Rp with Phoebe

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
1 3348

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago
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It hurts - first encounter ft. Finn

Poker was walking slowly, his gigantic purple leg was squished in a bandage. He needed some fresh air or we was gonna become crazy. The small dog was walking trough the tunnels, trying to exit this place. He pass near some fighting but didn't want to get in it, knowing it would be useless. He felt like an old grandpa at that moment. Slow, sore and everything is hurting. At least he was alive? He didn't really know anymore if is life was really how too say it... worth living.

Amongs the chaos, there is a small-ish white and brown dog dodging and slipping away from dogs, running like hell. The retriever mix although small and weak, still got his stamina and reflexes. After some time running, he decided that the battlefield isn't his place. He slipped away from dogs as he went through a tunnel, it's a rather long tunnel but when he reaches the end of it, he was met with another dog. Phoebe immediately tensed up at the sight of the other dog. Phoebe doesn't recognize the face nor the smell of the dog which means he is from the enemies's side. Phoebe notices he seems badly hurt, but Phoebe doesn't want to fight him "umm.. Look we can talk this through..." he says, visibly trembling from fear.

The small dog got tensed seing a newcomer in front of him. ''Who are you?!'' His voice got deeper by the anger. The poor dog just wanted to get some peace and maybe a bit of sun to get his mood back to normal. Now he was stuck with someone else. Poker analysed fastly his opponent, he could make it and maybe even win. The dog wasn't that tall, in fact it was smaller than his previous opponent and seemed even more scared. If it was an ennemy he could back up, if someone saw him he would get kicked out and that was the last thing the little dog wanted.

Phoebe's button ears pinned back against his head as his tail clearly placed between his hind legs. Phoebe has never got into a fight before, he has never even see such a massive battle before with his own eyes. It was all very shocking to him as the experience hits him like a train. He never thought he would get himself into such dangerous situation when he joined the pack. If this dog tried to attack him Phoebe will have to defend himself somehow but he doubts he will be able to do anything much. He got no brawn and he is also small and rather skinny. A good push would have sent him rolling on the ground. "I- I uhh.." he stuttered, at lost for words as his fear is making him frozen in place.

Poker didnt know what to do. Should he attack or should he grab the small dog and bring it outside? Maybe he could do both? The opponent didn't answer the question but his reaction did it. He wasn't a Vryheid and it was the only thing the pinscher mix had to know. The tiny dog took a deep breath and concentrate. He had too fight this one way or another and if he got two dogs down the alpha would be proud of him. At least that what he tough. Poker told himself it was his job, he had to do it so he work up his will and prepared mentally. The workaolic ran and jumped on the orange dog. The adrenaline was back, he clench his theet into the neck of the opponent. His body hurted but he had to do and he would do it watever it takes.

Phoebe was frozen in place when the other dog jumped on him. With a sharp yelp, Phoebe is on the ground as he then felt teeths piercing his neck. Blood starting to flow down his white fur as Phoebe started to panic. He is going to die! He thought as his eyes moved around trying to find something that could save him. But there is nothing around. The pain from the dog's bite is making Phoebe desperate, tears started to well in his amber eyes. Is this the end for him? He thought as he was about to surrender himself, when he saw the other dog's leg. It seems to be badly hurt, broken maybe? Then the idea struck Phoebe, he kicked on the Vry dog's injured leg. Hoping it the pain would make the dog let go of his neck so Phoebe could escape.

The small dog growled and bite harder. It hurted, that pain made him want to win even more. The small dog use his working front paw to hit his opponent in the face, aiming for the eyes. Loosing wasn't an option now, the orange dog wanted to play naughty than poker would too. He removed an ear piece for his first opponent now was time to remove something from his new opponent.

As the smaller dog let go of his grip on the retriever's neck, Phoebe gasped for air as he coughed a few times. Thankfully the smaller dog's fangs has yet to pierce through his lung pipes so he still got a chance in living, though the smaller dog bit down quite deep. Blood keep flowing down his neck, seeing that many blood coming out from him makes Phoebe terrified of whats going to become of him. One thing for sure he only got the word "escape" inside his head right now. The sewer rat didn't give him a break though, as the next thing Phoebe knows is that there's a paw right infront of his face. Thankfully, Phoebe reacted right in time as he moved his head to the side a little making the smaller dog misses his eye and instead clawed down his muzzle. Phoebe is not ready to be blind yet and he definietly will never be. Quickly, Phoebe scrambled back to his paws as he stood up and turned around, trying to make a run for it.

Poker took all his energy he had and ran on his 3 paws. It was hard but he manage to keep a small distance between him and the other dog. He wouldnt let go until his opponent is down. He jumped again on the orange dog and bite too his neck once again. He had to bring his prey too the ground like the other one.

