Valentine's Day

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On a sunny spring day, a short boy with medium white hair wearing a red hoodie and some white shorts hears the soft sound of the waves as a soft breeze rushes by, he is accompanied by a similar boy almost like his twin the only difference being that the ends of his hair are black and the other are green, their names Bubbles and Draco.

The streets were empty since it was early in the morning, and both of them with a drink in hand after leaving the shop wandered, Bubbles had a green-like drink while Draco had a pink one.

While they walked the sunny street a shop caught Draco's attention, with a big sign placed in front of the store making him walk towards it.

As he wandered off his twin asked confused "Draco were you going?" as he followed him towards the shop.

He gets close to the shop and reads the sign: "Do you know what you're going to give your partner on Valentine's Day? We have the best chocolates in town so look no further!"

Draco makes a weird face as he questions himself as to what is Valentine's Day? He looks at Bubbles with a confused face as he asks "Bubbles do you know what this is?" the twin shakes his head since he doesn't know either.

They walked further down the street and sat on a bench near some trees in front of the river, as the sound of the waves grew a little, they both started to search on the same phone about this Valentine's Day.

They come across an article explaining this Holiday, a day where you cherry the person you love the most by showing affection, a romantic day.

As he comes to the end of the article he looks at the date of the holiday, he stares blankly at the date as he realizes that the day is in half a week.

Draco reaches for his face in stress as he doesn't know what to do, he thinks about possible plans for the day but all of them would take too much time, he tries to find a way to crunch the time but it feels impossible.

Bubbles looks at him confused as he asks "Ah... Draco?" he looks at him with his hands blocking his face, as Bubbles continues "Why don't you ask for help in this?"

Draco stops for some seconds and slowly lifts his hands looking at Bubbles and tells him "'re right..." while thinking to himself why didn't he think of this too.

Draco ponders who would be the best person to talk to about this topic in order, I couldn't be Rogerio since he doesn't have a girlfriend and he doesn't know most of the members that well, so the final pick would be Verissimo.

Draco looks at Bubbles and says "We should talk to Verissimo, he would probably know right?" Bubbles nods, they finish their drinks and start making their way toward Ordem.

After a long walk, they reached the entrance, as they entered a big office with some people, Draco thinks what he could do with the little time he had while Bubbles tried to not let him bump into things when he was lost in thought.

They went down a spiral of stares and reached Verissimo's office, they opened the door and saw a man with dark bluish hair, a small white pear beard, and a nice suit.

They both greet him as they enter a big office with some sofas, walls surrounded by books, and a big window directed at a table with a wooden chair where this man is sitting.

Draco questions about Valentine's Day, and the man gets confused for a moment but realizes that it makes sense why he's asking it, he explains the holiday with ease, and Draco questions what he should do.

The man ponders for some seconds and tells him that he should pass time with her, taking her on a picnic, having some decorations in their home and a present would make a fine Valentine's Day.

They thank him as they leave the office and now there are more problems than before, where to go? which decorations and the present

Someone sparks in Draco's eyes, Rogerio a guy with brown hair, yellow eyes, and a white jacket, would be the ideal person to know a good spot, and his garage is just behind the corner.

They head to his garage and open the door, Rogerio is sitting in his computer as they greet him, the garage is a mess and the only thing somewhat tidy looks to be the computer desk.

Draco asks with a shy look "Rogerio... I need your help... again", the guy looks at him "What is it this time?" he explains the situation and he looks confused at Draco when he mentions that he didn't know what Valentines Day was and as he as realized something says "Ohhhh right, guess staying inside of a lab all the time makes you like that!" Draco gives him a little punch on the shoulder while he laughs.

Rogerio agrees to help him and by tomorrow he will have the perfect place for him, now they just need the decorations and the present.

Draco asks if they could use the garage while he's out and Rogerio agrees.

Draco and Bubbles begin storming ideas as to what they should give her, Draco with a worried look says "Hmm I ring would be nice, but I already gave her that..." Bubbles with a thinking look asks "Why not a small matching toy?".

They both keep at it for a while until Rogerio intervenes and says with a carefree tone "Why not a matching bracelet?" Draco and Bubbles looked at each other and agreed, Draco excitedly said "What if they both communicated?!" Bubbles follows his flow and says "And light up after receiving something?!".

Rogerio left after a while to start searching for the stop while Draco and Bubbles started doing drawings for the design of the Bracelets.

They established that the Bracelets would be able to communicate no matter the distance and that they could only send a specific signal, like turning on a light for some seconds.

They spent the whole afternoon making prototypes, Draco's design was more technological and complex while Bubble's took a more designed and less complex approach.

Draco liked a lot of things that Bubbles had done and the other way around too, they picked the best parts and started going to work.

