The World's Beyond - Status Report: Departure

2 months, 14 days ago

With the completion of a journey, comes a final report.

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Status Report: Departure

As I sit here, summarising my final thoughts before departing from this journey, a whole whirlwind of emotions floods my mind. It's strange to think that this journey, which once felt like an endless expanse of possibilities, is now drawing to a close.

Leaving behind the vast expanse of space feels both liberating and… melancholic. There's a sense of accomplishment in knowing that we've traversed through the unknown, charting new frontiers that have never been seen by our kind before. Yet, there's a pang of sadness too, for the bonds forged with my crewmates and the countless wonders we leave behind. As ecstatic as I am to return to the familiarity of home, this will be an experience I’ll forever remember.

Did we find what we were looking for? It's a question that lingers in my mind as I reflect on this journey. Truth be told, I'm not sure if we ever had a specific goal in mind when we set out. Perhaps it was simply the desire to experience something new, to push the boundaries of our understanding, and to embrace a new adventure that called from beyond the stars.

In the end, I realised that our journey was not defined by the destination, but by the experiences we shared along the way. There was no possible way we could have uncovered the mysteries of the universe, but we've gained something far more precious – a deeper appreciation for the beauty, complexity and danger of the cosmos, and the resilience of our bonds whilst in unfamiliar territories.

As I prepare to bid farewell to this chapter of my life, I do so with a sense of contentment. This journey was something I almost never even considered participating in, but I’m glad I stepped forward  The experience, the thrill of adventure and the bonds alone were something to make this past time worth it, I’ll never forget the memories or those that I travelled with - and for that, I am eternally grateful.

End of Final Status Report - Áile