The Harbinger of Calamity

2 months, 30 days ago

World information and creation for my manga/light novel; The Harbinger of Calamity

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-High Elves

-Shadow Elves


-Demons + ArchDemons + Onis

-Angels + ArchAngels + Valkyries


-Several Breeds/Variants













-Unicorns + Pegasus

-Elemental Wolves + Elemental Big Cats

-Winged Wolves + Winged Big Cats

-Rotting Canines

-Rotting Felines

-Rotting Unicorn + Pegasus




-Otters [Are more intellectually advanced and behave similarly to Humans; walk on two legs but run on all four]


-Will O’ Wisps [Don’t have much of an intellect. They are often manipulated and used to lure unsuspecting victims to their deaths.]








Spell/Ability Categories:













-Bodily Manipulation


-Mental Manipulation/Attacks

-Can be a variety of things; will go into more depth



-Basic Healing/Intermediate Healing/Advanced Healing/Kami-Level Healing


-Buffs + Debuffs

-Buffs + Debuffs have 3 Tiers: [Tier level is based on the user’s level, experience, mana levels, specializations, etc.]

-Tier I buffs or debuffs by 15%

-Tier II buffs or debuffs by 30%

-Tier III buffs or debuffs by 50%



-Buffs recipient’s sight


-Buffs recipient’s hearing


-Buffs recipient’s tracking


-Buffs recipient’s smell


-Buffs recipient’s strength

-Physical Resistance

-Buffs recipient’s physical resistance


-Buffs recipient’s healing


-Buffs recipient’s attack


-Buffs recipient’s defense

-Mental Resistance

-Buffs recipient’s mental resistance


-Buffs recipient’s speed




-Debuffs recipient’s sight


-Debuffs recipient’s hearing


-Debuffs recipient’s tracking


-Debuffs recipient’s smell


-Debuffs recipient’s strength

-Physical Resistance

-Debuffs recipient’s physical resistance


-Debuffs recipient’s healing


-Debuffs recipient’s attack


-Debuffs recipient’s defense

-Mental Resistance

-Debuffs recipient’s mental resistance


-Debuffs recipient’s speed


-Weather/Natural Disasters

-Thunderstorm Creation

-Avalanche Creation

-Tornado Creation

-Tsunami Creation

-Volcanic Eruption Creation

-Blizzard Creation

-Drought Creation

-Flood Creation

-Earthquake Creation



-Will go into more depth



-Ability called “Blood of Satan” 

-Can turn any body of liquid into poison. How potent and lethal the poison is depends on the user’s level, experience, mana levels, specializations, etc. The poison potency levels can range from making someone mildly sick, to killing someone seconds after ingesting it or absorbing it via their skin. Can have multiple effects resulting in, loss in usage of limbs, blindness, death, catatonic state, loss of speech, rotting arteries, darkened or erupted veins, muscle loss or death, muscle/limb spasms, and more. The effects, again, depend on the before mentioned things in regards to the user.


-Differ from Charms, Buffs, and Debuffs; will go into more depth


Towns + Villages + Cities:

-Saikur [Village]


Lakes + Streams + Oceans:

-Kursai [Lake or Ocean [undecided]]


World Name:


Characters [Main + Side]:

-Shi [Main]

-Arisu [Main Side]

-Diona [Important Side]

-Taira [Kami]

-Ebisu [Kami]

-Izanagi [Kami] [Twin x]

-Izanami [Kami] [Twin y]

-Jizo [Kami]

-Raijin [Kami]

-Fujin [Kami]

-Agyo [Kami] [Twin a]

-Ungyo [Kami] [Twin b]

-Inari [Kami]

-Kannon [Kami]

-Benzaiten [Kami]

-Amaterasu [Kami]

-Leviathan [ArchDemon] [Sibling 1]


Characters [Familiars]:

-Masao [Shi]

-Benji [Shi]


Characters [Villains + Familiars]:

-Behemoth [ArchDemon] [Sibling 2]

-Ziz [ArchDemon] [Sibling 3]



-Mana Levels:

-Below Average Human Level


-Will O’ Wisps

-Average Human Level

-Average Human Level+

-Above Average Human Level

-Above Average Human Level+

-All the above mana levels usually consist of Humans. However, there have been cases of Griffins, Otters, Kelpies, Banshees, Harpies, Ogres, Orcs, Centaurs, Sprites, Rotting Creatures, Unicorns, Pegasus, Wolves [all kinds], Large Cats [all kinds], Dwarfs, Sirens, Naiads, and Undines being in these mana tiers as well. This usually occurs when any of the aforementioned magical beings don’t get the proper training to hone their skills, spells, and abilities. Another reason, which doesn’t occur nearly as often, is when one of the magical beings is born with a form of “hindrance” per se. IE: born with very little to no mana, being born with a deformity, etc.