But in the end, to make something so powerful to communicate anywhere in the world into something so small, only came with problems, it exploded or disintegrated itself each time they tried it.

Draco panted around the room trying to find a solution, but that would mean they had to try and do a whole new design.

Bubbles then had the idea that instead of trying to remake it, do it more simply, Arlo a guy with pink hair and blue eyes was an expert on paranormal this kind of things, Bubbles then said "We should ask Arlo for help, his paranormal expertise on technology we can make the bracelets communicate without having to remake them!"

Draco looked at him with a surprised look "You are a GENIUS!" as he hugged him.

He called Arlo to see if he could do him the favor, he explained the situation and the same as everyone else, he got confused but quickly realized why, which made Draco a little irritated that everyone gets it like that.

He agrees to help him and he should be able to a day before Valentine's Day, which makes them happy, as they hold their invention.

The day is coming to a close so they should head home.

Traveling the cold night street with the sound of the cars and the waves, they arrived home and Bubbles fused with him, with a warm welcome from a tall woman with long blond hair with dark red ends, a strong build, and blue eyes named Rachel, they went to bed rest for the night.

The next morning they didn't do their usual cuddling in for a bit, took some breakfast, and went to do their morning run by the river sed, the waves softly crashing and the breeze passing through them.

As they finish they return home to take a bath and go on for the rest of their day.

Draco summons Bubbles and together they go to search for a decorative shop nearby.

They find a small one with a Valentine sign, a white building with a large window, and a wooden door.

They go inside as they are greeted by the cashier, a man with dark brown hair, and brown eyes and wearing the shop uniform, they go around and find some materials to work with and decorations, mostly the theme colors being red and green.

Some heart-shaped decorations are essential too for them, after getting all they knew Draco remembered that if they were gonna go for a picnic they would need food.

He thought about it and concluded that the best cook he knows besides Rachel is her father, he looked at his twin and said "Hey we still need some food, what about asking Rachel's father if he could cook us something?" he nods in agreement and they both went to her house.

They arrive by the house and it's the middle of the day, Bubbles fuses with Draco and he knocks on the door.

Her father opens the door and Draco greets him, they talk for a bit about how things are going and he invites him in for lunch and he agrees, He sits in a table inside the kitchen and explains his idea to her father, and why it should be a surprise.

Her father liked the idea and agreed to cook for them, they talked about Pirates of the Carabians since it was his favorite movie and by the end of it they had already finished.

When Draco receives a call, he picks up his phone and looks at the screen. It is Rogerio, he picks up and they start talking, Rogerio has found 3 good spots and wants to show him in a bit, Draco agrees and says they could meet at the Ordem entrance.

Draco says goodbye to Rachel's father and starts going to order, in the meantime he summoned Bubbles and they talked about the type of place they should do the picnic in Draco says with an excited face "A place where the sun can shine a lot?" Bubbles adds "And some trees?" they continue until they arrive at an order and get a solid idea of what they want.

They meet up and start going on their way towards the first place, it's more secluded with benches and a small garden in the more centered part of the city, a good place nonetheless but not what they envisioned.

They go to the second place, which is full of trees inside a park, this is more like what they wanted but there were too many trees and they blocked most of the sun.

On their way to the third place, Draco had the idea to have a break and go to a nearby coffee shop with them.

The streets were full at this time, and there was a little line in the cafe but nothing too much, they stood in line and entered the coffee shop.

The shop was simple with round white tables and a wooden floor, they sat at a table near the corner of the coffee and talked about the modifications that Rogerio did to the bike and so on.

After a good talk, they left to finally get to the third place, and the wait was worth it, a terrain full of flowers with the right amount of trees while the sun shined.

This was the place, now they just needed to finish making the decorations and Arlo would help them in making the present.

They all make their way to Rogerios garage, Bubbles and Draco start preparing the decorations while Rogerio is on the computer.

By the end of the day they have finished them and carefully stored them in a backpack, and they go off home again.

The next day comes after they take a bath and go on their day, Draco and Bubbles go to Leo's house since it is finally time for Arlo to help them.

As they arrive at the apartment they knock on the door and are greeted by a man with blue hair and brown eyes, with a white blue sweater Draco greets him "Hello Leo!" Leo greets him and lets him in to see Arlo.

They explain what they were trying to do with the bracelet and Arlo looks at Draco confused since they are used to using the paranormal and he didn't think about using it, Draco explains that he wanted to try and do something without paranormal but it didn't work too well so.

Arlo then asks for the present and Draco shows him two bracelets, A golden chained bracelet with the sun, and a silver chain bracelet with the moon, Arlo looks at them for a bit and casts a ritual on them, while Draco sets up the message they would send each other to activate.

"13/5ILoveYou-MySun" and "13/5ILoveYou-MyMoon" would be what the bracelets would send each other.  

