The World's Beyond - Space Pirates?!

2 months, 13 days ago

There has been talk of "Strange Folk" about--and you can't be too careful! Many of them have been said to be raiding supply ships, which has led to many research teams having to be sent back home due to low supply. How has your team protected themselves from these "Space Pirates"?

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In the wake of reports regarding the presence of "Strange Folk" and the increasing incidents of raids on supply ships, Áile and the rest of the team have prioritized implementing robust defensive measures to safeguard themselves and their limited resources in the unforgiving depths of space.

So what I’m hearing is, we’ve got SPACE pirates to worry about now?” she quipped, her tone laced with a hint of disbelief.

Her crewmate chuckled in response, though there was a note of apprehension in their voice. "Well... They might not be that big of a hassle to deal with," they replied, trying to sound optimistic.

Áile raised an eyebrow, exchanging a glance with her fellow crewmate. "Pirates... in SPACE. They're bad enough to deal with on the seas!" she exclaimed, unable to suppress a grin. “But, at least we don't have to worry about them boarding us with peg legs and parrots."

Their shared laughter echoed through the communication deck.

The first agreed line of defence involves fortifying the exterior of their spacecraft with advanced shielding technology with the assistance of elemental powers - what fun would it be to not implement some Gaidinan powers as defences? These shields serve as a barrier against incoming threats, deflecting projectiles and absorbing impacts with remarkable efficiency. Regular maintenance and rest for those involved ensure the shields remain at peak performance!

To bolster their defences further, an early warning system has been implemented on their ship. Long-range scanners scan the surrounding space for signs of potential danger, detecting incoming vessels and meticulously monitoring their movements. Still, these are usually also manned by a crewmate in the event of any technological malfunction. Any unauthorized approach triggers immediate alerts, allowing Áile and the rest of the team to prepare for potential confrontations and take evasive action if necessary. In addition to technological defences, Áile and the others maintain a vigilant watch over communication channels, listening for any abnormalities or suspicious distress signals which could be related to a possible attack. Unfortunately under Aile’s (sleepy) watch, an alert of an incoming vessel was nearly missed, meaning the crew narrowly avoided an altercation with what they can only presume were space pirates.