
orion and sheldon have a silly little conversation.

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“Are you always this uptight or is it just a hobby at this point?”

Sheldon groaned as the purple-haired puppet spoke up, he swore this guy was tailing him just to ruin his day for the fun of it. All he did was try to get him to be at least somewhat presentable, if he knew it’d have caused this much trouble he would’ve just not said anything.

Day after day this “Orion” guy popped up at least once to make some snarky remark, or to ask him ridiculous questions like this. It was grinding his nerves to no end, really.

“Someone in this neighborhood has to have some class.”

“Yeah, but everyone did we’d all just be a bunch of posh Debbie downers and that’d be no fun. It’s ironic, you know, that someone with the last name ‘Joyful’ is an absolute stick in the mud.” Orion rolled his eyes as he walked next to the shorter puppet, ponytail mimicking a yapping motion before continuing, “It’s a wonder you and Julie are even related. She’s much more relaxed.”

“Then why don’t you go hang around her instead of bugging me, or any of your other commoner friends?!” The monster puppet snapped with crossed arms as he shot a glare at the taller puppet.

A smirk crossed Orions' face, sharp teeth glinting as he shrugged and looked forward, “Cause you interest me? You’re one of the few neighbors I’ve met around here with such a grumpy attitude, even Frank has been known to at least smile on occasion.”

“I do smile!” Sheldon snaps back, gritting his teeth at the other brazen arrogance. “I’m a joy to be around, I’ll have you know!”

“Really? Is that why you insult everyone by calling us hillbillies and commoners? That supposed to be a loving thing?” The bartender asked with an unamused expression, “Or when you nitpick our appearances on the regular?”

“Hey you were the one who ripped your shirt back open and destroyed it, don’t you dare blame that on me!”

“I’m not. While you shouldn’t have touched my shirt to begin with, it was me who decided to be petty and rip it. And I can admit, the look on your face when I did was the funniest thing I had ever seen, so maybe I should thank you for making me laugh.” He hummed before laughing lightly.

“Oh yes, laugh at my attempts to make you look decent.”

“You ever heard the saying ‘Do upon others as you want done upon you?” “Of course I have! It’s a common phrase after all-”

“Great!” Orion exclaimed before ruffling Sheldons' hair and flipping his collar up, running off down the street soon after.

“Now we’re even!” He called out over his shoulder with a wink; sticking his tongue out in a silly manner as he skidded around a corner and disappeared from sight.

“Oh my, that sounds like Sheldon,” Julie looked in the direction of the screeching, returning her attention to Onyx after a moment, “What do you think happened?”

“Beats me. Maybe Barnaby got hair on him again?” The purple-haired puppet hummed as a smile stretched across their face, “You know how uppity he is about his appearance, after all.”