Separation of Order

2 months, 6 days ago

How the two continents separated from one supercontinent and how kings were banished from the social order.

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"Traitors!" snarled Queen Whirlpool, circling the hybrid dragons and their families. "You don't deserve to live here among my people in Pyrrhia!" 

She looked at the group. She was planning on splitting Pyrrhia, with the half-breeds on one side, and her tribe and all her pure-bred dragon allies on the other. She didn't want her poor Seawings getting any ideas from these type of dragons. The LeafWing king, inlaid with way too many gold scales, made his way forward, the metallic green and purple InsectWing queen at his side. His scales jingled as he spoke.

"You have no right to exile these dragons. They have done nothing but exist. What wrong have they done, they have broken no rules." His tone turned sour. 

"What are you thinking, Whirlpool? This is a terrible mistake!" The InsectWing said, all six of her earrings swinging wildly in the wind, a fierce look on her face. Deep down, Whirlpool knew she must have been terrified, being face to face with an animus like herself. "Don't worry, they will be safe, just far away from MY tribe, keeping US safe from them." Whirlpool wondered why any dragon would want to keep those menaces. So many of them had amazing fighting abilities, mixed and mashed from tribes, as if they were specifically bred to be monsters. She lashed her tail. If a war happened, all of Pyrrhia would suffer. These hybrids were very dangerous, and there was no way she was letting them stay. 

Nearly all the dragons in Pyrrhia had gathered to see this moment, except her SeaWings. No, she would protect them from this, and not let them get corrupted by crazy ideas.

The queens and kings of each tribe were circling around the half-breeds, trying to decide whether to side with LeafWing King Qoi and InsectWing Queen Cicada, or side with the only animus left on the planet. The choice seemed obvious to Whirlpool. 

"I seeeee heeer point," Whirlpool's ally, Queen Burningfrost said, making all her e’s long and exaggerated with her split tongue. "Theeeey could pose a major threeeeat to us, and may makeeeee conflict about which tribeeeeee theeeeey belong." The IceWing sat down next to Whirlpool, making her purr with happiness. She quickly stifled it, hoping nodragon had noticed. The large Skywing Queen Flameblaze silently sat majestically down next to Whirlpool. Three to two, the score in her favor. She smugly smiled. 

Queen Mistyseer, NightWing, started to speak in her regal, yet annoying, adressing-everyone speech. "Fellow dragons, I do not believe these hybrids should be removed from our continent. They are friends and family of us all. Therefore, I would say we are to let them stay." Her NightWings bobbed their heads in approval. Cicada herself had a smug look on her face, which turned Whirlpool's to a scowl. If Cicada was smiling, it was with good reason. The NightWings could see the future. If they sided against Whirlpool, her cause would be practically abandoned. 

A messenger swooped in urgently and spoke in a quick whisper to the NightWing queen. Her face grew pale as she nodded gravely.

"I have received word from my chief dragons that this will cause horrible ripples, and lead to many bloody wars. I am sorry, but this is better for all of us, that we separate then," Mistyseer concluded, bowing in submission.

What had been said that would change a dragon's mind so quickly? It must have been horrifying. Whirlpool perked her ears up, strong with her conviction that what she was doing was for the best.

After that, the MudWings, RainWings, and SandWings sided with her, with only the JewelWings opposing. "It seems this matter has been concluded."

"Quite," Qoi hissed in sadness. 

"I will continue on," Whirlpool said, raising her trident. She quickly enchanted it and slammed it down deep into the earth below her. The whole continent started rumbling, then came into four chunks. Secretly, she had added an enchantment to arrange the tribes how she pleased. The dragons floated without flapping their wings. Several let out screams. Good. That meant her enchantment was working. The Jewelwings, Insectwings, and Leafwings on one landmass, her allies on another, and the hybrids on the smallest one, more like an island than a continent, but still good enough for them to live on, which was better than they deserved. She pondered what to do with those who had not come to the meeting, and those who had refused to decide what to do with the hybrids. She then used her powers on the trident, which was glowing faintly orange, and the three tribes shot towards the last landmass. Finally, each of the three other lands zoomed away, never to bother her again. She let out a sigh of relief. 

"Y-you just sent away half the population you idiot! This was supposed to be about the hybrids! What in the 14 tribes?!" The RainWing flared up his wings and frills.

She just shrugged. "It became personal." 

"Hey!" The SandWing king said, looking indignant. "We didn't vote about the other tribes! What was that about?" His speech started many of the dragons into talking. A revolt against what was already agreed on? I think not. "What is done is done." The SeaWing Queen stated, eyes narrowed.

She grabbed her trident and started to fly away, when a loud yelp forced her to turn back. Queen Mistyseer lay on the ground, quietly murmuring. Whirlpool forced herself to land, and listen, rolling her eyes at the missed opportunity for a glorious exit. This was more important, either she was having a seizure or a prophecy. Either would prove entertaining. She smirked.

"...horrible mistake... should never have sent them away... wrong message… Darkstalker..." Mistyseer mumbled. Whirlpool looked at her in horror. What had happened? Had new visions told her she made a mistake by letting the dragons get seperated? Why did anyone trust the NightWings? They were always so cryptic, never knowing the truth and making things up. She should have sent away the NightWings too. 

Mistyseer let out a loud screech. " WE HAVE MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE! We should never have let them go! Now all the IceWings, all the dragon tribes in Pyrria, no, in the whole world now will be effected! There is a great evil who will descend from us, and his brothers as well. I... can't tell what tribe. There is only one way to fix this and prevent his rise to power. We must only have queens leading the tribes, no kings," Mistyseer shuddered. 

No kings? How absurd! That would be as big of a change as separating the continents! No matter, it won't affect me, thought Whirlpool. Her mind churned and she let out a small chuckle. Not only that, the blame will be shifted from me! This is a big event. One thing to move people around, another to dethrone half of the rulers? 

 After much arguing, the seers convinced the other tribes to get rid of their kings, saying it was for the greater good, "for only they could see the future". What a load of abalone. I'll play along for now, Whirlpool told herself. As long as it benefited her.

How could Mistyseer could benefit from only having queens? Was her message genuine this time? Besides, if she had been wrong about the earlier message, she could be wrong about this one too.

Whirlpool shook her wings. There was enough that had happened today. She unfurled, preparing for takeoff. Ex-king of the SandWings yelled at her to halt and explain herself for leaving, but she took off, anyways, their squabble drowned out quickly by the sound of crashing waves, to a place far away from all the turmoil, away from the other continents, to home.