2 months, 13 days ago

You've noticed that there's been a crew member missing for the past few hours. Though, it's a big ship. Perhaps you just keep missing each other when wandering around. At least, until there was an announcement over the intercom that their body had been found shoved in a corner in the electrical room. There is an imposter among you.

The team is arguing over who did it--and who had seen who. So far it was everyone arguing amongst each other--until someone pointed you out at the large cafeteria table. "It was you! Where were you?!"

The team seems to think that you've been an imposter on the ship the whole time! What say you in defense?

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Áile's heart pounds in her chest as she listens to the accusations hurled her way, disbelief and shock written plainly across her face. "Me? It couldn’t have been, I... I was asleep," she stammers, her voice trembling with indignation. "I always take a nap after finishing my tasks, almost like clockwork! You guys know what I’m like! I couldn't have been involved in... in something like this."

One of her fellow crewmates folds his arms across his chest, his expression skeptical. "Are you telling me you slept through the entire ordeal? The alarm was blaring throughout the ship. It's hard to believe you wouldn't have heard it."

Áile's mind races as she struggles to piece together the events of the past few hours. "I... I don't know," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe I was in a deeper sleep than usual. But I swear, I had no part in this."

Another crewmate speaks up, her voice tinged with suspicion. "And what about earlier? You were acting strangely, sneaking around the corridors like you were avoiding someone."

Áile's eyes widen in surprise at the accusation. "I... I wasn't avoiding anyone," she protests, her voice growing increasingly desperate. "I was just... lost in thought. The end-of-route workload recently has been neverending, I was just sneaking off to grab a snack from the cafeteria. I didn’t want anyone to think I was skiving off from my work." She tries a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. This was quickly stifled by the others stern reactions.

The tension in the room is palpable as Áile's crewmates exchange wary glances, unsure of what to believe. Áile feels a knot form in her stomach as she realizes the gravity of the situation – if she can't convince them of her innocence, she risks being ejected from the ship, branded as a traitor.

"I swear on my life, I had nothing to do with this," Áile implores, her voice pleading. "You have to believe me."