Rp with Osa

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
1 2361

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago
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Small encounter - 1st encounter

The little dog was on a stone, looking around. He was trying to learn the new faces and get used to his new life. There was a lot of different noise he wasnt used to, here. This place was unusual, sewers as a home is pretty weird. He didn't mind tho since he can't smell anything. Poker didn't really know what to do of his days since he was just an omega.

¨what a strange little dog¨ Osa thought with her head tilting to the side, her ears perked and turned in the direction of a small canine perched on a rock in the clearing of her new territory. Osa had just finished her exam the other day and had apparently passed with flying colors- now she was resting in the shade of an old building with concrete that had been warmed by the sun hours before to lay upon. The day was kind enough with a gentle breeze ratting through the buildings surrounding the few dogs still puttering about the the area, but the littlest one had caught her attention for some reason. There was just something about him… Osa watched for a few minutes more from her lounging spot before she pulled herself to her still aching paws and dragged her pelt over to the rock pile, taking a seat in the convenient grass patch the few rocks had been placed on. Allowing her still slightly throbbing foot to rest in the cool plant life as her muzzle rose to the little dog. The sun still stinging slightly with the adjustment back to full light. ¨Ï hope you know, sitting on tall rocks won't make you any bigger short stack. Eventually, you'll have to come down and be smaller than the rest of us again¨ she called up to him again with a little smirk on her face. Little dogs were always so easy to dig at.

Poker sighed, who is that stupid? He was just looking around and enjoying the view. Before he had just buildings to look at and rare where the trees. Now everything is so colourfull. ''Im looking around i actually enjoy being small its pretty usefull'' He didn't bother looking at the dog who dared lower who he is. The grass was one of his favorite thing here, its always fresh. But the best is not having to ear non-stop the cars being around. All the ground shaking with those gigantic construction stuff is also very nice. This place is so much peacefull than the city. Altough living with a lot of other dogs it pretty tough since everyone is so selfish and a bit mean toward is height.

Osa felt the need to roll her eyes at the small dog who couldn't even bother to look at her- and who'd have guessed that the one dog on this earth that didn't like short jokes just happened to be her only entertainment for the moment? Oh well. Guess she´d just have to sit and wait here for entertainment to come to her. ¨Whatever floats your boat short stack¨ she called back up to the small dog as she took another spot at the base of the rocks back in her shade. Taking a moment to rest her leg before her snout and sniff at the fresh teeth marks still in it. That large dog had really done a number on her foot, but the healers said it should heal up in a couple of days and until then Osa had no complaints being waited on. It was what she did best after all, especially now that she was at the bottom of the pecking order and would have to claw her way up the ladder. For now, she could start with shorty up on the rocks Perhaps if she was stuck with this little guy she could get some useful information out of him- if not about the pack then maybe some dirt to dig up later, or at least a little trust to get to the dirt. All dogs had layers of secrets. It was just a matter of digging through them to get to the good stuff. ¨So, howd you wind up here?¨ she asked.

Poker shook his head and yawn. He put his bag on his back and streched. He got down from his rock. The pinscher mix looked at the dog who was talking to him. She looked a bit like someone he knew before but he didnt remember. Her appearance just remind him something of he didnt know who or what. '' I dont really know, its been maybe a week or two since im in that pack so im still looking that new scenery and the people '' He laid down in a cool area in the shade, he was getting very hot in the full sun and also sleepy. Getting his sleep routine mixed up wouldn't be interesting.

Osa laid her head down on the cool grass, her eyes closing slowly in the shade partially for rest but mostly to give her a more calmed and inviting look. Just a dog looking for a chat more than a dog looking purely for information to use against him later… a smile spreading across as the smaller dog jumped down from his rock and continued to speak to her. Hook. Line. And sinker. She let one of her eyes slip open just slightly to get a closer gaze at the mix. Her eyebrows rising a little in surprise when he admitted to also being new to the group. She had he might have been a scout of some sort standing on the pile of rocks, or just an omega because of his size and largely useless. If small dogs couldn’t run their mouths in a good place they were pretty much a burden. At least to Osa, who practically was a small dog but she had a use. This one on the other hand… she wondered what skills she had up his sleeve. ”just got here huh? Where’d you come from originally?” She asked with little interest and eyes closed once more though her ears were still perked to listen as to what exactly had chased him here.

Poker search in his mind who she looked like. He looked all her features trying to find a hint. But nothing. She was way too curious. The small dog too think that theres was bad intentions behind her. Someone who is mean and after all sweet talk is not usual unless they want something in exchange. He had to be carefull to not fall in the trap. "" The city and you? "" If she wanted to play that game he could too. After all knowing a bit more about the people of his new territory. He have to get to his training soon tho. Should he gather information or train? The choice is hard to make.

