Rp with Tamira

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
1 3102

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago
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Patching up the wounds - First encounter

Poker was chilling, enjoying the sun. The small dog was looking the injured dogs getting to the healers of the ennemis. Yawning the tiny dog stretched carefully. He was brievly patched up from his fights.

With hurried steps the thick furred merle female made her way towards the sewers. A worried expression stretched upon her features; repeating the terrible news over and over within her mind. Tamira’s marbled haze focused frantically upon the sewer’s nearest entrance in, but nearly moments before trudging forward, she took close notice of the few dogs littered about outside awaiting assistance. A sudden surge of confidence bursted through her heart in the remembrance of what her duty was. She was going to nurture them back to health in time. So she chose to get to work straight away.

The small dog noticed a worried dog as he was about to warned of the danger the dog went to heal some vryheids. Youre late healer He tough. Poker stood up and made his way down to the ground. The hurted male walked slowly towards the healer and the untreated ones of his new pack. "" What do you need to treat them healer? "" The pinscher mix might be in pain but he had a base in healing that mist dog doesnt have. If he could help gathering stuff he would.

The female's flopped ears twirled with her head as her attention snapped to the approaching short canine. She in no way discriminated his size, but mentally noted that she whole heartedly felt that he was not suited for battle in his current condition. Despite her calm demeanor her actions seemed rushed. "Oh- I- I have all I need, thank you sir.. I by no mean, mean to spew excuses- but it's the reasoning for my lateness to this.. " Her brow dots furrowed with what only seemed to be slight discouragement. "Bloodshed." Her eyes clouded with slight dread as she listened to the ghoul-like howls echoing and slapping against the tunnel walls in the tube entrance a mere 5 metres away from her whereabouts. Her attention steeled on the tricoloured mutt, eyes tracing his wounds and noticeable break in his wounded leg. Although her flanks continued to heave out of breath, her will power to help continued to feed off of her adrenaline. The urge to help continued to pulse through her, thus forcing out the rather blunt, yet polite request " May I please help you?"

The small dog nodded "" you should have asked some help it would have saved you time but i understand "" The female seemed overly stressed out by all of this like it was something new. Or maybe she was just feeling bad, the small dog wouldnt ask it was a weird question. At least the healer was here now maybe he could help people in there? He didn't really know what to do. Poker was still pretty sore and tired after those rough fights. Should he help her or get some rest? That's a good question. Resting would be enjoyable but helping could get him bonus points in the yes of the alpha. Helping it is then! The small dog was surprised of the question but after all he was pretty hurted. "" No tank you i will live, but i can offer you my help since theres a lot of injured dogs, i got some base in healing " He showed his patched up immobilized paw made of bandages, branches, leaves and long grass.

The healer's brow dot's stitched together with concern either way. " I'm afraid I cannot accept your help until I at least firmly bandage it. It could be fractured and in that case I wish not to take the chance. A dog with a bone out of place is as much as a corpse in this war." Her voice shook slightly with emotion, feeling both empathy and guilt for those who have been caught under the heavy paw step of what she personally called nightmare fuel; the battles going on within the never ending tunnels raked her mind with undisguisable stress. Her muscles twitched with anxiety as the sudden realization of all the pressure of her job finally settled it's way into her skin. For all she knew, there could already be many mangled corpses inside and she couldn't help but blame herself not being completely prepared. Her medical kit hung over her back, hugging her sides with the weight of supplies; this reminded her of her current situation and boggled her thought process into forcing itself to keep her attention steeled. "Let me rephrase that." She blurted "Please let me help you."

Poker took a step foward the female, he was maybe smaller but he was serious and his voice got deeper. "" If my bone was out of his place i would know it trust me, now let me help you before you get ko out of stress"" The small dog was firm. The workaolic dog was gonna obtain what he wanted, others dogs were gravely injured compared to him. An idea emerge in his head making him smile. "" What about we make a deal? Ill help you and when everyone is patched up ill let you help me? "" His gaze went from serious to happy. Making deals were always the seed of joy in his days.