-Usually consists of Griffins, Otters, Kelpies, Banshees, Harpies, Orcs, Centaurs, Sprites, Rotting Creatures, some Humans, Unicorns, Pegasus, Wolves [all kinds], Large Cats [all kinds], Dwarfs, Sirens, Naiads, and Undines.


-Usually consists of Manticores, Sphinxes, Shadow Elves, Ogres, Satyrs. Demons, Onis, Angels, Valkyries, Nymphs, Fairies, Dryads and very rarely Humans.


-Usually consists of ArchDemons, ArchAngels, High Elves and Dragons. 


-Usually consists of Kamis/Gods and the Harbinger. Very rarely does a Dragon, ArchDemon, or ArchAngel reach this level. A High Elf has never reached this level and it’s unknown if one ever will.


-Intelligence Levels:

-Mindless: Those few beings that have no capacity for intelligence at all. Although some characters without a mind can be considered for this rating, one should assess the actions performed by said characters to see if they truly have no way of thinking. Those with a mind can also be considered for this rating if they can not display any form of thought.

-Instinctive: Beings that are incapable or virtually incapable of conscious thought, and merely carry out simple pre-programmed behaviour patterns. For example, Snails, jellyfish. microorganisms, fungi, and individual insects.

-Animalistic: Beings, such as most animals, that only possess very basic reasoning, awareness, and problem-solving skills.

-High Animalistic: Highly intelligent animals that can use tools or have comparable problem-solving feats. For example, dolphins, chimpanzees, and certain crows and octopi.

-Below Average: Characters of below average intellects and unremarkable skills.

Average: Characters of average intelligence. While they have more developed intelligence in certain subjects, in many cases, their overall intelligence remains average.

-Above Average: Characters that show greater cognitive ability than the norm, but do not particularly stand out in any intellectual or academic fields.

-Gifted: Characters who demonstrate high reasoning ability, can master difficult concepts with few repetitions, and display high performance capability or notable mastery in intellectual or specific academic fields, which makes them equivalent to real-world experts in these areas.

-Genius: Individuals with an exceptional capacity for knowledge and intelligence, usually in one area of varying depth. This level of intellect is the level of real-world geniuses, polymaths, and genuinely extremely prominent intellectuals, and, in the absence of better feats, should be the default intelligence category for fictional characters with exceptional or superhuman intelligence.

-Supergenius: The highest level of non-omniscient intellect, possessed by individuals with unfathomably superhuman intelligence who are capable of creating impossibly advanced physics-defying and reality-warping fantasy technology for extremely diverse purposes.

-Note: For a Supergenius rating to be given based on technological prowess, the character in question should be able to essentially warp reality as they wish on an at least universal (3-A) scale with their inventions, or even use them to overpower tier 1 entities for higher cases. Simply defying the laws of physics with futuristic technology is very common for Extraordinary Geniuses as well.

-Omniscient: Characters who know literally everything. Be aware that even if they may know everything in their own setting, this does not grant them knowledge of beings from outside of it.

-Categories of Intelligence

-Strategic Intelligence

-Strategic intelligence pertains to the collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence that is required for forming policy and military plans at the national and international level.

-Spatial Intelligence

-The ability to think abstractly and in multiple dimensions.

-Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

-The ability to use your body in a way that demonstrates physical and athletic prowess.

-Musical Intelligence

-Sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody and timbre. This may entail the ability to sing and/or play musical instruments.

-Linguistic Intelligence

-Sometimes called “language intelligence,” this involves sensitivity to the meaning of words, the order among words, and the sound, rhythms, inflections and meter of words.

-Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

-The ability to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations and investigate issues scientifically.

-Interpersonal Intelligence

-The ability to interact effectively with others. Sensitivity to other people’s moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations. Essentially, it’s being able to understand and relate to those around you.

-Intrapersonal Intelligence

-Sensitivity to one’s own feelings, goals and anxieties, and the capacity to plan and act in light of one’s own traits. Intrapersonal intelligence is not particular to specific careers; rather, it is a goal for every individual in a complex modern society, where one has to make consequential decisions for oneself.