”the city hmm?” Osa pondered, finally opening her eyes and lifting her fluffy head. Her ears still peeled and giving Poker her full attention with a subtle face. Trying to look polite. ”The city close to here?” She asked with a sidelong glance in the general direction of the bustling commotion of human junk and lives. She didn’t think such a small dog could have traveled much further… and if it was this close why could he have been running from? Small dogs wouldn’t leave a human home unless they had to because nature wa a dangerous for the tiny… all of this was assumptions for the most part- but assumptions was what lead you to answers as long as you didn’t get ahead of yourself. Or your company. She wasn’t surprised when the question was flipped on her- it was simple common curtesy. But that didn’t mean she had to tell him exactly. ”Oh you know, I’m from neither here nor there. I’m more of a traveler- at least I have been for a while. But I think I might have found my place here” she answered nonchalantly flicking an ear at the exsplination.

The small dog nodded silently "" life in the street all alone was becoming boring and the humans trap more and more of us. Ive seen a lot of them get catched and never come back. "" It was sort of a lie and a truth at the same time. At least some people needed to know about the danger of the city. He listen carefully to the female talking. Poker wasn't really surprised. A traveller doesn't care a lot and is way too cocky. They don't know how to stay at one place and fight for the thing they love. They aren't good packmates in general because if something is off they just continu their routes. At least now he knew why the female was curious, she was trying to gather info too just get the best she could and flew away after she had what she wanted. He didn't know how to continu the conversation. It was pretty pointless, he didn't like those kind of people and she think of him as a small, useless and weak dog.

”the humans catch dogs here hmm?” Osa questioned, her mind racing back to her old home where they didn’t get the luxury. ”they’re lucky then” was her only response as she glanced down to her paws. Thinking out her next corse of action with this dog. ”were you always a street dog then? No family before..?” she pondered, simple conversation carrying now as she waited for something to drop in her lap. He’d have to crack for something soon- she wouldn’t believe it if he said he was a small dog that had always just survived out here.

Poker laughed slowly "" thats not lucky, theres rumors about dogs being killed by the humans "" He didn't understand the question at first but his mind quickly made the connection with his mom. "a new family made of human " Maybe thats what the female was asking. ""No born, raised and lived on the streets since recently, those humans are starting to became out of hand so i decided living a bit far would be safer, and you? "" For the sake of god that was becoming really long. Chit-chating for nothing wasn't is cup of tea especially when theres nothing interesting at the end. He knew that dog couldnt become an allie. He had that gut feeling about her. Poker still, was staying polite and nice but he just wanted to go training.

A somber laugh left Osa as she thought about dogs that had died in her old home. They didn’t have the chance to be turned into pets or escape. Most of them died on the ground in front of their families foaming at the mouth and thrashing in pain as their eyes contorted in their skulls and then they finally stopped twitching and their struggles for breath ended. Capture seemed like such a luxury now. ”if you think capture is the worst thing that could happen to a dog you have no idea what true suffering is. I’ve seen dogs die from poison that took hours or even days to kill them. That is the worst death for a dog.” her voice was low now and her eyes glazed with memories as she faded from the path and present. The small dog seemed to be getting agitated with all the chatter so Osa decided to change the course of the conversation to keep him from getting to antsy. ”What’s your name?”

Poker rolled his eyes "" Id prefer to die than be captured by humans"" In fact it is true after all those humans did to him he would prefer death than having to live with some or just loose his liberty. He shook his head to clear his mind and looked at her. "" Poker and you? ""

Osa, very quickly was tiring of this dogs ignorance. He was something of shallowness to her and Osa noted it. Dogs who thought they’d seen the worst in life often didn’t know what true suffering was. His tone and insurance that it capture was indeed the worst felt like an injustice to Osas pride. She did not show this. Rather imagined what his body might look like mangled if she had someone much larger let him know what true suffering really was. The image cooling some of the fire burning up her throat. ”interesting...” She petered off, tying his name to the large bundle of information she had taken in her mind of him. With this, the female rose. Her gaze looking out the concrete islands in what seemed like a small ocean of green. The grey wavering in the heat of mid day. The sun was hot, the air was humid and Osa was like fire within. She was quickly becoming done with this speak and would rather soak her foot and body in the water. ”If you don’t mind I think I’ll be leaving for now. But, I’ll see you around Poker” leaving his question of her title to the wind as she left the pile of rocks and abandoned the small dog behind her. The fantasy of his corpse still tantalizingly. Soon. Soon she would have that power again, but for now she needed secrets...

As expected that other small dog was like a bad egg looking for trouble. He knew he had to be extra carefull around her from now on. Her passive face was hiding her true emotion, thats obviously a red flag. Someone who not show his emotion gotta be someone with some big intention and most of the time bad intentions. She was judging him fast, too fast in his opinion. But he at least he could go train now. So that's what he did, he took a sprint trough the plain to find himself a good spot away from everyone and trained. It helped him cleaning his mind and making is body feel sore but in a good way.