forest return.

2 months, 19 days ago

Xo and some of his friends return to an old path they walked on ages ago.

(kind of a sequel to forest adventures)

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Author's Notes

HIIIII its kinda late as im posting this im a lil sleepy... i went on a hike today and got inspired to write this piece about some of my peakies; its like a cute lil sequel to another piece i wrote about them except its them when theyre older and w their dragonets!! thought it was kinda cute; idk how i busted this out tho LMAOO

but yeah I had fun writing this!! hope u guys enjoy! <3

Many years later, in the new blossoms of early spring when the weather was temperate and warmth was starting to leak through and linger in the air, Xo decided it would be a fun idea to return to a forest trail he had hiked on back when he was a dragonet. And luckily, it seemed like he wouldn’t have to do it alone. 

It seemed to work out near perfectly; Lakeview, his husband, had taken their family down to Pebble Dock for a business trip with the idea of seeing new sights and being out of the cabin for a bit to get some “fresh air”. Xo didn’t mind it; he agreed that it would be nice to see a different area of the kingdom, especially one so close to his old home that he barely frequented. But when they arrived at the port town, he was indeed reminded why he didn’t visit when the stench of fish barreled into his nostrils and made its home there relentlessly, which was less than appreciated. And he only knew that the stench would linger even after they went home.

But since Xo’s hometown of Vale was nearby, he figured a few days in the city would be fun for himself and his sons. Lakeview would stay busy with his job and be unable to join along, but Robin and Saturn seemed interested and followed one of their fathers up a little more north to the mountain range arching along, sheltering the modern gothic town that touched Xo’s heart with a candle of light similar to the lamplighters at night setting the streets aflame with their staffs to light the lanterns along. It was nice to be traversing the streets again, the familiar click of stone under his claws and the regal sights around him with the university rising above it all, but he could tell there was some dissonance from Robin with the bulkier dragonet’s wings being tightly wound around his body and his blue eyes straying nervously around them with the poised snouts dipped into books or talking calmly to a guest beside them while they walked amongst the streets. He was much more alike to Lakeview with his more muscular and plantain build used for cutting wood or building instead of the refined scholars they passed and made themselves known, Xo bristling with the few instances of others narrowing their eyes slightly at him or outright wrinkling their noses towards them. 

Saturn, however, was intrigued beyond his years and seemed to nearly blend in with the crowds with his demeanor and outlook. Xo wasn’t surprised as he saw the similar sheen in his eyes when they had visited Solane, glowing just as brightly with wonder and allure when they were in the capital as they swung around to every passerby despite the potential judgment. He was cloaked up to hide most of his unique features, but he still caught a few eyes with his odd webbings running along his spine and into his mane as his longer snout swung around to embrace all of the sights. The twinkle in his turquoise gaze was promising, shining with hope and possibilities, but Xo could feel his heart twist faintly watching him. 

He’s almost a mirror image of me somewhat. Though he is certainly smart enough to score a place here, I can’t help but worry if he were to come all of the way down here. So far from home, away from protection and surrounded by dragons who could judge him or hurt him… We’ll really need to be careful if he does come down here; I won’t stop him if it’s truly what he wants, but… We need to be ready.

Fortunately, he was saved from thinking about it too much as they found their way into the woods sheltering and prickling the backs of the mountain ranges around Vale, Xo’s talons taking him along the familiar trek and planting right at the foot of the basin that let his claws sink in and curl with the bark and dirt clumping around his feet. The trees were swaying and swooshing with long arms of pine needles above them, foliage littered along the paths with hints of colored bulbs in early bloom decorating the trail on the side. There was a faint mist clinging in the air, dampening the forest and turning the sky gray, but Xo glanced up and saw peeks and cracks in the clouds that would allow for sunshine to course in later.

Perfect walking weather. Xo’s mind hummed contently while he sat down to wait for the other guests to arrive, folding his wings close and taking a deep breath. It was a relief to have the forest-filled scent drifting into his nose and sticking instead of the fish scent of Pebble Dock, though there was a lingering touch from the lakes nearby that he smiled blissfully at instead of recoiling as it came more subtly instead of overwhelming from the other town. So many years ago, my sister took us on this walk… I almost said no to it, if I remember correctly. And here we are now; me leading the charge. How fun. 

I wish she was going to be here, but I suppose I understand why she isn’t… The many years after their childhood had been… Eventful, in simple terms. Though it was all fine now, many changes had occurred and swayed the balance of everything, including the friendships that had originally trekked on the path in front of him. His ears flicked with the thoughts, closing his eyes while the waves of melancholy rippled over and made his wings droop. I do like that we’re all still in touch, but it’s all so… Different now. Deadrose and Chateau are together, which isn’t too surprising, but… They don’t have dragonets. That’s the main reason I know they declined; not wanting to see us with our kids. I know they’re happy without them, but I get why they didn’t want to come. Still, I do miss my sister. I hope I can visit her soon.

And of course, so many other changes we didn’t see coming… The main one being Panacea and I. His fur rippled with drafts of wind coursing within and tousling his fur around, fluttering a floral fragrance under his snout while he took in another deep breath and puffed out his mane. As he let the wind comb through it, a wider smile pulled at his snout with another content sigh leaving his lungs. We didn’t end up together after everything. We have our own partners, our own dragonets and paths in life… Though we both somewhat stayed along the lines of what we studied here in Vale, it all still differed so much from what we probably could’ve ever expected. 

He tilted his chin up to stare at the sky, letting the comforting drifts of nostalgia waft around him and keep the smile on his snout. He traced the shapes of the thick clouds above him, plump and full and helping cushion and keep the warmth in his heart. Such a funny thing though, how it all can change so much in what feels like a blink of an eye. But I like it. I like where we’re all at now. I wouldn’t change it for the world, and I’m sure they wouldn’t either.