Phoebe has yet to run far before he's slammed to the ground once again. Sharp pain struck his already bleeding neck once again as a yelp escaped his mouth. Phoebe tried to use the same trick on him again but the pain on his neck is making him freeze in place. Phoebe's paws flails around trying to either push his enemy off him or to take a hold of something to help him. But there's nothing around and Phoebe's losing hope along with his conciousness. With his last strength, Phoebe focuses his power on his hind leg as he then give the smaller dog a good kick making him to let go of his neck. Though as Phoebe is about to make a run for it, his legs gave out on him making him collapse on the ground.

The small dog enjoyed the rodeo going up, down, left right. He didnt know how he could still resist those since he was in a pretty bad shape. It was for sure his last fight of the day. Once his prey was on the ground he remove in grip and attacked multiples times the neck and throat of is opponent to be sure for his win. Now he could have two wins with his broken paw. At least it wasnt that bad since his height compared to his opponents sizes.

Phoebe could slowly feel his life energy drained as he barely struggled against the smaller dog now. The taste of blood started to reach his mouth as Phoebe is starting to have a hard time breathing.

The small dog removed his grab from his opponent and backup slowly taking care of not hurting his paw. ''So what's your name little one?'' Said the deep voice of the small dog. Poker lied down near the bleedy ennemi to be able to ear. He was tired and wanted some fresh air. He had to wash up all the blood too.

The dark malinois still felt like a piece of crap that was not useful for anything. Getting his ass kicked so easily a moment before, and the way he handled the situation he needed to realize that he was just like in his earlier times, or even weaker... And this angered him. Thanks to the dark and the blood on his muzzle, that was invisible for the other eyes. As he ran through that part of the scene and looked around, he noticed a familiar pattern, on the floor, choking on his own blood. That was that pup he needed to bring to the site of the trial not so long ago... Phoebe, yes, that was his name, if he was still correct at least a bit. But this thought suddenly faded away, when the opponent of his packmate stood close to canine on the ground. Without a noise, Finn jumped out from the dark, towering over them, in a protective way for Phoebe, and coldly looked at the enemy, with a silent, threatening growl.

Phoebe coughed up some blood out of his muzzle, his vision going blurry then white. He didn't quite catch what the other dog is asking him but he does hear the word "name". Even if Phoebe wanted to answer it, he got no energy left to do and his mouth is starting to fill with blood. He could feel his end nearing, I am going to die he thought but he was then shaken off his gloomy thoughts as another dog jumped in between them. The dog is taller than both of them, and his dark pelt is very familiar looking. Though Phoebe couldn't keep his eyes open any longer as he coughed up some blood and passes out.

Poker sighed it was the weakest dog he has ever seen in his life. His head turned to the tall dog and he growled back. '' So what's his name? you seem to know him'' The pinscher mix was tired but he could manage a third battle, the pain his paw was giving him kept him wide awake. For once he felt like he wasn't that much useless here, he put two opponents KO and maybe another one and they were all clearly taller and bigger than him. More points for him, he would proudly tell the others his exploits when they all nag him about his height. His maybe new opponent was almost three time his size, if he could take it down it would be very good. His body was becoming very tired and sore tho he had to think fast and make each move be worth it.

"Is it that interesting to know the name of someone you almost killed a minute ago?" Finn asked, not even moving, just looking at the smaller dog, shifting his watch on Phoebe for a brief second before turning back to the pinscher again. "Did you want to finish fast of what you started? Or wanted to watch slowly?" he asked, tossing the body of Phoebe a bit further away, just in case if the Vry dog decides to attack him, he wanted to get some time for his friend to regain at least a bit of strength for escaping or letting the malinois help him to get out of here after he took care of the enemy, if he can... The opponent seemed to be much smaller than him, but the recent event made him realize he cannot act like a fool again. After all, he is taking care of two lives now. His and Phoebe's.

The small dog rolled his eyes, that big dog was stupid. ''He's not dead i just hurt him badly, i don't kill people i just did my job. The alpha said kill the dogs that arent vryheids and im not a killer so i hurt him badly'' The small dog showed his paw. ''Him hurted too and i dont mind taking you too now what's his name? '' The small dog had an even deeper voice than usual since his metabolism was pumping fast. A voice like that doesn't fit someone like him people used to say, its too masculine, its a great dane voice! Poker shook his head, trying to get rid of those bad bloody memories. He sat and waited for an answer.

The small one had a strong voice, no doubt. He seemed to be angered by the fact that this malinois just jumped in and started to talk, but this did not bother Finn at all. Why should it bother him after all? He continued looking at the pinscher with the same expression. And that one, just asked for the name of Phoebe again. "You are right ... But he is out of the fight now, why do you still care about his name?" Finn acted like a dumb pup and maybe... He was just an idiot who tried to trigger his opponent..? Who knows, but until this moment, it worked.

