
2 months, 20 days ago
387 1

Very short thing I did for a writing prompt in my new writing club, basically just Flint thinking about spring and what it brings.

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This is the shortest thing I’ve written and posted so far. Expect more of these super short things now that I’m in a writing club that provides prompts and quick writing time. I’ll still be writing other stuff on my free time dw.

Also the thing I originally intended to post Monday will likely be delayed a day or two. It’s about 2k words long, so I want a bit of extra time to edit it.

Springtime was finally coming, and Flint could barely hold on to his excitement.

The snow was melting away, revealing the rich, beautiful green grass hidden below it. On top of that, the perennials in his garden were also starting to spring back up, their stems growing taller by the day. When everything was gone, the pale orange cat would finally be able to plant new things in the garden again. Maybe he’d plant some cilantro this year. Renevir would surely like to use some for his cooking, after all. Flint also considered planting some tomatoes, since those had wielded a good harvest last year.

So much to do, so much to plant… Flint thought. Why can’t this snow just melt faster?

The snow had usually disappeared by this time of year. However, this year, things were different. Everyone thought the snow had gone away early, but a surprise storm had thrown everything off, much to Flint’s dismay. He hoped that wouldn’t happen this time. He’d already had to set up some emergency pots, in both his home and shop, to prevent the plants he’d bought from dying in the cold. At least things were finally starting to clear up again.

I already have some zinnias to plant in the flowerbed, Flint thought. Maybe I should plant some salvia to go with them? I could also plant some marigolds for the summer, and some roses for the fall… There’s so many options, I’ll need to ask Renevir what he thinks later.

Flint focused his attention back on what he was doing. Oh, right, he had a haworthia that needed watering. He grabbed back onto his watering bulb and continued to pump water into the soil, making sure it was all running through well. He didn’t want to drown the poor thing, did he? Besides, he’d already disappointed it with how distracted he’d gotten. Still, it was hard to think about much else when the smell of the earth was starting to fill the air  again, and the birds were starting to return at last. Even the butterflies, with vibrant colors that painted whatever they touched, were starting to show up. Oh, he was off track again…

But maybe thinking about spring wasn’t so bad, after all.