Rp with Piper

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago
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Everyone is fighting - first encounter

The small dog was waiting for a great opportunity. He wasn't stupid, he couldnt get a big dog without being a suicide. After a small while he found a medium looking dog who was looking lost and weak. He crept on it in the dark, slowly but surely he jumped on the back of his opponent and snap as hard he could the neck of his new prey. He had to follow the orders and they were, kill the ennemis or be killed. He wasnt ready to die yet so here he was.

Piper was overtaken by a (fortunately) a dog smaller than her. Yelping, she bucked like a rodeo horse in an attempt to shake the smaller dog off.

The pinscher mix was used to this way. In the street when fights occured he was always the smallest so he trained with some bigs dog who was his allies do get used to that rodeo technique. The small dog was flying in the air but he was staying strong and didn't let go.

Her eyes forlorn, she jumped so hard she flipped over on her back.

Poker let out a small yalp by surprise and let go of his grip. He wiggle is way out of under the bigger dog and took a big breath. He positionned himself on his paws, ready for the next move.

She leapt up and got into fight mode wildly snapping

The other dog seemed like one of those big angry cats from the street. She looked really stupid just snapping non stop and it made him laughed so much.

She stopped, panting, and glared at the smaller dog.

Poker was rolling on the ground laughing so hard. The picture was so funny, imagining the other dog as a big weak angry cat. He couldnt bring himself to stop laughing

Seeing an opportunity, she roared and tried to bite the smaller dog

Poker got out of all is laughing when his belly got bit. It wasnt the hardest pain he had but still it hurted. He proceed to snap at one of the ear of his opponent and starting pulling him back near him. Once someone told him that trying to rip off the ears of his opponent was a pretty efficient move to destabilize the other.

The pain in her ear caused her to yelp and pull away, but it meant letting go

The small dog lost his grip when his opponent pulled away. At least he got the tip of the ear witch he fastly spit off his mouth. Poker got back on his feet, his belly hurted but he didn't mind for now he had to finish what he had started. Now he jumped straight too the troath and got a good grip. This time he wouldn't let go. His theet was maybe small and wouldnt kill the opponent but they would still do some serious damage.

Still stunned from the pain in her ear, she was knocked over by the dog and tried to snap on the smaller one's neck.

Poker bite feriously into the troath, making multiples holes. He wasnt the most powerfull but he knew how to do some damage. He locked his jaw on the opponent troath when himself got snapped in the neck. If the other wanted him off he would take some skin with him.

Regaining her composure, she jumped up and tried to shake her head and cause damage to the dog. She had never really fought this hard

The small dog was getting sore, his neck was enduring some hard damage and shake. The adrenaline was starting to faint and the pain to get worse. He didnt want to let go, not like that. He was almost the winner.

Seeing no option, she ran at the wall in an attempt to stun the small dog

Poker let out a whine, it was hard is entire body was shooked up. He didnt want to let go he was trying real hard. Why everywhere he had to go was fight and war. He never killed anyone just badly injured.

Piper braced for impact on the wall but slipped and fell against it taking the smaller dog with her.

Poker finally let go of his opponent when the huge mass fell on his left front paw. It hurted, he didnt mind what it was he was determined to win that fight. Now he wanted to kill the other dog for the injuries he got. If he could he would have started by snapping of the other mouth instead he went for the other ear he didnt touched yet. It was harder to walk but he didnt care at the moment only victory was important.

Desperate, she saw it coming and pinned the other dog down snarling

The small dog growlled back and snipe the mussle of his opponent. Maybe he was in a bad position but at least he had the courage to continu.

She flinched from the cuts and shook her head

The small dog try to grab something else and those cheeky paws seemed tasty at the moment. The grabbed one and started chewing on it.

Piper let out a yelp and tried to run but ended up tripping. Desperate, she tried barking for help.

Poker breathed slowly and took some time to get up, his wounds where deep for his small size. He didn't gave up, he had to impress his new alpha. Slowly but surely he walked to the other dog and let out a sigh. ''I wont kill you, im not a killer but i need to impress my new alpha i think you know how it work. Im poker and you? '' The small dog started licking his wounds waiting for his opponent name, fighting an unknow opponent was for him disgracefull he needed the name to feel a bit better and put a name on his victory.

Piper was tired...and stunned. Why would the enemy ask for her name?

The small dog waited patiently

"W-why should I-" She was about to ask before she set her head down again

Poker lied down next to the tail and waited for an answer. In the street the longer intact tail you had meaned the tougher you where. Chopping bits of tails was showing victory. Was it the same thing here?

"P-Piper!" She whimpered trying to get to her feet

The pinscher mix nodded in silence, lost in his toughts. Piper, she seemed like a pretty nice dog. It seemed like ages for the small dog since he had see a dog like her. Fighting only because she had no choice but still trying her best. He was impressed of the courage she had to put a fight like this one, he knew dogs who would have run away. Poker slowly rose to his feets and looked at her. ''I hope we will see each other in better circonstances Piper, until then i hope you will get better. Know that this fight wasn't a free choice but a necessity.'' The small dog then walked away, letting the injured female alone. He had to patched up himself.

It wasn't until the reality of the situation hit her, then she started to cry. She lay there crying unaware if her pack had left or not.