“Is this the trail, Father?” One of his boys spoke up, Xo blinking back into the current world and turning his chin down to tilt his head over at them. Robin had spoken, his brown ears flicking while his snout buried down into the dirt to sniff curiously at the faint traces of claws and talons marking the ground below them from other hikers taking the same route. Saturn was standing and gazing at it all in the same wonder he had as the town, his eyes softened and cleared while he stretched his wings out after taking off his cloak.

“Indeed it is.” Xo stood up and stretched, extenuating his limbs to prep them for the hike before walking up to Robin with another faint smile. He reached out and brushed his wing with his, nodding at the weaving trail within the pines and deciduous that waved their leafy limbs at them in the wind. “Many years ago, me and some friends walked this very path. It’ll be interesting to see if it’s changed at all, but regardless it’s a very beautiful trail that I’m sure you’ll both enjoy.”

“I love it already,” Saturn breathed beside them, Xo glancing down to see his other son come to his other side with delicate steps. His gaze was cloudy in thought, staring out into the distance while his claws twitched and flexed carefully. “I like how this forest feels. It feels like there’s… A lot of knowledge here.”

Ah, of course. His plant magic; he’s probably sensing quite a bit with all of the foliage and floral life. Xo nodded slowly, his eyes casting around to the leafy hands greeting them and the pines still whispering above them. With an odd heaviness and a chill along his spine making him shiver, he chuckled and nudged Saturn’s wing with one of his own. “Well, with many troubled Vale students trying to escape their studies by taking nature walks to clear their heads, I imagine they’re full of knowledge. Some of the smartest PeakWings alive probably passed under these very pines; I’m sure they know quite a lot.”

His eyes flicked around at the different flora scattered below their talons for a moment, then drifted to the jars of dirt and plants roped around Saturn’s sides and tucked under his wings with hints of life evident in the dirt mounds in some, others vacant. Xo arched his eyes, adding on with faint bemusement to his voice as his eyes hooked on the few empty jars, “Don’t try to cultivate any of it, though. Leave it all as it is.”

Robin let out a surprisingly loud snort at their father’s callout, turning away to shield his face while Saturn’s burned with embarrassment and guilt as his father read his mind clearly with his lingering eyes that snapped quickly back to Xo after his order. Saturn ducked his snout, Xo barely catching the mumble of protest uttered, “Not even one leaf?”

“Not one,” Xo enforced, shaking his head with a chuckle as he lifted his chin and gave his son a teasing but pointed look. He pulled his wings back, doing his best to seem as regal as possible while he gazed down at Saturn with a faint smile. “You know the importance of flora and fauna, I’m sure. We don’t want to mess with anything here or back at home, and I don’t want your power to be strained with the introduction of new plants. Just be careful with it, and we’ll come back another time to work with it more and make new discoveries about your power together. I promise."

Saturn seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he eventually nodded as he walked over slowly and immersed himself in a few bushes, shuffling around to get comfortable and tilting his head as if he were listening to them. Xo heard Robin muffling a snort at his brother’s new blanket of ferns draping over his body, but Saturn looked back up at them with a softened smile and a relaxed expression that traveled out to his wings, letting them droop into the plants. “I do think Ridgepool is still the best for the plants and everything, but this… This is really nice too. I like it here, and it would be nice to come back.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Xo murmured, his heart flickering with more warmth at the sight of him. Xo caught Robin wrinkling his nose with questions in his eyes, but he shook his head and turned back towards the path ahead with a curious hum, one that Xo quelled with a nudge to his shoulder. “And we’ll come back at a later time when we don’t have as many plans. We’ll be on our way soon, but we’re waiting for our guests. Panacea and Mulholland are coming with their dragonets; I’m sure they’ll be here at any moment.”

Robin let out a hum of acknowledgement to show he had heard, his eyes caught on something in the distance. Xo chuckled softly, but let him be to his sightseeing as he stepped back to clear the path while he turned his chin back to the sky to keep an eye out for flapping forms. Another chill caressed his wings and fluttered around his face, seeping between his curled horns and making him shudder again while he tucked his wings close with a bemused snort. I don’t remember if it was warmer or colder like it is now when we came. Though I do remember the quiet protest in my mind was similar to when I was younger; wanting to get out of the cold to study or just be in the warmth of my home. Though after everything came to light about my parents, it wasn’t as warm as before.

I’m doing this for the boys; I wanted to show them the path, and they love nature walks. I’m sure they’ll love this. Xo’s eyes drifted to the two dragonets once more before a quiet whistle of a sigh left his nares, tilting his head back up to gaze at the sky above. A faint trickle in his heart made his long draped tail sway amongst the litter of leaves, his claws flexing once more into the solid earth below. But I am doing it for myself, too. I feel like after everything, I just… I need this nice little getaway. Catch up with some friends, have our kids play together, clear my head a little… I think it’ll be nice. And I’m sure my sister thought the same when she dragged me out the first time, regardless of how cold it might’ve been since she just wanted me to hang out with our friends. 

There was a glimpse of movement above Xo, shifting his gaze upwards towards a shape winging above and breaking through the drifts of residual clouds toying amongst the treetops. And as the shape grew closer, wings swaying on the breeze and a figure situated in a pouch against their chest throwing off the dragon’s weight, Xo could feel his smile widen and more room grow in his heart as he stood up to greet them, the candle lit within starting to burn brighter and warm up the space in his chest. And speaking of which… Our first guest arrives.

The dragon to arrive did not have the same effect on him years ago, but his heart still glowed in joy as he heard a faint yelp and a fluttering of wings as the sweeping blue and white form made her way onto the ground with a stumble of her claws in the process to balance out. She shook herself vigorously, jostling the pouch on her chest that didn’t seem to stop moving with the wriggling green form situated within it, clawing and yelping to match her mother with indistinguishable words yapped out of her mouth. Xo did his best to keep his grin small and refined, laughter bubbling in his chest that he bit his tongue down on so they didn’t erupt from his mouth.

