Neo [[peck]]ing Kills Someone

2 months, 16 days ago
1098 1

Explicit Violence

Really says it all in the title

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Author's Notes

Notes: -Neo goes by Golden due to not being the nss at this time (this came before rotm) and their full name being “The golden explosion of the salmonid warrior Amaterasu”. -Also throughout the fic Neo and Smallfry are speaking in salmonid.

Golden was walking along the desert. Smallfry was nearby sniffing out for scrap metal. He eventually stopped and looked up at the inkling.

“Golden! I found something! Look!” Little buddy hopped up and down.

“Yeah? Lemme see.” Golden ran over to the little salmonid and bent over to start digging.

Luckily enough, there was scrap metal under the dirt. Now the question was if they could sell this or would it go into the pile of scrap metal back home. Golden picked up the metal and started to inspect it. Seemed decent enough to keep but the two needed money… Golden sighed and stood up again.

“Well smallfry, this could sell for a little bit. Maybe the salmonids might buy this for their machines, what do ya think?” Golden tossed the scrap metal down to little buddy.

He bit into it and started his inspection on it “Yeah yeah! This looks good enough to sell, I bet someone would want this.” Little buddy jumped up and down again.

Golden snickered at how excited the salmonid was. Then they started to walk through the splatlands again to head to the salmonid colonies.

The sun started to set and Golden could start so see the stars. It prodded buddy while pointing up. Little Buddy quickly looked over.

“Say it looks like we won’t be able to make it to the colonies in time. Want to set up camp here for the night?” They asked.

Smallfry nodded and started to look around for a safe enough area. Soon enough the two set up a small camp (It was just a decently sized campfire and a blanket) nearby a crashed car.

“Allllllright so I think this is as good as we are getting. I’ll take the first shift of staying up.” Golden spoke. “You already did enough work today.”

“Fine… You better make sure you DO check me in for my shift though. You need sleep.” Smallfry replied.

“I can always get to sleep later. What I need to do right now is for me to keep both of us safe.”

“What you need is to take care of yourself. I know you don’t think you deserve it since-”


Smallfry jumped back a little by how quick Golden was to yell. It usually took her a lot to get really mad but this was new… Smallfry decided to keep quiet, probably for the best right now.

“...I’m sorry Little Buddy, it’s been a rough week. None of my robbing or stealing plans have been working and I may have possibly gotten into some deep s*** with some people… heh” Golden apologized and patted the smallfry on the head.

Smallfry snuggled up against the inkling. Golden smiled and the salmon fell asleep. For the rest of the time, Golden stayed awake just in case anyone came up to them. Unfortunately for them, that did happen.

“Oi, why is a kid staying out here in the middle of the desert?” An oarfish was walking up towards the camp.

Golden had no idea what they were saying. He didn’t speak inklish for who knows how long at this point. The only response they could give was a reaching for the earlier found scrap metal. Any blunt metal object could work as a weapon… right?

At least that was what Golden was thinking before recognising the oarfish. Iiiiiiit was the one that Golden scammed a bunch of money out of. Hard part was that it was a gang leader and by their last chat, things did not end on good terms. Golden still had some money owed and he already spent it on food; and Golden may have attacked and beat up the boss before leaving.

“Wait a minute… you.” The oarfish got closer to the inkling and salmonid.

Golden quickly stood up to try to hold his ground. Though that effort meant nothing when Golden was shoved down. The movement woke up smallfry.

The oarfish pulled out a pocket knife and held it up to Golden's neck. Golden froze up, he looked for anything to do; at least until smallfry sat up and bit the oarfish’s fin. It did give Golden enough time for a distraction for her to hit them with the scrap metal and shove them off.

It stood up and looked down at the two before giving their attention to the smallfry. They started to approach him, before Golden got in the way that is.

“Stay the f*** away from little buddy.” Golden hissed out.

The oarfish looked stunned for a moment. It was mostly due to the fact that all it sounded like from their perspective was sounds of utter garbage. It took a little bit for them to move on from whatever the hell that inkling said, but they took a step forward. Which triggered Golden.

Golden ran up and bit them; it was strong enough to draw some blood. Little buddy jumped into the fight by biting the oarfish near the tail. They looked over and tried to grab the salmonid but little buddy scurried around to avoid them and leapt up to bite the dorsal fin.

It was enough of a distraction for Golden to stab them with the scrap metal. The oarfish yelled out in pain and annoyance. Smallfry was still hanging on to the fin still being a little nuisance to them.

The oarfish was still busy trying to deal with smallfry, his view was still blocked by the small salmonid. Golden kicked the oarfish down and they landed into the fire. Smallfry quickly jumped off. And before thinking, Golden held them down onto it.

Golden heard the screams and yells coming out of the oarfish. They still didn’t let go, Golden knew that this would kill them… good. The shrieks kept going on until Golden pulled out the scrap metal stuck in the scales of the oarfish and stabbed them multiple times in the head. The movement stopped and everything went quiet again, the only thing Golden hearing was the crackling of the campfire.

Golden stood up and looked down at Little Buddy. They kind of just stared at each other before Golden finally started to talk again. “Let’s just get out of here before someone sees us.”

Little Buddy nodded and went to the side to let Golden clean up. Golden gathered what little items they had, the only thing he left behind was the scrap metal. Little Buddy hopped on the inkling and the two ran off from the scene.