Draco tries to stay for a bit and play with Arlo, he asks if he can touch his Nintendo Switch and he agrees, Draco after touching the Nintendo, asks Bubbles if he can make 2 of them and so he does, two perfectly identical to Arlo's switch appeared.

So they played for a bit but Draco was horrible at it and Arlo was just too good, Bubbles sometimes got the hang of it.

They said their goodbyes and Draco called Rogerio, he picked up and Draco asked him if he didn't want to hang out for the rest of the day, Rogerio agreed and they agreed to meet up in a bar.

They arrive at a normal bar and try to have some fun, Rogerio spots a pool table and brings Draco and Bubbles over, He teaches them the basics of pool and they start going at it.

They both lose easily, Rogerio seems to be good and looks like he has played it for some time, they order some drinks and hang around until the night comes.

They go home and the nerves build up in Draco's chest as he walks the night streets with Bubbles.

The Day arrived but not much changed in the morning other than the cuddles were longer as well as the morning run.

They get ready to set out, it's a sunny day with a warm breeze a perfect day for a picnic, Draco intertwines his fingers with Rachel and they set off to her house which makes her confused.

They arrive at the house and he knocks on the door and is greeted by her father, they exchange pleasantries, and give him a bag with a lot of food he prepared.

He tells them to have a good time, as they walk down the street Rachel looks at him and says "Seems like you prepared something for us?" with a smile Draco rubs his head on her shoulder and says "Yeah... you could say that" as they made their way towards the place.

Draco's mind is in this moment that makes it all worth it, this simple thing of being close to her already makes him happier than ever.

They arrive at the place, a park full of different kinds of flowers and big trees as the sun warms the earth, they put their mat down and lay on their backs taking in the sun.

The sky is mostly clear with some minor clouds, even the breeze is somewhat warm and the moment is peaceful.

After a while Draco turns on his side to look at Rachel, she notices and does the same, as they come close and their foreheads touch closing their eyes to appreciate the moment.

They open their eyes and Draco notices some yellow flowers across Rachel, he smiles at her and gets up, as he goes to the flowers he summons Bubbles so he too can enjoy this moment.

They pick some flowers and come to Rachel's side, as they start to wrap the flowers Rachel asks "What are you doing Draco?" he happily says "Oh this? I saw it in a movie once and it looked fun to try!" as he struggled to the crown of flows, Bubbles was slower but had better progress than him.

Rachel got up and picked some flowers too, she joined them as she too made a crown of flowers.

She seemed to have more ease doing it, while Bubbles got some bits right and Draco seemed to not be able to, as Draco looked at him and said "Why not do it together?" Bubbles nodded and they both started, Draco held the shape of the crown while Bubbles wrapped the flowers around, it seemed that the parts they couldn't do alone, now were able to, because they were doing it together.

They finished the crown with yellow flowers that looked like the sun and placed it upon her head, while Rachel gave Draco a White flowered crown, they looked at Bubbles smiled at him, and went off to pick some flowers.

Rachel brought some red flowers while Draco got some white ones, and together with mostly Rachel's help they made a Corwn just for him too.

They fool around for a bit but hunger catches their stomachs so they start preparing lunch, since they were fooling around the food got cold, but there are benefits of being a Phoenix, and so she warms the food back.

They enjoyed this day but the fun made them lose track of time and so night came, just as quickly as the fun started.

They arrange their belongings and make their way toward their home, it's a cold night, but Rachels feels like a walking oven so Draco holds her arm even if he doesn't have a temperature he likes the warmth that she gives him.

When they arrived Draco asked if Rachel couldn't wait outside for a few minutes, to which she agreed, and so he and Bubbles went inside to prepare the decorations, since it was a two-man team it was easily done.

They fuse and Draco comes outside to bring Rachel in, She looks surprised at the decorations as she says "You know I didn't think you knew about Valentine's Day" Draco shies a little and Brings her a box.

She grabs the box carefully and opens it, inside the two beautiful bracelets that with help were made, he says timidly "I... didn't know about it, but... I had a lot of help" as he continues "From Bubbles, Verissimo, Rogerio, Arlo..."

She grabs the silver bracelet and he continues "It communicates, with each other... it sends a message" As he picked the golden one and pressed the sun, the silver one started to glow and vibrate a little.

He continues "It says the day we met, and..." as he begins to turn red and takes a deep breath "I love you my... sun" As he looks at the ground embarrassed Rachel approaches him and holds him close.

She gives a little laugh and Dracos asks "Why are you laughing..." As he looks away embarrassed Rachel answers "Am just happy, that you're finally asking other people for help, you changed a lot" She lowers herself and kisses him on the lips.

Draco continues red as a tomato "N-next year... is your turn ok?" Rachel agrees as She picks him up and lays him in bed she says "But for now I will take my second present..."

As the night closes in this Valentine's Day