-Naturalistic Intelligence

-The ability to understand the nuances in nature, including the distinction between plants, animals, and other elements of nature and life.

Note: All Intelligence stats vary depending on the user’s mental state. They can be lowered.


-Durability Levels

-Below Average Human Level

-Average Human Level

-Average Human Level+

-Athlete Level

-Athlete Level+

-Peak Human Level

-Peak Human Level+


-Street Level

-Street Level+

-Wall Level

-Wall Level+

-Small Building Level

-Small Building Level+

-Large Building

-Large Building+

-City Block Level

-City Block Level+

-Small Town Level

-Town Level

-Large Town Level

-Small City Level

-City Level

-Large City Level

-Small Mountain Level

-Mountain Level

-Large Mountain Level

-State/Province Level

-State/Province Level+

-Small Country Level

-Small Country Level+

-Country Level

-Country Level+

-Continent Level

-Continent Level+

-Multi-Continent Level

-Multi-Continent Level+

-Moon Level

-Small Planet Level

-Large Planet Level

-Categories of Durability

-Receiving An Attack

-How well a user holds up after receiving a physical attack (bare fists).

-Receiving Multiple Continuous Attacks

-How well a user holds up after receiving multiple physical attacks (bare fists).

-Receiving A Weapon Attack

-How well a user holds up after receiving a physical attack (weaponry).

-Receiving Multiple Continuous Weapon Attacks

-How well a user holds up after receiving multiple physical attacks (weaponry).

-Receiving An Enchanted Weapon Attack

-How well a user holds up after receiving an enchanted physical attack (enchanted weaponry).

-Receiving Multiple Continuous Enchanted Weapon Attacks

-How well a user holds up after receiving multiple enchanted physical attacks (enchanted weaponry).

-Getting Thrown Into A Wall

-How well a user holds up after receiving an attack that throws them into a wall.

-Receiving An Ability

-How well a user holds up after receiving a physical attack (ability).

-Receiving Multiple Continuous Abilities

-How well a user holds up after receiving multiple physical attacks (ability).

-Pain From Minor Injuries

-How well a user deals with pain from minor injuries.

-Pain From Major Injuries

-How well a user deals with pain from major injuries.

-Pain From Grave Injuries

-How well a user deals with pain from grave injuries.

-Breath Holding

-How long a user is able to hold their breath whilst underwater.


-How long a user is able to maintain asphyxiation. 

-Receiving A Mental Attack

-How well a user holds up after receiving a mental attack.

Note: This varies depending on what abilities the user is using. It can be lower.

-Receiving Multiple Continuous Mental Attacks

-How well a user holds up after receiving multiple mental attacks.

Note: This varies depending on what abilities the user is using. It can be lower.

-Getting Thrown Into/Through A Building

-How well a user holds up after being thrown into and/or through a building.


-Stamina Levels

-Below Average

-Characters who may be exhausted and driven to their limits by mild exertion and/or disabled by basic injuries.


-Characters with typical human levels of stamina and pain tolerance.


-Characters with above average human levels of stamina and pain tolerance.

-Peak Human

-Characters who can push themselves to the limits of any normal human's stamina.


-Characters who can push themselves beyond the limits of any normal human, exerting themselves for long periods of time, pushing on through exceptionally painful circumstances, and acting even when grievously injured.


-Characters with inexhaustible sources of energy at their disposal, allowing them to fight indefinitely, although not necessarily allowing them to ignore crippling pain or fight on through critical injuries.

-Categories of Stamina

-Stamina Duration Whilst Un-injured

-How long a user can fight whilst not being injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Minorly Injured

-How long a user can fight whilst being minorly injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Majorly Injured

-How long a user can fight whilst being majorly injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Gravely Injured

-How long a user can fight Whilst being gravely injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Running

-How long a user can run whilst un-injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Running Whilst Minorly Injured

-How long a user can run whilst being minorly injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Running Whilst Majorly Injured

-How long a user can run whilst being majorly injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Running Whilst Gravely Injured

-How long a user can run whilst being majorly injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Swimming

-How long a user can swim whilst being un-injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Swimming Whilst Minorly Injured

-How long a user can swim whilst being minorly injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Swimming Whilst Majorly Injured

-How long a user can swim whilst being majorly injured.

-Stamina Duration Whilst Swimming Whilst Gravely Injured

-How long a user can swim whilst being gravely injured.