As the mother and daughter struggled for a moment, the adult wrestling to free her wiggly child, Xo could hear a quiet huff of amusement come from Robin joining back at his side when he glanced down at his eldest son. His eyes twinkled with amusement, his tail swaying along the ground as he mused quietly, “I’m glad we’re well beyond that phase of being in a chest pouch, and it seems Gale is now as well. Seems a bit… Much for her.” 

Xo huffed to try and muffle his laughter, nudging his son pointedly but unable to squash down most of the grin that formed in response. There was a thud from nearby that made him turn back towards the dragonet now splayed on the ground as she escaped from the clutches of the pouch, wings askew while she sneezed from the cloud of dirt she billowed up before scrambling onto her feet. She shook herself off, flashing the blazing colors of green and mixed warm hues before brushing off her chest, hopping up to Robin and standing at his shoulder with a happy chirp, “Hi!”

Robin murmured out a greeting to her as well, Xo catching Saturn rising from the bushes and making his way over to them before Xo focused on the adult that was sitting down and adjusting the pouch on her chest with a few muffled huffs, smoothing out her mane and fixing her other bags tucked under her wings with soft mumbles under her breath. Xo reached out and intercepted her claws, dark red eyes flicking up to meet his as he gave her a crooked smile in greeting. “Seems like you had some active cargo today, Panacea.”

Panacea’s eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of him, but his sentence made her laugh weakly and shake her head, standing up to shake herself off before her smile turned more genuine with a toothy split around her lips. “It seems so. She’s much too big for the pouch now, but I figured I could try it one last time. She just got excited when we were about to land.” Her eyes drifted towards the dirt imprint of where her daughter splayed out on the ground, wrinkling her nose at it with humor lighting her eyes. “Though we’re not trying that anymore. We’re lucky we were as close to the ground as we were.”

“Certainly so,” Xo humored, waiting until Panacea was adjusted before opening his wings out to her in an invitation. She flashed him a grin before bundling into them, the two forms wrapping their wings around each other in a heartfelt hug as Panacea’s arms came around his neck as well. He dipped his snout close to her ear, his voice seeping with warmth and light as he greeted her at last, “So nice to see you. Thank you for coming.”

“You too! Oh, moons, I’m excited for this!” Panacea pulled back to face him, but her talons fell down to his shoulders to hold them with another toothy grin flashed his way. There was a coy twist to a corner of her mouth, her wings fluttering as they settled from the journey she made. “I’m so happy that you invited me! And to think that years ago, you were groaning and dragging your talons while we made this walk. My, how things change.”

Xo snorted softly, rolling his eyes but giving her a nod of acknowledgement as he glanced up at the path behind them. Gale and Robin were chatting amongst themselves, the younger green dragonet hopping in place and eyes ablaze with energy while Saturn watched them both, threading a vine into his claws as he listened to them from a distance. Xo’s voice came out as he watched them all, more nostalgia starting to wrap around his heart similarly to the vine around his son’s talon, “Figured it would be good nostalgia for us, especially now that we have our dragonets. Thought it would be nice to show them our old trail.”

“I agree.” Panacea released his shoulders, stepping back to stand beside him and brush wings with him instead while they watched the pair of dragonets stepping around, Gale yapping loudly to Robin about something while the older dragonet listened with a faint smile on his snout. As they gazed on, she eventually nudged Xo with another curious smile accenting the shine in her eyes. “Are the others coming too?”

Xo shook his head, seeing a slight droop in Panacea’s wings as he adjusted his own stance. He gave her an apologetic smile, glancing over at their dragonets again and seeing Saturn slowly edging away from Gale’s loud babbling that made his ears fold back. Other vines were twirling around his claws at that point, his claws nervously picking at a few of the tiny leaves they conjured while Xo responded to Panacea, “Just Mulholland; parents and children trip. Deadrose didn’t want to make anything weird with no dragonets and… Everything that had happened with Chateau. Even though enough time has passed and Chateau’s changed, they both still figured it was best to just stay in Sandy Hollow and have us visit them sometime.”

Panacea let out a low hum of disappointment, an obvious droop in her wings, but her nod was understanding as she turned to watch Gale hopping around a few tall plants that shuffled violently from her movement. She was able to somehow creep up and startle Saturn, a shrill shriek coming from the lean white dragonet while she collapsed into giggles, Panacea speaking over Gale in a much softer voice, “I do get it. It was… Troubling for everyone. But I do miss them, and I know Chateau’s changed. I hope we’ll get to see them soon.”

Me too. Xo let out a quiet hum of agreement, stirred by the flush of wind nearby as he turned his head around towards a closing dragon coming down towards them from a break in the clouds. The large red figure was making his way slowly down towards the ground, a protective talon over his own pouch situated across his chest while he angled himself carefully until he was able to stop his wings and plant himself on the ground behind them with a jolt, gusts of dirt and wing twirling around the figure. Xo’s spirits lifted at the sight of him, perking up with a warm smile situated on his snout again. Though I’m glad we have the group that we do. 

As the large red figure sneezed from the clouds of many different material around him and adjusted his pouch with a worried knot in his brow, Panacea’s claws kicked up their own spurts of dust as she flung herself towards him, wings wrapping instantly around her adoptive brother and a happy cheer singing from her snout, “Mul!”

