Winters End

2 months, 18 days ago

Writing prompt for The Senrial Constellations Winters End mission.

Recollective memories and discussions of the past and for the future that occurred between Kaida and Senrial Nova.

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   I stood on the patio that overlooked the frozen lake in which our home sat upon. As the morning sun woke from its slumber, I listened, I listened as the frozen lake cracked and slowly thawed. The last of the cold winter night slowly crawls back into the shadows as the warmth of the sun graces my body. Not that it mattered, the warmth or the cold never had an affect on my body, as I stared down at my dark star. After I adjusted my pajama bottoms, I began to clear the snow from one of the chairs and placed a blanket just before I sat. The morning was quiet, it was, peaceful, listening to the ambient sounds of nature. It was soothing to my other half. 

   "Are you sure you're not cold?" Kaida asked, as she walked up behind me in a large puffy jacket and bottoms, as she was holding two cups of coffee, which I could smell. I glanced at her, shaking my head, my feather swaying side to side softly as I did. I picked up the two cups with my magic as I adjusted my position in the chair. She smiled, taking the space I made for her. As she sat, I grabbed the ends of the blanket and wrapped my arms around her, covering her. I felt her tail slide over my leg as she entwined her tail with mine, her small body encased by my larger one. The one feeling of warmth I truly felt. It was a pleasant sensation, one that I yearned for. I sat holding her close, as close as I could. “Nova,” she said, reaching up and placing a hand on the left side of my face, avoiding my right side. A worried look on her face as I leaned down and nudged my face into hair. 

    “Everything is fine.” I said.

    “No it’s not,” she replied quickly, her back still facing me, “I know that look anywhere. You may not be him, but you do have a lot of his mannerisms as well as his demeanor.” Sighing softly, Kaida leaned back into my embrace. “ Whatever it may be. Know that I am here with you, always.” 

    “What do you have planned for the coming days?” 

    Kaida sighed softly, “I am not sure.” she said as her brow furrowed. “I do know that I must meet with my father about the recent events,” she paused, a hint of pain in her voice, “Inform him of a human faction that has surfaced, they’re a possible threat to our way of life.” I let out a soft hum, leaning my head back to look up into the sky. 

“Indeed, that is an unwanted predicament.”  

    “It is. But I will leave that for another day,” she replied as she reached for one of the mugs and I brought it closer with my magic. Grabbing hold, she brought it to her lips and took a long sip. The steam from the cup warmed her face. A sigh of relief adorned her face, “I would very much want this moment to last.”

    “As do I.” I replied, as I brought my mug to me and took a sip from it, the tea warming my body. We sat in silence again, enjoying the last of the winter morning. The lake having half thawed the ice that had trapped its watery residence. Birds have awoken, singing their tunes. The chilly winter morning having been replaced with a warm sun that wrapped the both of us. The last of the winter season, coming to an end.