-Strength Levels

-Tier 11 "Infinitesimal"

-The Tier where the being can create, destroy, and affect the whole structure of a lower-dimensional universe, or lower layers/levels of reality or a 3-D Reality.

-11-C "Low Hypoverse Level"

-Destroy or Create an 0-D Level Construct of any size.

-11-B "Hypoverse Level"

-Destroy or Create an 1-D Level Construct of any size.

-11-A "High Hypoverse Level"

-Destroy or Create an 2-D Level Construct of any size, or 1 level of infinity/degree of reality/fiction transcendence or similar beneath a 3-D.

-Tier 10 "Human"

-The Tier where the being is as strong or weaker than a human.

-10-C "Below Average Human Level"

-The Power lower than an average human such as smaller animals.

-10-B "Human Level"

-The Level of a regular human such as those who don't exercise.

-10-A "Athlete Level"

-The Level of Power of a human who are physically fit such as trained fighters.

-Tier 9 "Superhuman"

-The Tier where the being is more powerful than a regular human.

-9-C "Street Level"

-The Power level that stand in the strength of a human such as Olympic level athletes or rigorously trained martial artists, as well as larger animals.

Note: This power level doesn't mean they have the ability to destroy an entire street.

-9-B "Wall Level"

-The Power level to destroy or damage materials such as stone, metal, or steel as well as boulders and walls.

-9-A "Small Building Level"

-The Power level to destroy rooms or houses.

-Tier 8 "Urban"

-The Tier to destroy buildings and city blocks.

-8-C "Building Level"

-The Power Level to destroy medium sized buildings such as factories and supermarkets.

-High 8-C "Large Building Level"

-The Power Level to destroy Large sized Buildings such as skyscrapers.

-8-B "City Block Level"

-The Power Level to destroy urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.

-8-A "Multi-City Block Level"

-The Power level to destroy multiple urban blocks.

-Tier 7 "Nuclear"

-This tier is similar to nuclear power.

-7-C: "Town level"

-The Power level to destroy a town.

-High 7-C: "Large Town level"

-The Power level to destroy a large town.

-Low 7-B: "Small City level"

-The Power level to destroy a small city.

-7-B: "City level"

-The Power level to destroy a city.

-7-A: "Mountain level"

-The Power level to destroy a mountain.

-High 7-A: "Large Mountain level"

-The Power level to destroy a large mountain.

-Tier 6 "Tectonic"

-The Tier to destroy tectonic structures on earth from islands to continents.

-6-C "Island level"

-The Power level to destroy an island.

-High 6-C: "Large Island level"

-The Power level to destroy a large island.

-Low 6-B: "Small Country level"

-The Power level to destroy a small country.

-6-B: "Country level"

-The Power level to destroy a country.

-High 6-B "Large Country level"

-The Power level to destroy a large country.

-6-A "Continent Level"

-The Power Level to destroy a continent.

-High 6-A "Multi-Continent"

-The Power level to destroy multiple continents.

-Tier 5 "Planetary Level"

-The Tier to destroy astrological objects from our moon to dwarf stars.

-5-C "Moon level"

-The Power level to destroy a moon, or an astronomical object of similar proportion.

-Low 5-B "Small Planet level"

-The Power level to destroy a small planet.

-5-B "Planet level"

-The Power to create/destroy a planet.

-5-A "Large Planet level"

-The Power to create/destroy large gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn.

-High 5-A "Dwarf Star level"

-The Power to create/destroy very small stars such as EBLM J0555-57 (which is the smallest star).

-Tier 4 "Stellar"

-The Tier to destroy/create even larger astronomical objects from stars to our entire solar system.

-Low 4-C "Small Star level"

-The Power to create/destroy small stars.

-4-C: "Star level"

-The Power to create/destroy a star.

-High 4-C: "Large Star level"

-The Power to create/destroy a large star.

-4-B "Solar System level"

-The Power to can create/destroy a solar system.

-4-A "Multi-Solar System level"

-The Power to create/destroy multiple solar systems.

-Tier 3 "Cosmic"

-The Tier to destroy/create entire galaxies or universes.

-3-C "Galaxy Level"

-The Power to can create/destroy a galaxy.

-3-B "Multi-Galaxy Level

-The Power to can create/destroy multiple galaxies.

-3-A "Universe Level"

-The Power to can create/destroy a universe.

