
2 months, 7 days ago

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Water roared in Sasha's ears, almost drowning out her screams of desperation and terror as she watched her kits tumble away. Reaching out a feeble paw towards them, she groped around in the dark, rushing water for the sunken kits. The water had risen high above standing level and the siamese point cat could no longer swim safely. She started to paddle as best as she could, but it was no use. "No..." she whispered hoarsely, which couldn't be heard over the sound of rain and water. The two shivering kits above her, safe on a small shelf was all she had left.

Standing up, a young kit stretched as they yawned. Opening his eyes, he looked around and was confused at his surroundings. 

"What are you doing here, kit?" 

A concerned mew came from behind him. Whipping around, his fluffy tail twitched. 

"Uh, I don't know? Sorry..." 

He said uncertainly. A tall muscular blue-grey she-cat towered in front of him, and he had to tilt his head back to make eye contact with the looming giant. She closed her eyes for a moment, before lowering her head to be level with his own. 

"It is not your time little one, go back."

 Before he could process, everything faded to black. He woke up being carried by the scruff, and his eyes snapped open. He coughed, the heavy feeling of water in his chest as he breathed. He coughed harder, spewing water from his mouth. He was being carried quickly, and he couldn't open his eyes, and could only mew feebly and he bumped against the cat's chest. He was so tired... so... weak... so tired...

He stopped wiggling, the heavy weight of his paws seemed to grow even more. 

"Stay awake for a little longer kit, we're almost back to camp."

 Camp? That was an odd word, camp. The tan kit fuzzily thought about this new word, puzzling over its meaning before being interrupted by being put down, the rythmatic steps of the larger cat carrying him subsiding. Finally, he gained enough strength to open his eyes slightly as a large paw started massaging his back. 

"Ugh," was all he could mew as more water dripped, vomiting from his lolling jaws. 

"You were very lucky, young one."

 It was a different cat this time, his voice less gruff and it was more nasally too. The tan kit struggled to get up, as when he moved dark foggy waves seemed to swirl around his head painfully, seeming to bash against his temples. He squeezed his eyes shut, and put a too-big paw to his head. 

"Here, this should help." 

Something was placed in front of him, and he lapped it up, desperate for the pain to stop. 

"You hit your head pretty hard, not to mention almost drowning out there. The flood must have carried you quite a ways, since you are obviously not from any neighboring clans." 

The cat chattered on, and he grew even more confused. Clans? Camp? Did these cats just make words up now?

Long story short, he gets swept away with his brother Tadpole, except that Tadpole died and he didn't. He washed up on ShadowClan territory, near Fourtrees.

He trains, unaware he was born outside of ShadowClan. When the TigerClan vs LionClan events happened, he realized who his father truly was. He was dejected by this big reveal, and left the clans ashamed of who his heritage was. He wandered aimlessly, and found SkyClan, and took residence there, knowing they would never know of the horrors his father committed. Even when they returned to the lake, not many recognized him, except a few senior warriors who were his age when he had left. He was heartbroken to hear his adoptive mother, Littleleaf, had died after giving birth to her second, and last, litter. 

He met with the three kits who had been born to her, and told them that their mother was a great cat, and they should be proud to have been descended from her. He died peacefully, easing his pain at last. He never figured out what the Dark Forest was, and never met his father, nor mother. He did, however, meet his brother, who was lost roaming the stars. He invited Tadpole to Starclan, and welcomed him with open paws, taking care of him and teaching him about the clans and clan life.