right, before we get into our proper attire, we need to make the pots. I expect everyone to make one.”

Everyone nodded and in response to them she gave them a nod of dismissal. Everyone left the academy, making their way to the caves where clay was abundant. After about ten or so minutes they arrived and everyone, after dismounting, began to gather clay. After about ten minutes, everyone had enough clay and was making a pot of their own. The pots weren’t anything crazy, but they did have insurmountable amounts of love and respect poured into every fiber of their creation. As each student finished, Eira or Inazuma fired the clay pots, allowing them to harden and become, well, clay pots as they cooled.

She was the first one finished. She expertly crafted her swiftly, Inazuma firing the clay pot for her. She watched as everyone else finished one by one. Her eyes landed on the last to finish, meeting their eyes with a confident nod.

“All right, now that everyone is done, let’s head back to our rooms with our pots. Take extra special care, do not allow your pots to get even a hairline crack. If something happens to your pot, please let me know. I will aid you in making another one.”

“All right, we don’t have time to waste, let us go.”

With that, everyone mounted their wyvern and took off, leaving the clay filled cave behind. They flew back to the academy, landing and then dismounting. Shi nodded to the individuals before leaving Inazuma and walking inside.

Shi went to her room to get a clean riding outfit on. She then put the silver jewelry on and the gold jewelry on, whether it fit her or not. The hair jewelry was placed sporadically throughout her hair. Shi looked at herself in the mirror and growled out in dissatisfaction. A hesitant, soft knock at her door brought her back to her senses. She straightened up and walked to her door, swiftly opening it.

She was met with a rather hesitant looking Quentin.

“I- I know Ilia used to do your hair… She helped me with mine too… Maybe I could help you with your hair?” 

Shi sighed softly, a small smile tugging on her lips.

“Yes, I could use the help, please come in.”

Quentin’s glassy eyes lit up as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks. Together they did each other’s hair in silence, just happy to have one another’s company. In the end, Shi’s hair looked far better than she could have hoped to accomplish on her own. Thanking Quentin, he excused himself, allowing Shi a moment for herself.

A moment she was grateful to have.

More tears spilled down now that she was in her own company, her body shaking as the silent tears flooded her features. After several minutes of this, she could feel Inazuma pushing reassurance onto her, which helped exponentially. Her crying slowly stopped and she sniffled several times. Wiping her eyes, face, and nose, she regained her composure, ensuring her hair didn’t get messed up before she left her room.

She entered the main gathering room where everyone was waiting for her.

“I apologize for the wait. Are we all ready?”

Everyone nodded, some dismissing her being late, knowing that she was probably taking this the hardest.

“Lovely, you all look lovely.” 

Shi spoke earnestly, her eyes shining brightly as pride was flooded across her features.

“I am assuming since no one came to me, all of our pots are intact?”

Shi’s eyes scanned the group and they all nodded. Shi smiled further, her glassy eyes desperately fighting off the sadness within them.

“Now, probably the hardest part. With our loved ones laid to rest with their bonded, adorned in their proper attire and surrounded by their personal belongings… Eira and Inazuma will light the pyres ablaze. First is Styrmir and Orson, second is Kyrena and Ilia.”

No one moved or dared to utter a word of disagreement.

“Good, now let’s depart.”

With that, everyone once again left the academy. Any feeling of tire long ago left every individual affected. Everyone knew that they could sleep later, they could rest their aching bones after sending those they lost off properly. 

Shi exited, being the first to mount. Everyone followed in her shadow. Inazuma took to the skies after taking several steps, then they headed towards the ceremonial cavern. They all flew in a single file line, following Inazuma’s lead. Before long, they made it to the ethereal storm cave. Shi’s eyes gazed over the landscape, awe visibly displayed on her features. After taking it all in, she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply, holding it, and then exhaling, all her nerves going with the long breath she let out. Reopening her eyes as Inazuma landed, she dismounted and waited as one by one the others entered and landed and then dismounted.

