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Yeaaar Two~

Moon 12 through 14
New-leaf 2
Foxglove"Star ◂ Leader
â—‚ Deputy
â—‚ Doctor



â–¸Ragged"Kit, Rubble"Kit, Weevil"Kit, Pumpkin"Kit

â—‚ StarClan Guide


Hazel"Paw fought a rouge and got hurt :(
Sapphire"Web got her paw stuck in a twoleg trap, she got out but her paw is hurt.
Pumpkin"Kit got a runny nose.
Lot's of twolegs roaming around lately... :/
Hazel"Paw heals from the cat bite (from rouge)
Moon 15 through 17
Green-leaf 2
The four summoned from the void children are named apprentices.
  Ragged"Paw, Rubble"Paw, Weevil"Paw, Pumpkin"Paw.
  Being mentored by: Honey"Bone, Foxglove"Star, Aphid"Crash, and Ghost"Peak.
  (" Hi dad! :D ")
Foxglove"Star and Honey"Bone find an injured loner near the border and bring them
  back to camp after they agree.
  Welcome, Posy"Beetle.
Ghost"Peak finds and injured cat beside the thunder path and tentatively checks on them.
  AAA- oh it's not a ghost. He takes Guzma"Flicker back to camp.
Ghost"Peak got a thorn in his paw wild helping build camp walls. Dang.
Chestnut"Dapple got bit by a snake and lived!
Sapphire"Web's hurt leg had healed well.
Ghost"Peak's scratch is fine now.
Rubble"Paw gets heat stroke :(
Hazel"Paw and Swan"Paw graduate!
  Now known as Hazel"Chirp and Swan"Heather!
Moon"Feather sees Ghost"Peak stumble while hunting and thinks it's cute.
Then she rolls around in herbs that she heard he thinks smell nice.
  Woe, romantic attraction be upon ye.
  Sorry though, I've decided Ghost"Peak is aro.
Ghost"Peak rolls his eyes at Pumpkin"Paw judging the technique he's teaching,
  both amused and annoyed at the audacity.
Weevil"Paw and Aphid"Crash find a kit in the wild,
  Weevil"Paw runs the child back to camp, goodness!
  Welcome, Golden"Kit.
Green"Fin gets a small cut while checking on something with Moon"Feather.
Moon 18 through 20
Leaf-fall 2
Green"Fin's cut heals.
Ghost"Peak gets green cough. My guy cannot catch a break.
Chestnut"Dapple has recovered from the snake bite and poison,
  now he has a scar.
Rubble"Paw recovers from heat stroke.
Posy"Beetle recovers from her claw wound-
  then gets a thorn stuck in her paw from a prank. :/
Honey"Bone tells Ghost"Peak she thinks Sapphire"Web's eyes are pretty,
  then Ghost"Peak tells someone else and Honey"Bone goes >:0
  Sapphire"Web, meanwhile, remains entirely oblivious to Honey"Bone's feelings.
Pumpkin"Paw goes patrolling with Posy"Beetle.
  He reveals he's having trouble sleeping from seeing shadows and images in them.
  She comforts him and he feels better. Aww.
Foxglove"Star and Hazel"Chirp get white cough.
Chestnut"Dapple fought a fox and got away with just a few scrapes.
Posy"Beetle's scratch has healed.
Guzma"Flicker's jaw heals! :D
Sapphire"Web and Green"Fin find the Oriole Clan's deputy at the border.
  Albeit suspicious, lead them back to the camp so they can tell Foxglove"Star news.
  Good luck, deputy, she's sick lol.
Honey"Bone was found booping noses with a rogue. Weird.
Foxglove"Star recovers from white cough.
Ghost"Peak is cured of green cough.
Chestnut"Dapple's scrapes heal.
Sapphire"Web runs too fast and hurts her paws.
Hazel"Chirp's white cough goes away.
Rubble"Paw and Guzma"Flicker fight off a big dog.
  Rubble"Paw is generally injured and Guzma"Flicker's tail is hurt.
Honey"Bone and Ragged"Paw find that dang dog and lead it away.
  Honey"Bone is so tired from running most of the way,
  Ragged"Paw supports her back to camp.
  The clan showers them in appreciation.
Ghost"Peak and Pumpkin"Paw find
  a Wind Clan apprentice on the wrong side of the border.
  Ghost"Peak sends them back home after lecturing for an hour.
Foxglove"Star and Moon"Feather go to gather lungwort,
  instead they just came back all sore from searching with no results.
Moon 21 through 23
Leaf-bare 2
3/4 of the summons graduate.
Ragged"Tail, Weevil"Claw, and Pumpkin"Chaser
Golden"Kit > Golden"Paw
We meet ASGORE
Find Blue"Kit
Rubble"Paw > Rubble"Shell
Foxglove"Star and Moon"Feather recover from soreness.
Sapphire"Web's paws heal from running too hard.
Hazel"Chirp trips on an unseen rabbit hole, acquired paw sprain.
Ragged"Paw, Weevil"Paw, and Pumpkin"Paw graduate.
  Now known as: Ragged"Tail, Weevil"Claw, and Pumpkin"Chaser.
  (sorry Rubble, you got held back a little due to being injured :< )
Golden"Kit is now an apprentice!
  Golden"Paw is mentored by Honey"Bone. (this girly will never be done mentoring)
Sapphire"Web and Chestnut"Dapple lead another dog away.
  Sapphire"Web gets helped back home, tired.
Aphid'Crash and Pumpkin"Chaser meet a kittypet named Asgore.
  *Bergentrückung intensifies*
Green"Fin and Ghost"Peak find another abandoned kit-
  welcome Blue"Kit.
  Do the outsider cats just think the clan is a babysitting place???
Posy"Beetle announces she's gonna have kits suddenly.
  She remains roaming for now.
Blue"Kit has a horrible headache and just wants to stay in bed.
Chestnut"Dapple and Honey"Bone become best friends :>
Ghost"Peak and Green"Fin get caught in a storm while out hunting.
  The two take turns being on the coldest side.
Foxglove"Star just can't stop getting small cuts,
  this time getting one when visiting the burial place with Moon"Feather.
(Finally know the last clan's name: Curl Clan)
Honey"Bone sprains her paw slipping from a rock.
Foxglove"Star's cut heals.
Aphid"Crash has a stomach-ache
Hazel"Chirp heals from her sprain.
Rubble"Paw heals from his injured leg.
  He then also graduates, now known as Rubble"Shell.
Posy"Beetle thinks she'll have a small amount of kids and moves to the nursery.
Guzma"Flicker's tail heals, though scarred.
Blue"Kit's headache goes away.
Golden"Paw gets sneak attacked by a rogue and gets an injured leg.