The World's Beyond - Status Report:Distress Signal

2 months, 7 days ago

There have been reports of numerous false distress signals calling for supplies - which have been difficult to differentiate from the real ones from friendly ships. What protocols have the team put in place for these situations?

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Status Report: Distress Signal Verification Protocol

In light of recent reports regarding the proliferation of false distress signals, our team has implemented a rigorous verification protocol to distinguish between genuine calls for aid, similar to that which came from Myar, and deceptive transmissions. We have created AID: Assess, Information, Decision. This AID protocol has been developed with careful consideration of the unpredictable and hazardous nature of spacefaring, and it reflects our commitment to assisting others while safeguarding our own comrades against potential threats.

One crucial aspect of our verification process is the thorough analysis of each distress signal's origin and authenticity. We utilize advanced communication systems to triangulate the source of the signal, cross-referencing it with known coordinates of spacefaring vessels and research outposts. Additionally, we scrutinize the encryption and transmission frequency of the signal for any anomalies that may indicate tampering or deception. You may have noticed that the team have been sending verification requests to the base - this has been in regards to these distress calls.

Furthermore, we rely on our intuition and experience to assess the credibility of each distress call. Genuine signals typically convey a sense of extreme urgency and are specific in their details to aid us in assisting, whereas false alarms may be vague or lack critical details. Our team exercises caution and discretion in evaluating the urgency and authenticity of each distress call, prioritizing the safety of our crew and the integrity of our mission. In cases where the authenticity of a distress signal is uncertain, we conduct additional reconnaissance and surveillance to gather more information before committing resources to render aid.

Overall, this new AID verification protocol reflects our dedication to assisting those in genuine need while remaining vigilant against potential threats and deception in the vast expanse of space. We understand the importance of approaching each situation with care and discernment, and we remain committed to upholding the highest standards of safety and integrity in all our endeavours.

End of Status Report - Áile