Mulholland let out a faint yelp, followed by an even quieter squeak of alarm that made Panacea flinch and pull back with widened eyes as their gazes both shot down to the pouch between them. Xo was able to see the tiny pink head pop out from where he stood, softening at the sight and the wriggles that came afterwards with insistent squeaking on the dragonet’s end. Mulholland chuckled as he dipped one of his talons into the bag, fishing out the fluffy pink dragonet and gently guiding her down to the floor she hopped onto with a few vigorous shakes of her thick pastel mane. The long drape tail instantly caught in the dirt and clouded up within it, but she didn’t seem to notice as more excited squeaks erupted from her mouth while she hopped around, golden eyes glowing in wonder and excitement. 

“Hardy lil’ thing,” Mulholland rumbled after the dragonet was out of the pouch, watching his daughter for a moment with affection pouring from his dark eyes before he turned back to Panacea, his eyes still shining with the same intensity as he opened his wings out to her and flashed her a toothy grin. “No harm done. Now you can come here.”

Panacea giggled, her wings opening as she threw herself into her brother’s arms again and seeing the red curtains of Mulholland’s wings drape around his sister in an earnest squeeze similar to the hug Xo shared with her before. They both eventually drew back, but both of them turned towards Xo watching them and simultaneously extended a wing out to him, Panacea giggling further while she invited him warmly, “Oh, get in here! Come join the pile!”

Xo shared a bright grin with them, trotting forward and yelping at the envelopment of limbs around him as they all tucked in close to each other with wings and arms overlapping the other, laughing and basking in the glow they shared as Xo leaned into Mulholland but wrapped his wing tighter around Panacea in their huddle. It was warm here in the pile, familiar even from many years ago and making his heart pour over with the fuzzy and dizzying emotions of joy.

Good friends, Xo’s mind bubbled, a cloud of dizzy content folded around him as he closed his eyes and embraced it all. The grin plastered on his snout never wavered, fueled by the love he could feel pouring from them and his own soul to spread between them all. Good company. Moons, it’s so good to see them. 

“It’s so nice to see you, Mul,” Panacea murmured, echoing Xo’s thoughts out loud as they finally all unraveled and stepped away from each other. Xo gave himself a good shake out before he blinked back to attention to see her smiling warmly back at her brother. All three of them started stepping towards the group of dragonets gathered at the trailhead, Panacea’s tail flicking while they walked. “Are you excited for this? To take a trip down memory lane?”

“Of course,” Mulholland responded earnestly, smiling first at Panacea before shifting his gaze and expression over to Xo to give him a smile as well. His wings shifted around until both were brushing against Panacea and Xo, expression softening while he turned to gaze out at the small pink dragonet hopping and catching the attention of Gale and Robin blinking down at her as she flapped her wings to get their attention. “I’m sure Rosefinch will enjoy it; her mother’s stuck grading some school assignments, so she was happy that we had this trip planned to get her out of the house and see new destinations.”

“Gale was happy to tag along too,” Panacea agreed, turning towards her daughter sniffing at Rosefinch with a curious glint in her eyes. She wrinkled her nose when her daughter flashed a toothy grin at the smaller dragonet, making the younger one yelp and Robin nudge Gale away as she added wryly, “Though her other mom can keep up with her a little better, I’m sure she’ll enjoy the trip and make use of her endless energy.”

“Think this’ll wear her out at all?” Xo questioned with another smile, seeing Saturn stepping up now and dipping his snout towards Rosefinch with a sniff of greeting. Rosefinch let out a faint squeak at his touch, tipping her chin back to gaze at the much taller form and squeaking again in alarm from his height. Saturn chuckled, swaying his tail close as he smiled down at her and made a faint shower of warm sparks flicker over Xo’s chest for his son. Robin and Saturn are both very gentle when they need to be, but Saturn just has a magical touch. With a pun intended, I suppose; his plant magic and his genuine softness even at his age is such a gift. 

Panacea’s amused snort brought Xo back to her and Mulholland, glancing over to see her snout wrinkling again before she shook her head and adjusted her wings. Her expression remained wry as she saw Gale yapping back to Robin, a bright glow blazing in her eyes once more while her mother looked on with a much more tired expression. “Oh, probably not. But it’ll certainly help wear her down a little bit; that would be nice for the trip back home.”

The three adults finally reached the dragonets again, Panacea clapping to stir their attention. Saturn and Rosefinch were already turned towards them, the younger letting out a happy squeak when her father leaned down to let her bump snouts with him. Robin blinking up at her was the only reason Gale finally swung her head towards her mom, ears perking up as Panacea explained to her carefully, “Gale, it’s fine if you go a little ahead of everyone. But you need to stay where we can see you, and please be careful. There’s lots of loose rocks on this trail.”

Gale’s wings snapped and flapped eagerly as she nodded, her claws gouging into the ground as she whipped her head around towards Robin with a toothy grin that seemed fairly akin to Panacea’s, though much more sinister and alight with a challenge as she cheered at him, “Race! We’re gonna race, and I’m gonna win!”

Robin hesitated for a moment, his eyes shifting back over to Xo with a beat of hesitation. Xo’s heart warmed with his son checking in beforehand, giving him a nod of approval and a brief but similar speech to Panacea's as he warned him gently, “Just stay in sight and be careful. Go on ahead.” 

Robin nodded in agreement, turning back to Gale with a new light in his eyes, but the young dragonet was already bounding ahead with howls of joy as her long green legs took her forward in steady strides. Robin let out a faint yelp before kicking into gear to chase after her, his taller legs easily able to catch up with hers, but Xo caught a faint glimpse of his wings flaring out to keep himself steady and slowed enough to not be at any big risk. Xo softened and relaxed at the sight, easing as he leaned into the trust he had for the older dragonet. Well-behaved and knows his bounds. A very good kid. I got so lucky with two very kind and very well-mannered boys; the luckiest parent in the world.

