The royal hounds

2 months, 19 days ago
1000 2

Briar accidentally gives his dogs too much leeway.

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Briar didn't normally let his pack in his room. Not because they whernt well behaved, or untrained, or anything of the sort. Or rather it was simply because the six fools had their own room to themselves, as they should have. The more wolflike dogs where living in probably the most lavish conditions one could think of and if you asked the staff maybe even more lavish than the king himself. 

But that didn't matter. The maids needed to go in for cleaning their room and, usually he'd just turn the precious hunting dogs out to play in the garden, even though they would inevitably cause a bit of chaos from that. it was better there than trying to gently tug the maids around to distract them with various balls and made toys. The only unfortunate problem was it was late at night because of the recent festival briar had to put on to save face (much to his agonizing dismay. He's never experienced somthing so utterly boring since when he first started meetings.) And got to the room later than usual. Briar wasn't a stupid man, even though his dogs where well trained, sometimes their wolf instincts got the better of them, and they would saunter off if they where not being supervised, he supposed this is why he was the only one who really payed attention to them intently as he did, he was the alfa to them so he has some say. But God forbid that happened without his watch and they somehow got into a massive amount of trouble. He was a king but he was not going to be as stupid as the previous one that got into much worse scandalous grievences, but the court would take advantage of things even if they where scared of him. 

All of this led to briar assuming his dog's would be fine in his room for one night. They where fine during the late stages of the war with firepits and admittedly less comfortable conditions, they'd like the fireplace just as well as it was certainly warm enough for probably all if them combined. that way they could go play later and come back to a nice clean tidy bedroom of theirs without issue. 

That was what he initially thought before heading to bed, as he expected the pack of them all cuddled around the fireplace and everything was fine. Until briar at somepoint, couldn't breath. He didn't know what hour it was but he was being suffocated by a thick double coat, thankfully he was able to sort of get out from under whoever it was, curse his tiredness, to take a breath so he could satiate his lungs need for air. It was then when he tried to move his arms to shove the wooly creature off, he realized there where two other weights on each of his arms along with a dog's head right over his eye and three more weights on his legs.

They had all decided he was a better heater than the fireplace and that his bed was far superior to the floor because of that as well. 

Briar laid there for an hour, debating his existence mainly and how he hadn't seen this coming. But also trying to figure out how to move away, because even though he didn't want to disturb them all, his naturally hot body was already making him sweat so much he was almost drenched through the shirt and that was just awful. 

As he elected the decision to sit up, he did at least shift the ones near his head as much as he could before sitting up. Letting out a sigh of mild relief though the dogs did stirr quite a bit at his movement. Particularly the three that where near his top half earlier and one near his legs, the biggest of the entire pack who was a dark brown who had affectionately been called "Bean" had immediately woken up. Just trying to get him to lay down again it seemed, while "spike" the black one just pulled off of him and curled up on the pillows as if they where his, the brat. "Sara" scooted and set her front half into his lap, she was a more silver color though did have some brown. She looked much more like a wolf than the rest really, and briar couldn't say why he had named her the way he did, she just seemed like a Sara. 

"Neither of you are helping" he just grumbled out quietly to the two in protest of his movement, his morning voice still decently evident. As he mildly tried to wake himself up better by rubbing his face though it wasn't really working. At least until "cotton" the youngest who was as white as a dandelion puff in spring, or to briar who called them cottonballs, proceeded to wake up and seemingly aquire zoomies upon seeing Briar. He ran around the bed, waking up the two other dogs, odie, and lily, and spike as well in the process. slamming almost face first into briar which made him whimper from the hit but his tale was wagging nontheless, though cotton ended up stepping on poor sara as she let out a yip and quickly moved in response. briar let out a grunt from the hit and sighed, caving and kinda playfully shoving cotton over petting the excited dogs belly. as cotton playfully bit at his arm with a happy growl barking at him as well as he couldn't help but grin a bit. 

Which proceeded not too long after with a cacophony of howls from the rest. Needless to say briar would know better next time their room needed to be clean. Letting his dogs howl and now playfully tussle on the big bed as he just kinda scratched at his scalp. At this point it was what it was and now that it was day, it was time for work. 

Author's Notes

Briar is actually so bad at names its crazy. He does just go off of impulse, spikes name is spike because during the rebellion he licked an icicle and it inherently got stuck to his tounge....also briar has seen actual cotton before but he's awful and calls them both by the same name.Â