-High 3-A "High Universe Level"

-Beings who demonstrate an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, or those who can affect an infinite 3-D area or an infinite number of finite or infinite universes when not accounting for any higher dimensions or time, or more generally any realm of comparable size.

-Tier 2 "Multiversal"

-The Tier to destroy/create entire multiverses.

-Low 2-C "Universe Level+"

-Beings who are capable of significantly affecting, creating and/or destroying an area of space that is qualitatively larger than an infinitely-sized 3-dimensional space. for Example spaces representing such sizes are space-time continuums of a universal scale. However, it can be more generally fulfilled by any 4-dimensional space.

-2-C "Low Multiverse Level"

-Beings who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy small multiverses which can be comprised of several separate space-time continuums ranging anywhere from two to a thousand, or equivalents.

-2-B "Multiverse Level"

-Beings who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy larger multiverses which comprise from 1001 to any higher finite amount of separate space-time continuums.

-2-A "Multiverse Level+"

-Beings who are capable of significantly affecting, creating and/or destroying a countably infinite number of space-time continuums.

-Categories of Strength

-Attack Strength

-The level of strength a user has when performing attacks without a weapon (bare fists).

-Ability Strength

-The level of strength a user has when activating & using abilities.

-Leg Strength

-The level of strength a user has when performing attacks with their legs/feet.

-Weapon Strength

-The level of strength a weapon has when a user is attacking with it.

-Lifting Strength

-The level of strength a user has when lifting things.

-Throwing Strength

-The level of strength a user has when throwing things.


-Speed Levels

-Below Average Human 

-(0-5 m/s)

-Normal Human 

-(5-7.7 m/s)

-Athletic Human 

-(7.7-9.8 m/s)

-Peak Human 

-(9.8-12.51 m/s)


-(12.51-34.3 m/s)

-Subsonic (Faster than the Eye) 

-(Mach 0.1-0.5) (34.3-171.5 m/s or 76.7-383.6 mph)


-(Mach 0.5-0.9) (171.5-308.7 m/s)


-(Mach 0.9-1.1) (308.7-377.3 m/s)


-(Mach 1.1-2.5)


-(Mach 2.5-5)


-(Mach 5-10)


-(Mach 10-25)

-High Hypersonic 

-(Mach 25-50)

-High Hypersonic+ 

-(Mach 50-100)

-Massively Hypersonic 

-(Mach 100-1000)

-Massively Hypersonic+ 

-(Mach 1000-8810.2)


-(1%-5% SoL)


-(5%-10% SoL)


-(10%-50% SoL)


-(50%-100% SoL)

-Speed of Light


-(x1-10 Speed of Light)


-(x10-100 Speed of Light)

-Massively FTL 

-(x100-1000 Speed of Light)

-Massively FTL+ 

-(x1000+ Speed of Light)

-Infinite Speed 

-Able to move indefinitely while time literally stands still, or to travel anywhere instantly. Teleportation does not count.


-Movement beyond linear time. This is why the speed cannot be measured. Given that S = D/T, if T is undefined the speed formula cannot be applied. This is the same reason why multiple temporal dimensions also grant immeasurable speed.


-Characters beyond, and qualitatively superior to, the concepts of dimensions of time and space themselves. Meaning: Tier 1-A and above.

-Categories Of Speed

-Attack Speed

-The speed at which an attack moves. For example, X character is hypersonic, but he can do an attack that is a natural beam of light, the speed for the attack is different from the speed of the user, hence the attack would be lightspeed even if its user isn't.

-Combat Speed

-The speed at which a character can fight.

-Reaction Speed

-Reaction speed is the speed at which a character can react to an event or action. This usually only grants a short movement upon reaction, whereas several movements at the same speed switch it to combat speed.

For example, let's say that character A shoots at character B with a gun and character B dodges. That is reaction speed. Keep in mind, sometimes a person aim-dodges, and it is not as good of a feat.

As another example, let's say that character A uses a minigun on character B, but the minigun takes a second or two to charge up and Character B sees this. If Character B dodges it is considered aim-dodging since he/she knew that the attack was going to happen.

-Reaction speed is reacting to an attack that you don't know is going to happen, or at a very close range. The reaction speed of a character also tends to be higher than its movement speed.

-Travel Speed

-The speed at which a character or object can move by running, or through similar means that do not involve flight or teleportation.

-Flight Speed

-The speed at which a character or object flies a certain distance, like going from the earth to the sun for example.

-High flight speed logically requires a similar reaction speed in order to maneuver when approaching different objects.