A loud squeak stirred him from his thoughts once more, Xo and the other parents tilting their heads down to watch Rosefinch’s eyes light up and her talons scramble on the ground, doing her best to chase after the two bounding dragonets. But before any of the parents could warn her and before she could get too far, a loose cleft of a rock caught her talon and sent her stumbling into the ground again, Xo wincing with the thud. A faint wail started up from the dragonet’s face in the ground, Xo’s parental twinge aching immensely from the cry and seeing Mulholland already racing forward to help her with a flash of alarm in his shadowed eyes.

But to their surprise, Saturn was already there and instantly reached forward to help the younger dragonet up, his oddly webbed wings swaying forward to help support her as she stumbled onto her talons again. She stayed planted where she was, trembling and touching her chin with a whimper of pain, but Saturn reached down towards the ground and closed his eyes intently, a knowing expression making Xo’s heart twist at the familiarity of it before seeing the ground below them shudder and have a small plume of leafage erupt right below their claws.

Rosefinch blinked down at the plants with a muffled squeak of surprise, her eyes wide and damp with her pained tears, but Saturn gently plucked at one of the leaves and tucked her claws on it instead, his voice gentle and soothing like the fresh mint plants growing right outside Xo’s room at home, “Look at this plant! It’s really soft, isn’t it? Feel that instead! It’s really nice!”

Rosefinch stood there for a few moments, supported by Saturn’s weight as her claws flexed around the odd cushioning texture of the leaf that kept her eyes widened from the complexity of it all. But eventually, she let out a happy giggle and a chirp as she beamed up at Saturn, nodding rapidly and wiping at her chin without a second thought as she bundled the leaf close instead of cradling her chin. There was a faint smear of blood there, but she didn’t seem to mind as Saturn guided her forward again, different tendrils of plants starting to appear by their feet as Rosefinch squealed happily with each flourish by her claws as they made their way up the path. Xo took a moment to watch his son, his chest swelling further as his eyes watered from the wordless pride and love he could feel puffing out his chest and making his whole body glow. That’s my son.

“Some power he’s got there,” Mulholland noted gently by Xo’s ears, Xo jumping slightly from the sudden sound. But when he turned towards the large red figure, he was giving Xo a warm look and a grateful smile as his head ducked to vigorously roll away the rock his daughter had tripped on. “The special plant magic alongside his endless outpour of kindness… What a wonderful dragonet you have there, Xo.”

Xo’s chest fluttered with more pride at the praise, watching his son go with a smile that seemed too wide to fit on his snout. The three parents followed their dragonets at a much slower pace as they started on the trail, Gale and Robin in the distance but still visible while Saturn trotted alongside Rosefinch, his claws brushing along a few closed plumes to open them up for her while Xo murmured gently, “He really likes his leaf magic; he practices it every day. That’s why he has those little plant jars at his side; keeping plants on him at all times to sense them and learn from them. He’s constantly learning and teaching himself. I’m sure he’ll do something great with it all someday.”

“I’m sure he will,” Panacea agreed with a warm smile as well, her eyes drifting and shining with Rosefinch’s giggles as Saturn tucked a few purple petals into her mane, happily trotting and brushing up against the tall white dragonet’s side while they carried along. “He’s already spreading so much kindness with Rosefinch; I can only imagine what he’ll be like in the future. I’m sure he’ll be very successful with whatever he does.”

Whatever he chooses, I’ll be proud of him all the same. Xo continued to smile from the other parent’s praises, but he couldn’t help an odd needle of worry starting to weave around his chest as it squeezed faintly while he watched Saturn continue along, completely relaxed and content where he was surrounded by all of the greenery. I just hope that he doesn’t put so much pressure on his shoulders to… Be popular or to be something grand with it all, I suppose.

Xo’s eyes drifted along the horizon until they swiveled back to where they came from, staring out into the distance of where Vale was resting within the tucks of the mountains they were within. I remember that pressure I felt, right underneath these pines and just adjacent to the city nearby, to be something great and to make a name for myself. To prove myself to my family, because I felt like I had to. There was so much stress in trying to be perfect for them and carry on the legacy. I don’t want him to feel like that. I want him to do whatever he wants so long as he enjoys it and isn’t stressed; I’ll love him all the same, no matter what he does.

His thoughts eventually faded out, blinking as his ears caught onto the crunching of leaves and padding of dirt underfoot instead. He glanced around, finding Panacea and Mulholland chatting amongst themselves while Gale and Robin were still hopping around above, Robin lagging behind but watching Gale with a shake of his head and a shuffle of his wings before heading after her. And just up in front of them still, Saturn was walking slowly enough so that Rosefinch could keep up with the long legs striding beside her, not as many plants below them as before but Saturn still chatting quietly as he showed off a few of the plants around them.

Xo softened once more, relaxed and eased back into a comfortable stride as he stepped up beside Panacea with a brush of their wings, tuning into the conversation at last as he felt her brush his wing with hers in a silent greeting before she asked Mulholland with a cheerful ring, “Speaking of Crane, how’s your guys’ teaching jobs in Aeston? Do you guys like it?”

Mulholland let out a hum of content, nodding along. His eyes were constantly watching his daughter, seeing her stumble briefly but be caught by Saturn’s tail before she continued on before he responded to his sister with a hearty rumble, “Yeah, it’s been really nice. I’m surprised it’s as good as it is, but we both really enjoy it. We can compare our homework and match it up for our teaching lessons since our classes we teach are around the same age range, so it’s nice being able to have all of that to compare.”

Panacea nodded, her excitement unwavering while they hopped over a few familiar ledges with spindles of rocks fastened firmly into the dirt around them. Xo circled around the other end while the two siblings rounded the other side, meeting back up on the path as she continued questioning Mulholland with more excitement evident in her voice, “Are you guys still wanting to make your own school eventually? One that we can bring our dragonets to?”