A moment of stillness overcame the thick Rottweiler-based dog. Her jaws parted to protest but she figured it would be a waste of precious time she could be using to further her assistance throughout the pack. Begrudgingly she nodded, staring almost coldly at him for a moment. "I'll agree to this deal of yours, but all I ask further of you is simple. Please do not doubt my judgement. I may be stressed, my I promise I am not mad, sir." With that she padded with her permanent slight limp off into the abyss of the tunnels; taking in the sharp yelps as they stung her ears like swarms of wasps. The guilt she felt before had been swallowed for the time being- it lay at the pit of her stomach as she felt it would be wiser to deal with her own personal issues later. She led the smaller mixed breed into her den, wilted flowers arranged upon the corners of the small room- Tamira remembered the ball of fun she had with her old friend putting them up, but of course brushed past that memory to make room for more of her focus. "Here, this is where we will be moving them; It's safe, and far off from where the battle cries are being summoned. We must be slick, and very careful not to be seen too much"

The small dog laughed slowly at her answer. Sir, it was the first time someone called him that and it was hilarious. "" I know the difference of stress and madness dont worry, im poker by the way not sir "" He winked and followed her. It was a beautifull den, very well decorated one of the prettiest place he ever seen. His old place was made out of metal, wood and carboard boxes. Still he had manage to live in it for a while with his mom and mate of the time but it was nothing compared to this. "" Beautifull, i may not be much help to move people tho, i might be strong but not that much "" The small dog put his bag down. It was pretty similar too the one the female had. Poker laid down and search fastly in his bag. There was so much stuff in there, but still it was organized. He even had enough to kill someone, poison to be precise. Found it! The dog took out a berry and quickly eat it. His former healer used to give him that; help to bear with the pain she said. Ah the old days, they seemed so far away.

She smiled grimly to his compliment but said no further words aside from "thank you", and "okay" when he came to the point of explaining his weakness within the job requirements. Tamira appreciated his help anyway, dipping her head out of respect as she murmured her own name under her breath before rushing her way quietly towards the commotion. Her paws clicked and dully impacted against the cobblestone ground, careful not to slip on the sewage that spewed off of the waves of the rushing green water. Reaching the final tunnel, she cautiously peered around the corner. Her body rested flat against the brick wall aside her, pressing herself harsher against it as a blur of fur whirled past her face. The body ranged of colours of brown, familiar speckles marking her flanks and rear. Oh a body much too familiar indeed, the presence made her sick; when noticing what lay limply in her jaws made Tamira feel utterly powerless until her adrenaline pulsed more courage through her blood. She trotted on quickly, making quick and brief glances around to watch her own back as well as Poker's.

The small dog followed the healer, he might not be able too help move the bodies but he could protect her. Poker stayed in the shadow's watching carefully the others. He was used to this type of chaos but apparently the healer was shaken by it. He felt a bit guilty and sad for her. Without a word the small dog jumped out of his place in front of the female . He took a full hit of an opponent . "" Go help the other him taking him ill meet you back there"" He screamed. The small dog growled furiously has is third opponent of the day. Dodging and attacking back the battle was easy. Both were tired and injured but the small dog had an advantage. He was a workaolic and this battle was a work for him. Whatever it takes he would finish it and win it.

With no room to argue the female pushed forward without a second thought. Her paws seemed to move on their own as if they had their very own brain and pulse. Tamira slickly padded toward a downed packmate, latching her jaws over their scruff while taking a glance back to the tall lanky dog that was flecked with light brown. A low growl emitted from that dog as she disrespected the corpse in what seemed to be an angry flaming rage. Tamira's gaze flickered back to the injured dog she was leading, reaching a paw out to another canine that was significantly smaller while mouthing "Follow." The dog of many browns eventually tore the flesh of it's victim's throat open, dropping the bloodied body to leave it for the rats before disappearing out of sight once more.

Poker managed to get some good hits on the opponent. He was mad, he had just cleaned himself from all the blood and now he was getting more on himself! The angry little dog tore appart some part of his big and fat opponent. A turtle, that was what his current ennemy was, all poker had to do his dodge and he could win. Tearing away part per part the big dog flopped down in defeat. Tempted to kill the small dog took a deep breath. Another time maybe, today wasn't gonna be the day he would be a killer. The pinscher mix shook himself to remove some blood and went back to the healer's side's. The small dog had done with his opponent pretty fast for once.

Tamira felt slightly more at ease with another set of eyes watching their back. She gathered the majority of the bodies that littered the floor- thankfully those remaining were not in desperate need of medical help. They were up and moving, just rather sluggish and of course hurt as Tamira noted. With the dog's she had at her sides, she quietly and slickly made her way to the den, checking for Poker to make sure he was still with her. Finally arriving she gestured to many open cushions she had left behind after the move she had made to the pack's new base. Her head drooped, allowing the canine that leaned against her to softly slump in the bed she had made for them; immediately getting to work. "Si- Poker, please just prevent any further bleeding on any of the dogs here you see. Don't worry about disinfecting, I'm going to do that. I'd just like to focus on this lad here as he seems to be blacking out." She rummaged through her bag, rolling a roll of bandages she had collected off of the streets to Poker for his to begin his task while she got to work on her own- disinfecting the dog in front of her, while persisting to stop the punctured from leaking any more of their life.

