sassy ass

3 months, 3 hours ago

suntar being his sassy ass

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Sunstar did not respond to the molly’s comments. His mind was full of other thoughts - thoughts more important than…*this*. If he was being honest, he was growing tired of this as a whole. He did not come out here to discuss war, he did not come out here to discuss his apprentice. He came here to clear his mind. Instead, it was rapidly filling with clutter. Was there no escape for him? Being the leader was no easy task - he knew it would consume his time and thoughts, but not like this. It was exhausting. Loonswirl was not helping. In fact, she was doing quite the opposite.

He suppressed a sigh as the molly grew near. It was too hot to be this close, and she had already soured the mood. In the cornstalks, it was different. He was actually in a decent mood then.

His tail lashed as she started to speak, and he fought against rolling his eyes. Here she was again, speaking when’s he didn’t have a place to. But, he listened. It wasn’t like he really had a choice, anyway. She just kept on and on; could she not catch a hint? He’d rather get involved with a mute if this was the alternative. The more she spoke, the more irritable he grew.

“I find it amusing.” He began, stepping away from the molly. His gaze was burning with many emotion, not a single one positive. “Not once have I asked for your input, from what I recall.” The tom would pause, looking to the sky as if he were trying to remember something. “Unless I have forgotten. If that is the case, please do inform me.” His eyes would meet hers once more, clearly disapproving of the look he had given her. “Yet here you are, continuously speaking where your opinions are unneeded or unwanted. Speaking of things you have no business speaking about.” The tom would chuckle, though his laugh held no humor. “I mean, here you are, trying to *watch over* the Clan, as if it were your job, and, may I remind you, it *is not*, after suggesting war? Your mind is a muddled mess and such thoughts should stay within that maze, as I would imagine no sane cat would share the same mind.”

The tom would continue on, clearly not caring of taking close watch of his tone. He could speak to whomever and of whichever tone he so pleased. Loonswirl was beneath him and would remain that way so long as he was leader. “You have no right to try and suggest whom *you* believe to be a good deputy. If I needed help I would much rather seek Whiteember’s word before your own. You may claim that this is of your “good nature” and it is your only wish to help, but I do not see it that way regardless. I find your opinion is unnecessary.” He did not care what IdyllicClan would think. He did not care what any of the Clans thought. The disappearance of his deputy was not only taxing on the Clan, but it was taxing on him as well. On his mind. He had to keep in mind that this could now happen to any other Clanmate of his. Hell, it could happen to the leader himself. But, he had a deputy in mind, and once he got his thoughts together, he would take care of the ceremony. *Soon*. He kept telling himself. *Soon*.

“So, the next time you think of opening your mouth, I suggest you think twice. Better yet, keep it to yourself.”