Mulholland chuckled again, but Xo caught a glimpse of promise in his dark gaze as the golden rings within them twinkled with hope. His eyes flicked back out towards the dragonets beyond, where Gale was pointing down at a rippling stream with Robin leaning slightly on the rock he was on to peer down at it. Luckily, both dragons were too enraptured by whatever was below to think about shoving the other, allowing Mulholland to answer Panacea’s question with a hopeful tint, “I think so, but I would hold your breath. I think it would be fun at least to have our own class in Aeston’s bigger school, where you all could request us as the teachers and make it possible to form a class with all of our dragonets. We could enter competitions, become competitive and all of that… The range of dragonets all of us have could allow for some fun activities.”

“That would be so much fun!” Panacea hopped excitedly, Xo smiling at the akin behavior to Gale as he saw the younger dragonet mimic the movement just above them at another sighting of something in the distance, seeing a wrinkle of amusement in Robin’s snout similar to the one on Mulholland’s face. Her mother hopped up onto a rock in front of her brother, the large red dragon pausing while she flashed him a shining grin illuminated by a crack of sunlight peering through the clouds above. “I’ll do whatever I need to in order to fund this! I could help fund some of the science courses, I’m sure. And they can come take field trips to our laboratory! It would be so much fun!”

“It would be,” Mulholland agreed with a warm smile matching hers, Panacea hopping back down to trot alongside him once more. Xo remained quiet while the two carried the conversation, seeing Mulholland turn the attention more on his sister as he inclined his head towards her and asked her now instead, “What about you, then? Speaking of your laboratory, how’s your job going? And how’s Sedona? Still love the capitol?”

“I do, yeah. I’m living my dream as a pathologist with all of my studies and a lot of freedom, just like I wanted when we were all in school.” Panacea nodded earnestly, but she seemed to hesitate for a moment as she glanced out towards Gale again, running along a flatter patch of the trail with Robin tailing behind her. As the dragonets’ shrieks of laughter and joy rang along the trees, Panacea’s gentle voice came as a softening breeze behind it all, “I’m glad Sedona and Gale love it too, especially since Sedona can work from home most of the time for Elsewhere and all of that related to his writing career. And when she travels for her messenger business, she takes Gale along with her, so it’s nice for them to get out if it feels too stuffy for them.”

Her tail swayed slowly behind her, blinking quickly at the trees around them before sighing and glancing down at her claws with a more uncertain frown touching her features. “Even though I really like it, I worry sometimes that they don’t and want to relocate. Sedona’s adjusted and promises me that she enjoys it now, but I know she sometimes misses the more open deserts and space outside of Sandy Hollow sometimes. I know she didn’t like Solane when we first moved, so I just… Worry sometimes.”

I’m not sure if I can fully sympathize, but I do get where she’s coming from. Xo’s eyes traveled around the thick lush greenery again, taking in a deep breath to let the forest air course through his lungs once more. It all smelled like home to him, opening his wings slightly to catch the undercurrents of a breeze filtering through his feathers. Lakeview and I were happy to live in Ridgepool; he had his cabin made, and I was more than happy to get out of Vale during that time. And now, I still wouldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I suppose I just got lucky…

“She wouldn’t have gone with you and been with you if she wasn’t willing to give it a try,” Mulholland murmured, Xo caught back into the conversation as he played the silent listener. He saw Mulholland’s gaze soften when he studied his sister, one of his wings coming out to brush gently against hers in reassurance. “She loves you tremendously, and I know she’s happy with you regardless. Don’t doubt her promises and reassurances to you.”

Panacea’s face noticeably turned a bit brighter in shades, burrowing her snout into her chest with a few flustered huffs and ear flicks. Mulholland’s expression twisted in amusement, nudging her teasingly while his eyes shone as he added airily, “Guess I’m allowed to be a big brother and bully you about how flustered you get over your wife now, yeah? I’m gonna have so much fun embracing that.”

“Stop it!” Panacea squeaked in protest, the two siblings shoving at each other while their laughter rang as clear as the dragonets far in front of them. Xo quickly shuffled and hopped out of the way, coming up quickly behind Saturn and seeing the two other dragonets turn to him with startled expressions. As Xo whispered quick apologies to them, he could hear Panacea yelping out in return, “This goes both ways! I can tease you about Crane in return! I see how flustered you get every time someone comments about you two or when you think about her! You’re not safe from me!”

There was a yelp of protest from Mulholland, followed by a cackle of laughter from Panacea before the scuffling continued. Xo smiled and shook his head at the two arguing behind him, watching them scuffle for another moment before they relaxed with heaved pants and matching grins on their faces, shaking themselves out and butting heads affectionately before they smoothed out their coats and feathers. Xo tucked his wings close, the gaping presence beside him now stretching and allowing a bit of the warmth to fade from his chest and hollow out into an empty feeling as his mind trilled in faint wisps of longing, This makes me miss Deadrose so much more. We don’t really act like that anymore, but I do miss her. I miss Lakeview too; we tease each other more often like that instead… I know he’s close and I’ll see him soon, but I do miss him.

“What about you, Xo?” A voice stirred Xo back to reality, blinking away the clouds of his thoughts to see Panacea and Mulholland peering at him curiously. As the three of them started walking again, Xo glancing aside to see Saturn carrying Rosefinch now on his slender shoulders while she happily chirped and pointed out the plant life, he could hear Panacea’s curious hums over the chitters of the dragonets beyond, “We spent so much time updating each other, what about you? How’s Lakeview and the new job?”

Lakeview… My new job… Xo’s chest filled with light again as he sighed blissfully, letting his tail sway behind him as he adjusted his wings and glanced down at the shining blue jewel tucked into the ring on his left talon. He flexed it briefly with a smile, his heart thudding further and warming up as he responded gently, “Oh, it’s a dream. It’s been so nice as always; Lakeview stays busy with his construction business, and the kids love Ridgepool as always. They love going into town, whether it’s to the library or the berry markets that come on by. And I really enjoy my editing and copyright job; Elsewhere is so much fun to work with, and I’m excited to work with that other client he recommended to me as well; it seems like he’s got quite a way with words.”