Poker growled, what a stupid stubborn dog. He didn't demand the moon! Just the freaking name of the orange dog he knocked out. It's easy why everyone always ask why. Like haven't they live in the streets or at least learn? ''That's how we do in the streets when theres someone we dont know about, we wait at the end to be sure to get an answer. At least that how it is in the part of the city i used to live in now please answer or ill do the same to you.'' The small dog prepared himself, an advantage of being a small dog was that he could get into the paws of the taller dog fast enough and just get him a bit everywhere. He just had to have the agility and swiftness, maybe it would be harder since he was badly injured but still. The small dog never runned away from a fight and it wouldn't start today.

That's how they do in the streets.Finn nodded. Street dogs, he knew them well, he was one of them, and that's right... they get what they want. "Then you could learn that you need to be patient to get that answer you need..." The malinois still had the serious expression on his face, but he was mocking now the smaller dog. Let's see how he will react. At least, he could get some ideas how his to-be opponent wants to attack, even with his serious injuries.

Poker rolled his eyes than smiled, having a great idea. ''What about we make a deal? I guide you both out of here and in exchange you give me your name and his name, i like to put names on the faces'' To him it seems fair, adding the fact that he wanted to get outside too clean himself up. If the other dog would denied that good deal he will be dead, who can refuse good deals? Or at least the good deals he offer, poker's deals are really prized in the city and that kind of deal is gold. That little dog is a real machine, he could kill if he wanted to but he didnt. That dog isnt a killer, he is a survivor doing what he has to do.

A deal. That surprised Finn a bit,, but could maintain his expression, before glanced at Phoebe for a moment, and then back, squeezing his eyes. "How can we know that you won't lead us to a trap, where your little friends are waiting for the fresh meal?" Don't trust anyone, not even a deal. Yet, he was not stupid. He was not a killer neither, and seemed like this other one maybe had the same opinion. "How can I know you won't attack us from behind when you have the chance?" He let out the other question as well

The small dog stood up and started walking slowly. '' I was already about to go outside when your friend bumped into me, im a knowned trader of the city who always keep is word, im in this pack since maximum 2-3 weeks so i barely know anyone and i need to wash all that blood and patch up my leg. If you dont accept ill take it as an invitation to fight then.'' Smiling the tiny dog put is bag back on his back and turned around too the tall dog. ''So what are you saying big dog?''

Finn glanced at the trader and then to Phoebe. He sighed... He could avoid a fight, and with a big chance another encounter with someone from the enemy could get Phoebe out of this fight, or he could fight with this dog, and even if the odds could tell that he might be successful, this day showed him nothing is impossible... The malinois sighed again. "Fine. Trade accepted. My name is Finn and he is Phoebe. Now, I get him and let's go." he stopped, got his injured company slowly on his back and turned to the Pinscher. Following him, slightly more away, just in case anything would happen, glancing at his sides and behind as well. No one can be prepared for everything after all

The small dog smiled happily, he walked trought the tunnels taking a longer road since the mains one might be filled with fights and dogs. '' Happy to meet you Finn, i am Poker and we are currently taking a longer road to not bump into others or fights i would be sad if your friend get killed '' It took a bit of time but they finally arrived outside. The small dog would love to know how fresh air smell like, he sighed. ''I guess this is where our roads get seperated since i got to pick up some basic goodies to try and treat my leg and wounds''

Finn nodded with a slight smile that faded away instantly. This dog wasn't bad, just another fighter of the war... A thing you can learn in this situation that the enemy is just a living being as well, not some kind of soulless maniac.. Well, in some cases of course... Just like Poker said, he leaded them outside from the fight. "Yes. Thanks for the help. I don't like trusting others so easily, but looks like you are a great dog. I hope you can find something for your wounds." He added, nodded and trotted away with Phoebe on his back. Soon, he could notice the healers not so far away, giving them his injured company, and without much talk, he rushed back, into the tunnels, seeking for others that might need help...

Poker than went too the sea. There was no healer of his pack to be seen so he took the matter into his own paws. The saltiness burned the open wounds but at least they would be clean. He proceed to clean himself, removing all that blood was refreshing. the life in the street made him learn a lot. Once he was the official medical provider of one of the medic there. In exchange the male tough him the base of healing. Now that he was in nature everything would be way easier to find for sure. The pinsher mix made a sort of prothesis with his bandages and some branches to make his broken paw to stay in place. Some leaves here and there for the comfortability and he was ready too sort of walk normally. He was tired the small dog decided to take a nap before the sun go hide again.