Solar Eclipse

2 months, 12 days ago
1015 1

A small wholesome one shot of Vivian, Hockey and Beanie trying to enjoy the solar eclipse

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Hi there! I don't usually write these kind of things so please be kind and enjoy the little one shot!

The date was April 8th, 2024, The day of the solar eclipse Vivian had been looking forward to this day for several years and despite not showing it, so did hockey. They had both seen a few solar eclipses during their years but, this year was different; a little moth friend had joined them, seemingly unknowing of the day's event.

"So beanie! Are you ready to hang out today?" Vivian asked enthusiastically as she picked the small moth up carrying them in her arms. Beanie squeaked happily in response. Despite not speaking, Beanie could communicate very well with their actions and written words, they never knew why the little moth never talked but neither of them seemed to question it either. Vivian shot Hockey a smile "How, about you? Do you want to hang out with us today Hockey?" knowing fully well that Hockey wanted to chill out at home all day Beanie stared at Hockey with wide puppy eyes, almost pleading her to come with them. After a few seconds of Beanie pleading Hockey sighed. "Fine, but you both are making dinner tonight." Vivian wasn't too excited about having to cook but, Beanie couldn't be any happier while hanging out with their two best friends, maybe if they had a third best friend but Beanie wouldn't even know who that would be.

As they head out the door, Vivian places Beanie on her shoulders as she does this Beanie spots Hockey slip a few pairs of weird sunglasses and a blanket into her bag Beanie looked at Hockey with a confused look wondering why she would need so many pairs of sunglasses for her one set of eyes, seeing the confusion in Beanie's eyes Vivian chirped up "You alright Beanie?" Beanie nods but points at hockey signaling for Vivian to talk to Hockey. "Did you do something? "Hm? Oh, I put the glasses for the solar eclipse tonight in the bag" Hockey lifts up the bag she's carrying nonchalantly. Without missing a beat Vivian begins teasing Hockey elbowing her jokingly "Oh? So you are looking forward to it!" Beanie squeaks in a confused tone as both Hockey and Vivian realize this would be Beanie's first-ever Solar Eclipse. "Have you never seen a solar eclipse before?" Vivian questions, Beanie shakes their head no in response still confused about what a solar eclipse is. Hockey took a pair of the glasses from the bag and placed them on Beanie's head "Here, try these on" Vivian picks up a nearby mirror from a shelf and hands it to Beanie, they gasp, wondering why the world went darker, was it nighttime already? Vivian smiles and starts explaining what sunglasses are and why they're needed in solar eclipses, beanie doesn't entirely understand but nods along anyways.

They finally leave the house after what feels like years of Vivian trying to explain both solar eclipses and sunglasses to Beanie. They all enjoy their day out in the warm sun playing games in their local park, grabbing something to eat, and getting ice cream as a treat at an ice cream van, which ended up in an ice cream fight between them time flew by as they were all laughing and smiling, until Vivian's phone alarm went off. 6 PM

Vivian looked at Beanie, who was still trying to get ice cream out of their fur, and Hockey who was helping Beanie, Vivian smiled thankful they both got along so well. "I think we should go somewhere high before the eclipse starts," Hockey finished cleaning Beanie up putting them on her shoulders. "Sounds like a great plan, I think I know somewhere actually" Hockey pulls her phone out and opens Google Maps, not long after she begins walking off. Realizing they were now on the move Vivian catches up to them excitedly. After a few minutes of walking, they ended up on top of a flat-roofed building, adorned with a slightly rusty railing, and several walls covered in moss and vine but facing the sun was a seemingly well-kept bench, none of them questioned how or why Hockey knew this place existed, they just sat down on the bench, Beanie on the left, Vivian in the middle and Hockey to the right. After a while the air started to get colder so they placed the blanket Hockey had bought on all three of them. The sky started to go dark as Hockey passed the glasses to the others, "remember, never look at the solar eclipse without these glasses, your eyes will hurt badly" Without a word the two nodded in unison putting the glasses on, beanie stuck them to their fur with a bit of non-tear tape. They all watched the solar eclipse in awe until the sky started to become light again.

"How about we stay here for a while? This place is nice" Vivian sighed contently leaning on Hockey's shoulder and caressing Beanie's head as Beanie leaned against Vivian, Hockey hummed a positive response, leaning her head on Vivian's watching as the people passed below them, going back to their daily activities a few hours went by of small chit chat and stories reminiscing about their dates and how they were both happy to be there, the sky once again became darker, this time signaling nightfall. After a small while of silence, a small snore could be heard making both Vivian and Hockey laugh as they realized that Beanie had fallen asleep. After a while they packed up and took a slow walk home, enjoying their day and the fresh night air. As they reached home they tucked Beanie into bed and headed to bed themselves.

Today was a good day