Task Prompts

2 months, 17 days ago
2 months, 17 days ago
1 745

Chapter 1
Published 2 months, 17 days ago

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Author's Notes

"Spring is a time of change in the natural world. The weather’s getting warmer, days are getting longer, and life is springing up all around. What is your character noticing most about this new season? What says ‘spring’ to them?"

Signs of spring

Ravenflight had never been as pretty as it was today. Sitting on a wooden chair at a bar on the highest hill near his home, Flint was admiring the white leaves slowly turning into a lavender color. For the past few weeks, he had noticed the white color dripping from the leaves, only staying at the tips of those. The accumulated snow on top of the magic tree and the frost that had set in every morning on the lowest branches were melting away. A puddle had started to form at the bottom of the tree, and it almost looked like a moat guarding Ravenflight. Once spring would be fully there and the temperature would be warmer, the tree will be completely purple. He liked it when it was white, though. For him, it felt like he was living in a vivid dream: being on top of a cloud and only having to lift his hand toward the sky in order to reach the bright stars. He stopped counting the number of times he stayed up at night, watching the crowded sky from the skylight of his apartment. He knew someday he would be able to afford a ticket and fly up there. It had to be! But for now, he was stuck at Ravenflight, living in the highest branches and among poor katragoons that shared the same dream as he.

The spring changes around him weren't only visual. Katragoons were starting to stay outside to chat a lot more, and even if Flint wasn't a big fan of chatting, he did like to hear the rumors of the villages nears Ravenflight. It was as if life was emerging from a soft sleep, and people were learning how to speak again after being unable to speak for months because of the cold. Maybe their lips had been sealed, and that's why they didn't bother to gather outside their home. From his skimpy window, he couldn't see the people at the bottom of the tree, but he could see the colorful fabrics of the market's tent sprouting near the roots of Ravenflight. The rumble he heard the most came from there. Merchants were coming back from their trip to other planets and were selling junks and other items for way too many bits for what they really were. Flint had been saving his money since he arrived at Starfell almost a decade ago. He glanced at the clock on the wall above his bed and noticed it was time for him to go to work. Maybe he would have time to enjoy the springtime later.

It turned out that the weather was nice enough for him to go for a walk after his job was done. His hands were hurting him, and he couldn't get them to stop twitching. After spending the day in a factory in the south of Gliatark, his fingers were tensed, and the dark katragoon was daydreaming of a cold bath. He approached the moat and stared at his reflection in the water. He couldn't get rid of the dark circles under his orange eyes. Someone jumped into the water right next to him and splashed water on his short fur. Flint shivered and almost opened his mouth to shout at the katragoon who did this, when he realized it was only a kid. The pink child was swimming toward another kid who had really dark eyes. Flint smiled and sat down on the bank of the moat. After testing the water with a finger, he plunged both of his hands into the cold water. A sigh of relief escaped his lips. How nice it was after a long day of work!

He wasn't ready to go back to his small apartment yet, and decided to stay in the shade of Ravenflight with his toes in the water for a while. He had laid down and was looking at the big clouds lazily moving in the sky. A flock of endoh flew by, and from where he was, he could see and smell the lavender growing around the roots of the magic tree. Most inhabitants of the highest part of Ravenflight were spending their free time outside, just like him, enjoying the last ray of sunlight of the day and its warmth. The colorful surroundings made Flint happy. Nature was growing again, and it could be seen everywhere. He couldn't wait for the iris to start sprouting. Blue ones were his favorites.