Eye of Faith

1 month, 4 days ago
1 month, 2 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 4 days ago

Explicit Violence

In the celestial realm, Artenchy dwelled among the ranks of the angelic host—a being of radiant light, bound by duty and honor. But when they extend a hand of mercy to a troubled mortal named Damien Couture, their act of compassion leads to their banishment from heaven.

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In the celestial realm, where stars danced in beautiful patterns and the air was filled with divine energy, Artenchy lived among other angels. They were a radiant being with wings that sparkled and stretched far across the heavens. Artenchy had eyes that knew the universe’s secrets and served loyally at the celestial court, a symbol of purity and grace.


Their father, Samael, was a high-ranking seraphim who loved Artenchy but was often too busy to show it. His duties always kept him away, making Artenchy wonder about their own future. "Will I also roam the skies, forever trying to meet the high court's demands? It feels like there's no freedom in what lies ahead for me." Despite Samael’s dedication and the respect he commanded, Artenchy felt a deep loneliness due to the emotional distance between them.

Watching Samael fulfill his duties, Artenchy felt a sadness for the close relationship they never had. They yearned for a father's comforting presence and guidance. However, when Samael looked at Artenchy, there was a flash of pride in his eyes that showed his softer side—a side that no one else saw and that hid some darker truths only Artenchy knew about.

As the celestial court remained busy and the responsibilities weighed on them, Artenchy began to question their purpose. Were they destined only to follow orders and play a role in celestial politics? Or was there more to life, perhaps a hint of freedom and new possibilities just out of reach?

Feeling uncertain, Artenchy looked out towards the horizon, where stars continued their endless dance in the sky. They decided to step forward, now standing by the sacred pond that allowed them to watch over the human world.

Unaware of what lay ahead, Artenchy was about to embark on a journey filled with risks and challenges, where the boundaries between good and evil would blur. Their true destiny was waiting in the shadows, ready to unfold.