His mind swathed a few images into his head, chuckling as he held his ringed talon up close to his chest so his heart could thud against it. He used his wings to balance himself out a little more, pausing briefly in his steps to smile affectionately down at the piece of jewelry. “Lakeview keeps trying to convince me to let him build an actual library for me beside the cabin, but we already have the one-room house beside us that we don’t use much that he made. I like my study in our cabin, but I’m sure he’ll find some other project. He talks about giving Saturn some sort of greenhouse or large terrarium, and I’m sure he’ll make that come true for him somehow.”

Such a silly dragon, Xo’s heart and mind mused, but he could feel his face warming alongside the rest of his body with the affection and love growing at the image of Lakeview in his mind. He could see it now, the blue and red face beaming at him with his koi whiskers twitching in pride after some sort of build he made. He could practically feel himself burrowing into his large frame, giggling into his mane while Lakeview wrapped his wings around him and kept him close. The love of my life, practically an envision of the romance novels I delved into way too much when I was younger. But he really is everything I could want and more. I hope he knows how much I love and adore him.

“Three moons.” Panacea giggled softly, Xo blinking to focus back on her shining face and the three of them paused on a little arch in the ground, overlooking a squashed valley of trees and a distant town nestled within all of it outside of Vale. It helped the sunlight peter down towards them in the crack they were slipped into, giving them a bit of warmth that lit up both Mulholland and Panacea’s glowing expressions before it slipped back behind the clouds while she grinned at Xo. “You’re so in love with Lakeview, it’s adorable. It’s hard to believe that we were ever destined to be together when you talk about him like that and have that face when speaking about him.”

Xo’s face burned even further with the teasing scrutiny, Panacea and Mulholland both chuckling at his expression before they all continued on their way down the path, slanting upwards even further. He could recognize the beginning bubbles and gurgles of the long waterfalls near the top, but he lagged his steps to slow down as he studied Panacea with a weak smile. “I mean… It wasn’t so impossible back at our age. I’m sure our friends were tired of how we giggled and laughed with each other, acting all mushy and such.”

“Oh, we absolutely were.” Mulholland instantly cut in after Xo’s statement, stepping up between them to wrinkle his nose down at Xo. As Panacea giggled around her brother’s shoulder, Mulholland relaxed and nudged Xo with a smile, stepping forward to lead the way and peer up to check on his daughter, whom was still riding on Saturn’s back but appearing more drowsy from the glances of sunlight casted down on them. “But we liked you guys together. We were surprised when it didn’t happen, but then again… Lots of things happened that we couldn’t predict.”

After his words, Xo could see Mulholland’s face changing and contorting as his gaze darkened for a moment. The large PeakWing stared down at his thick claws, flexing them briefly into the dirt while he tucked his wings tighter along his side as he added quietly, “Life can change pretty quick and throw us all off as we’ve found out, so...”

Panacea’s eyes seemed to shadow over with her brother’s implications, Xo wincing as the memories of it all came back to him in the wink of an eye. It all seemed to be behind a black screen, one that made Xo wince even more vigorously and tuck his own wings further around his body as he shuddered from the warning behind the black curtains within his mind. A lot of things really can change so fast… It’s hard to remember what it was like back then, both because of what’s happened to me in my life and because it’s all so… Different from how it was. Or how we thought it was going to go.

The three adults lingered in a heavy silence, drawing the attention of Saturn and Rosefinch nearby while she slid off of the other’s back as the two came and joined with their respective parents. Even though the other two dragonets were still ahead in their own adventures, Xo could feel Saturn brushing up against him and worming a small vine into Xo’s claws as a silent assistant to help soothe him, Xo taking it and wrapping it around his wrist before flashing his son a shaky and grateful smile. Saturn returned it just as gently, wing brushing against him while Xo’s mind turned and turmoiled but was able to conjure up more loving and grateful winks of light for him. He’s somehow able to sense my anxiety so well and help calm me down… It shouldn’t be his job, but the little plants do help.

Xo glanced over and saw Rosefinch wobbling over to her father, a worried chirp coming from her mouth as she rocked back onto her hind talons and reached up her front claws towards his face. He ducked towards her, closing his eyes as she rested them against his cheeks while he took a deep breath Xo could feel in his lungs with how heavy it was. His eyes closed afterwards, Saturn nestling up under Xo’s wing while his mind continued to drift and whisper, After everything that’s happened to us, especially Mulholland after he left Vale many years ago… After what he did, I’m sure he convinced himself that he didn’t deserve Rosefinch or Crane or even his sister finding him again. Things can really change so much…

“Well…” Panacea was the first one to break the silence, her tail swaying again and spreading a few clumps of leaves that had scattered from trees and dying plants around them before she took a few steps towards her brother. As he raised his head to her, Rosefinch tucking in beside his front talons, Panacea leaned forward and bumped her head against his, resting her forehead right up against his as she gazed into his eyes with a weak but determined smile. “Even though it can change very quickly, it can certainly be for the better. Even though we dealt with a lot, we’re happy where we are right now. We’re okay now, we’re happy, and that’s all that matters.”

Mulholland blinked, his gaze sinking into hers before a cracking smile split across his snout with a slow nod. Xo saw one of his talons wrap around Rosefinch and tug her into his chest, seeing her beam and nestle into the long red strands while Mulholland leaned forward to rest his head against his sister’s once more. His eyes flicked out to meet Xo’s as he did so, encompassing him as well as he murmured, “Yeah… We are. And I’m glad we are. I’m glad we’re here now, even after everything.”

