When depressed, think of Androberis /silly

2 months, 8 days ago

Summary: Andromeda is contemplative... once again. And Iberis Bloom partakes into tonight's reflection.

(Written on Februaury 23rd, 2024, featuring @constellation.of.thoughts' OC, Andromeda Cookie.)

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A quaint night out in the Andromedian galaxy. Leaning against the rail of her balcony, the alien princess would check on the countless stars that formed the celestial dome above her. So many stars so unreachable, yet so convoted, as if you could buy them. But how worthwhile was a celestial body, so precious and deprived of boundaries? What lengths could people go to, to reach stardom? Was it free of all sacrifices?

That was what her evasive mind was onto right now, and as she was getting lost into thought, she would barely notice another presence flashing in front of her at light's speed. She got startled, but soon enough, the shape of Iberis Bloom would form in front of her, as she would gracefully sit at the balcony's railing with a bow. The princess chuckled lightly, bowing down as well.

"Iberis Bloom Cookie, you are right on time! It is a pleasure to meet you again. How do you fare?"

"Andromeda Cookie! I am well! Just simply traveled through space again and then I saw your galaxy then your home and boom- here I am now! What about you?"

"You come just in time, my dear star traveler! I was currently debating in my mind about the astral bodies of heated gas that bestow upon our otherworldly realm such beauty and radiance from above!"

"... You mean the stars, my princess?"

"... Yes, I do mean the stars." "Haha! I know a bunch about them! They're everywhere! They can come out of the sky as fast as they can go into a big boom, and then display colors like the ones of the rainbow as they die. Yeah they're just absolutely silly."

"I know of such capacities, my dear traveler. What I meant to debate on was... their metaphysical value, and why people yearn for them so much."

"Aaaaaaah... so like, stars in a more poetic way."

"Yes, exactly like that!"

"Well... stars have always been the object of fascination, me thinks, given that... they're as old as time. Did you know the shepherds used to follow them at night, to guide their pack? The ancestral cultures on Earth would worship them, and even named them after their deities, or mythology; that was how constellations were born. Everyday, millions of adorers go hiking at night to the heights, so they could observe them through the lens of a telescope, or even the naked eye, when they are at their brightest. The symbolism of a star in the matter of arts can represent many aspects and their opposites: innocence, brightness, intellect, or even the decaying of an individual or something you hold dear. Stars hold much importance in one's life."

"I see... your reflection is fruitful... but tell me- oh, traveler. You are quite acquainted with them, as you travel through their channeled energy; what impression do they give you? Would you consider yourself as a chosen one, or an elite of some, to be able to approach them so closely?" "Ah, yeah? My ability to run at light's speed to catch the shooting stars... it's true, they do guide me, in space like in anywhere else. I guess I do feel like the lucky one, to be able to cohabitate with them, and even learn from them. If the stars are so normalized to me, that is because I got an opportunity to study them and approach them without any difficulty. The human mind always wants things that seem so out of reach to them; this is why they want to buy the stars, to put a purpose into their lives, so they don't consider themselves pointless."

"So, now that you have 'bought' these stars... now that you reached them... what of you? If you said that humans go for the stars to give them purpose, what is your own now?"

"I mean, yeah, I already had that luck, but... to me, stars are just here, they were never meant to be sought after. Though, I guess I could consider myself the lucky one, because..." she would slide a hand on her cheek. "You are a star on your own, my princess. Your light resonates through your eyes to mine, and for anything in the whole world, I would trade that light out of you."

Suddenly, a very flustered Andromeda Cookie began laughing sheepishly.

"Ah... a-hahahahahahaha! You always get a chance to slide a tinge of poetry into your speech, am I wrong? You are quite the feisty one."

"Hah, what else can I say? I learn a lot from the stars. My star, precisely."

They both laughed and hugged it out together, ending the debate with this hint of delightful quip.

The end.