The small dog nodded in silence, he went kickly into his bag and took out a small container. He went to the dog he was told too and put down is precious. Then he looked at the healer, he had to disinfect before putting on his miracle product. So the small dog went and took some basic stuff to disinfect the wound of the hurted one. ''Pfiou and thats done'' Now the magic could start! Opening carefully the countainer Poker pour a small amount of that white powder on the wounds the dog had. He would need some stiches but that would help a lot reducing the bleeding at least. Those humans were becoming pretty usefull for once. He went to the healer and gave her his container. ''Here, apparently its called flour, its a thing human use too cook but it help to stop bleedings way more than the usual techniques.'' The small dog smiled softly, sharing was hard for him but he knew he could get back pretty easily this thing just by going to the city.

Tamira stopped her work momentarily to spare a glance towards the honest working dog that was helping her. She smiled one of her rare genuine smiles, ears raising out of their drooped state. "Flour, huh? Yes. My humans used it a lot for cooking as well. It should thicken the blood I suppose. Thank you for your offer, I really appreciate your kind actions, Poker." Her tired, yet passionate gaze settled on him with respect, gladly using some flour on the dog before her's disinfected wounds before continuing her work with the rest.

Poker nodded '' I had a wise healing teacher in the city, we usually didn't have many natural ressources so we used human stuff '' The small dog helped disinfecting the wounds of others patients. He carefully listen to the instructions of his healer and was really precise in his moves. A workaolic dream basically! It was long and maybe really stressfull for the healer but they managed pretty good in the pinscher opinion. He was proud of himself, today was a productive day!

Upon finishing their last body and pressing her muzzle against the wound to firm up the bandages, the female's marbled gaze of blue and brown rose to the Pincher's line of sight; a hint of comfortability flicked through her normally unreadable eyes. The collie cross finally rose her head to look over the resting patients, proudly exhaling a sigh before sharply turning her head towards Poker with a cocked brow. "Your turn."

The small dog laugh, she was funny. He took his bag and laid near the entrance to keep an eye and stay away from the others. Old habit of street dogs, getting in crowds is usefull but always stay on your guards. '' Sure, i always do my part of the trade. By the way i didn't catch your name what is it? '' He smiled and streched a bit before getting on his back for his belly injury to be treated first.

Tamira followed respectful to his cautions. Her body dropped to a quiet sit before getting to work. She disinfected the wounds about on his body, caring for small cuts he may not have even known he had. But finally she reached the final treatment of his foreleg. Her eyes squinted, trusting her sight was difficult due to the bulbs in the back being burnt out. However she of course still applied her heart into her work, focusing solely on being careful of the break, but eventually carefully straightening it. After straightening it, she placed two very straight short sticks along both sides of the leg, wrapping it firmly with bandages after to assure the bone would heal in line if it had been fractured. Her eyes continued to focus softly on her work as she quietly replied to his question "Tamira"

Poker smiled softly, she reminded him of his old healer mentor. '' Its an original name and pretty too'' His voice was soft but still deep. The small dog was calmer when away from everyone, he knew she was doing her best and he admire it. Rare was the dogs he knowned would have done the same thing for him and now she's here and not knowing him at all.

The gentle healer mumbled rather flustered thank you as she was not very used to talking to many dogs and tended to keep to herself ever since her friend's disappearance "Thank you, your name is quite nice as well". She exhaled a relaxed sigh finally, finished with her work on him she allowed him to stand if he felt he needed to. "I suppose you know the drill. Try not to walk on it, keep those bandages tight. Very firm. and of course, lots of rest." Her eyes dropped to the ground reminiscing the last time she dealt with a 'wounded' leg. It was her one and only Asher; her best friend that had suddenly gone MIA. A smile broke across her weary face for a moment, genuinely enjoying a thought before interrupted by a howl of the packs' Beta; the spit fire herself, Valor.

Poker nodded in silence and use his bag as a pillow. The pain was pretty much away since he took that berry some time earlier. Life was way more easier and he took a deep breath of relief. He hope today could help how the alpha see's him. He chuckled slowly hearing the howl. "" I think someone else need your help, dont forget deep breaths help with stress and to work at your best you need your sleep "" The small dog winked before closing his eyes and falling trough morphee's arms.