Once everyone landed, Shi walked forwards, the other five standing in a line behind her. Inazuma went to the right of Orson and Styrmir as Agni went to the left. Shi stood at the base of the pyre, soon taking a knee. The five students behind her quickly followed suit, Shi bowing her head, and the others following in her shadow.

After several painful moments of silence, Shi inhaled.

“Lady Death, Lady Love, Creation, Destruction, and any other God’s Orson paid homage to, I send up to you, one of the finest warriors I have been faced with. Not only am I sending you a fiercely loyal warrior, but his even more so bonded, Styrmir. Rider and Wyvern alike achieved many things, every single thing benefitting the academy and the fruits it would bear in its wake. Orson truly expressed love, regardless of how he went about it, Styrmir resembling his bonded like a mirror. I beg of thee, Lady Death and Lady Love in particular, please accept him into your warm and loving embrace. I humbly, painfully ask, if I may be so brave, to guide him through the void. This man has already lost so much and has fought valiantly. He deserves his peace, a break. I, and five others, gather here today in not only Orson and Styrmir’s honour, but yours as well. We bow to thee and are subservient to thee. Any wrongdoings or obstacles that may be in Orson and Styrmir’s way, please put them on me and the others. We accept those sins as our own and will mend them, turning the sins into prayers for thee. I personally will take on any challenges I have to, to secure his place in his personal paradise. I will hone my blade in his and your honour, offering every and all sacrifices to thee.”

She paused for several moments. Allowing the silence to sit comfortably amongst the group. No one moved, not even the six wyverns that bowed in respect. 

Shi stood up, the other five following. Her arms lay at her side for a few moments before she looks at Agni and nods, and then she looks at Inazuma, … And nods.

Agni and Inazuma remained still for several seconds, allowing a final respectful moment of silence. Once the proper amount of time was allotted, the two set the pyre up in an electrical fire. Smoke raised up, swirling out of the cavern into the vast world around them. Once Agni and Inazuma had both applied enough fire, they stopped and backed away, going to the sides of their respective riders. 

The twelve stood tall, yet still. The flames of the pyre reflected in all of their eyes as solemn looks hung heavily on their features. The warmth of the fire lapped their skin as they watched Ride and Wyvern go up in smoke together. The burning took several hours to fully complete with Agni and Inazuma having to reignite the flames several times. But, in due time, nothing remained except ashes of those they dearly loved.

“Caisin, Avalon, and Aybis. Please open your pots and gather the ashes within them. Take your time and make no mistakes. Ensure you get all of the ash, and if not, as much as feasibly possible.”

The three voiced their agreements before walking up to the flames that no longer existed as the storm raged on above them. It took several minutes, but no rider felt rushed. Shi watched with a keen eye, not allowing anyone to cut any corners.

But no one dared to try to begin with.

Eventually the three stood up, putting the covers on their respective pots. Shi inspected the area, thoroughly impressed. She nodded her approval to them before turning to all five other riders before her.

“Next is Ilia. Caisin, Avalon, Aybis. I expect you three to take even more extra special care of these pots now. Absolutely nothing can go wrong now.” 

Shi’s voice was hard, but not harsh. Everyone knew how stressed Shi was about everything being **perfect**. She would accept nothing less after all.

“Great, now that we’re all ready, it’s time to depart.”

With that, she nodded to everyone and mounted Inazuma. Caisin, Avalon, and Aybis all put their pots in a bag specifically made for them. It allowed for the best protection. Shi and Inazuma took the lead once again, taking off towards Kyrena’s cave. Once again, the group moved in a single file line, following suit behind Inazuma. The group moved in silence, no one knowing what should be said… More so knowing that nothing should be said, could be said. 

Before long, the group arrived at Kyrena’s cave, their eyes falling onto the pyre with the mighty fire wyvern that was curled around her fiercely loved rider. Shi exhaled a shaky breath, her eyes saddening once more. Inazuma could feel her rider saddening and did her best to give her reassurance. It helped, but Inazuma wished she could do more, but there was nothing else she could do.