Me too, Xo’s mind whispered, even though he couldn’t find the words to come out. But when he smiled up at both of them, they exchanged smiles back and knew they caught the message when they finally pulled away. They all reached out and brushed up against each other afterwards, continuing their trek in silence, but they were all much closer than before as their manes tangled together and their wings swayed and draped over the other while they walked, the dragonets taking the lead once more. Even after everything, after all I had to endure… I’m glad I’m here. And I’m glad I’m here with them now to acknowledge and appreciate that.

There’s so much I wouldn’t go through again; that wasn’t necessary for it all. But many others… Even though younger me probably wished we didn’t separate, wished for all of it to stay the way it was when we all came here years ago, I’m glad that happened the way it did. It led us back here, and Panacea’s right; we’re all okay now. We’re all okay and somewhat together again; that’s all that matters.

They didn’t speak for the rest of the journey upwards, but it wasn’t much longer as the dirt path had long ago turned into more rubble and stone-linked pathways instead while they climbed upwards. Walls of rocks were situated around them that they maneuvered around, Mulholland stepping aside to help Rosefinch up with gentle guidance with Saturn lingering back to be closer to his father. The streams and miniature waterfalls pouring down the faces of boulders increased in speed and quantity, surrounding them in a soothing trickling noise that soon washed away the darkened thoughts soiling around Xo’s mind, letting him continue upwards with a more determined gait and a much lighter chest than before.

There was an excited shriek from above, followed by more scattering of pebbles showering down on them as the other dragonets reached the top. Xo shared an amused glance with Panacea and Mulholland, tucking his wing around Saturn by his side as they made the rest of the climb up together and came out onto even ground, miniature streams cascading around their claws and splashing through them as they walked towards the large structure of the wall protecting the lake in front of them, expanding beyond and disappearing within a grove of trees that sheltered their lake from view. A golden field rested on the rising mountain beyond the lake, all of it starting to glow as the sunlight finally chased away the rest of the clouds in the sky and bathed them in golden victory, the valley now encased in a pale flaxen drape that rippled like the lake’s surface in front of them.

Xo gazed out at the serene glass image of water in front of them, his smile widening while his chest glowed and shone away the remaining fronts of darkness in his mind. He tucked Saturn closer into his side, his son wordless in awe as his eyes shone and basked in the view. As they stood there together, Xo’s mind finally rippled with a thought filled with nostalgia and warmth, Just as beautiful as I remember it being.

“Wow,” Mulholland breathed out from nearby, Xo glancing over to see Panacea and Mulholland standing close together while they gazed out at the lake. Rosefinch was tucked under Mulholland’s chest and right beside his talons once more, her own eyes wide and shining while they gazed out as her expression matched the wonder and joy on her father’s. His grin spread out wider along his snout, his eyes shifting to meet Panacea and Xo’s gazes separately. “At least some things haven’t changed. Just as gorgeous as the first time we saw it.”

Panacea murmured in agreement, but her head snapped around when there was another loud shriek and a sudden splash from nearby that Xo quickly ducked away from, tugging Saturn along with him. As all of the parents whipped around towards the sound, the rapid rippling of the lake was broken by Gale and Robin both emerging from the shallows, Gale grinning while she dripped with lakewater and pointed at Robin, crowing proudly, “I beat him! I beat him up here! I won!”

Robin huffed, appearing out of breath from the apparent shove into the lake, but he shook out his mane with a tired and blissful smile as he raised his eyes to meet Xo’s. His expression grew more sheepish when he met his father’s gaze, but Xo chuckled and smiled over at him as he stretched his wing out to gesture to the rest of the lake. “It’s a nice lake; enjoy it while you can. We can spend some time here and take it all in.”

Robin’s smile widened as he nodded, but it was cut off as Gale splashed him earnestly with a delighted grin stretching across her snout. Robin let out a roar of protest, scrambling for her, and the two dragonets took off again as Gale squealed in joy while she raced away. Saturn parted from his father’s side to take a few steps into the lake, dipping his snout close to study a few leafy fronds tucked into the water beside large rocks underwater, but his eyes eventually cleared as he soaked in the ripples instead with a content smile while he tilted his head up to the sun. A moment later, Rosefinch joined him with the help of her father setting her down into the water as she shivered briefly before splashing around in the shallows, happily chirping and squealing while Saturn looked on.

Mulholland was watching his daughter as well, the three adults bundling close together once more while he gazed at Rosefinch with gallons of love Xo felt resonated within his own heart. Xo could see his chest swelling with all of the emotion, his eyes welting up as well as Mulholland’s voice hitched on his emotions, “I’m so grateful I’m still here to see all of this. I’m so glad we got to do this again.”

“Me too,” Panacea echoed, her voice heavy with her own emotions as she bundled into Xo’s mane with a shaky sigh that was filled with bliss. Xo wrapped a wing around her, feeling Mulholland’s wing drape over both of them while they all watched their dragonets play within the shallows of the water and dripping in sunlight from the rays catching onto the droplets.

Me too, Xo’s mind echoed once more, squeezing Panacea into his side as his agreement. He gazed on, letting the forest wind billow around him and the lake scent bask him in the familiarity of home and peace. It all reverberated within his mind, body, and soul as he took another deep breath, tilting his chin up to the sun with a wider smile and tear-filled eyes as he could clearly picture his younger self embracing it all just as he was now, warmed by the set of talons years ago and being in the same spot they were now. I’m so grateful we’re all still together and alive somehow. Even after everything. And I’m glad our lives ended up the way they did, even if it wasn’t what we had in mind when we first found this forest path.

But now we get to watch our dragonets play in the lake and grow up together. We’ll make sure they never lose contact like we did, and they’ll get to have this joy forever together. We’ll do that for them. No matter what it takes, we’ll take care of them.

We’ll keep you safe. Safe and loved and together. Always.