We Are The Territory

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
1 348

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

The main story of it all, the Territory is a computer program, they have endless worlds that they are in charge of- including the worlds here. Discover the TRUE story of the Territory now...

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We Are The Territory... 

"Howdy SI” 

“Hey there T, how is the new programme goin’?” 

“Hmm, I’d say it’s doing alright but it could be doing better...” 

“Ahh, I see then, well we have only just began this thing. Who longs how long it’ll take before we complete this objective? I’ll say for us just beginning a little while ago we are on top’pa things ya’ know? What do we need finished?” 

T looks on the list, it is written in binary coding. 

“Erm well, we still need files, protect ourselves from viruses, more space on the core and of course, code. When are you gonna start getting lessons or something for this? You need to research before doing something like this where millions of worlds and lives are on the line. Plus, I wouldn’t have to read this to you since you apparently can’t read binary yet.” 

SI hesitates for a moment... They think for a little while before coming up with a response... 

 Oh come on T! You’re so dramatic, nothing bad will happen ya see! You’re making it sound like I might just forget to feed the fish! You know that I am on top of things I just... Come on! I know this...” 

SI gives a slight chuckle before looking away. T thinks for a moment and sighs 

“Well if you say so, SI. I’ll be heading off now. Make sure to get those lessons!” 

T runs off... SI isn’t to confident anymore, they are starting to question themselves... Maybe they need those lessons after all, SI walks off into their office before slowly shutting the door... 

“It can’t get THAT bad, I mean sure, I haven’t done much after thinking about this a little and I really need to learn to code but... Maybe it’ll be fine! Heheh... Ergh who am I kidding? I need those lessons or my program will fall apart quickly. Welp, I’ll think about it in the morning...” 

SI slowly drifts off to sleep...