
1 month, 30 days ago

Mild Violence

A girl in college finds out she was born with a gift, a necklace with the power to time travel, yet this 'gift' can also be seen as a curse. This endless dream is quite the view until it becomes a horrible nightmare. How will this come into play with her life, and could she hold this power forever til the end of time?

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I want to make this exciting but I don't know how to start it... Maybe, it's a nice day outside in the long morning... No that doesn't sound right... Maybe I should take a literature class... Okay okay, today is another normal day at Palm Valley College. I am a 2nd year, which is a sophomore, right? I'm losing track of time from all this learning... My name is Yuna Tresobe, I am a girl with green hair and blue eyes, and this is my diary. I know you might say, I'm too old for one, but with the power I have, I need it to remember what has happened in case I forget. Never forget to hold it at all times so it doesn't get lost in time, I just don't know how long I can deal with this... But, it isn't as bad as you think it is...

Once upon a time, there was a princess, she wasn't very liked in her kingdom and her parents barely gave her looks. The only person who enjoyed her company is her butler, a handsome man who most thinks should have a better placement in the castle. Many had crushed on him, other workers hoping to work with him but he had all his focus on the princess. The princess enjoyed his company, them often playing games and giving her something to do to distract her from her true reality. One night, the princess asked, "Butler, why does no one like me? Have I done wrong?" the butler just looked at her and smiled, "No Princess, they fail to see the true beauty of you, they just wish for more males in the kingdom to rule after your father." The princess didn't know how to feel about it, leaving her quiet as the butler wasn't happy with her reaction. "Princess, don't feel sad, if it was up to me, then you would be the best queen in the whole land," he said, hoping to bring her mood up. She just smiled at him and said, "Then dear Butler, would you make me the happiest queen and don't leave my side?" The butler nodded, holding out a box to her, "My Queen, may I offer you this necklace to replace the pain in your sweet heart?" The princess gasped, shocked to see the red ruby necklace laying in the box, accepting it nearly straight away as the butler was happy to do his job. "Dear Queen, there is more to this necklace than you think, I believe you deserve to see the true sides of your family without trouble," the butler said, the princess wondering what he meant as he helped her put the necklace on. "Oh, what could you mean Butler? If I even get close to my family they threaten to burn me!" the princess explained, the butler softly grabbing her hands. "My Queen, don't be scared, close your eyes, and think of a time you wish to see, and when you get found, just think of this moment once more." the butler said, the princess was confused but listened to his words. She closed her eyes and thought of the time her parents went out on a trip. Once she opened them, the butler was gone, and the time was now day as she followed what the butler had said, going to find her parents. the princess spotted them, hiding behind corners as her parents were ready to leave and all packed. "My Prince, make sure the Princess does not leave her room, if so, you have permission to show her what it feels like being burnt, but do not kill her!" the king said to the prince, the queen looking worried as the prince nodded. The king pulled the queen closer, giving great signs of discomfort as she spots the princess and gives a worried look. The king saw her look and looked the way she was looking, getting angry quite fast. "Guards! Tie the Princess to a stake until we return!" he yelled, the princess panicked as she thought of what the butler said and closed her eyes, thinking of their talk before this moment. Before she knew it, she felt the warmth of the butler's hands as he jumped for a hug. "Oh Butler! They said they were going to tie me to a stake! Please don't let them!" she yelled, tears falling down her cheeks. The butler looked at her with a smile, "don't worry my Queen, that was only a scene, you are allowed to travel to the past and through the future." The princess was shocked, touching the rudy of the necklace as the butler softly grabbed her hand again. "Now, you deserve the truth of your life of lies..." the butler said, looking down and closing his eyes, "think of when you were born, this will be hard so my Queen, please keep your mind at ease." The princess nodded, closing her eyes once more, and thought of the day she was born.

"And that class is where we will end today's story," a couple of books closed as a few groaned. "You can't just end it there! what happened when she opened her eyes again?! Was the butler a wizard?! Could this have been a love story?!" a girl yelled, the class telling her to shush as the teacher laughed. "If you're so curious, you can read the rest on your own, and no, the butler is quite the age above her so for once, a princess story without love," the professor said, tapping the book on the desk, "please do study the pages of the book we read, I know it could seem a bit childish but if you look at it from another view, this book was made by someone in the 1400s, meaning they thought of time travel way before our time yes? I will give you the assignment tomorrow but if you really want to be ready I would suggest reading it over on your own time. Class dismissed." Students started to leave the class, as one girl, was sleeping through it all. As the room started to empty, the professor saw her and went up to her seat, tapping the table which woke her quite quickly. "Oh Yuna, always sleeping through my class I see," he said as she shot straight up, looking at him nervously and blushing. "I-I'm sorry Professor Icarus! I um... I was listening to you the whole time see!" she lifted up the book, reading the following page, "The princess right? She wasn't liked and she..." she flipped through a few pages, "married the butler!" Mr. Icarus laughed, patting her don't he head as she blushed even more. "It's not a love story dear, I would recommend reading the book to page 20 for your assignment tomorrow," she said, walking back down the columns, "and maybe get some more sleep, I'll see you tomorrow." Yuna sighed, covering her face with the book, "I sign up for a literature class with a hot teacher and don't even pay attention to it! I'm just like the princess huh? No love story," she said, looking at the cover of the book but noticed something about the princess, "Woah, she has the same necklace as me, I wonder if my parents knew about this story and wanted to make me feel special..." she sighed, gathering her things and started to head out the class.

As she left, she was greeted by her friend waiting outside the class, "Hey girl! Your teacher is sooooo hot! Did you guys agree on some after-class studying cause you were in there for quite some time," she said, chuckling to herself, "Mr. Icarus right? I heard he's the hottest professor on campus! If you score him then you'll be the most popular!" Yuna dreamt of being with him, dreaming of children and rainbows before she snapped out of it. "Yeah, popular like getting him arrested, I'm pretty sure teachers aren't allowed relationships like that with their students," she said, looking down with a sigh, "Plus, Kerena, you are way hotter than me, he would fall for you before me." Kerena giggled, feeling flattered by her comment as she grabbed her hand. "This is my last year here, maybe I could try and shoot my shot right at the end?" she asked, Yuna giving her funny looks, "He doesn't even know me, why would just a random student come up to him and ask him out? Though his voice! Is he British maybe?" The two walk off as the halls were filled with freshmen playing games which some upper-classmen joined cause they thought it was cool. The teachers hated freshmen, coming straight out of high school with improper behavior as a female professor yelled at them, the two laughing at the chaos as they go off to their dorms.

Yuna fell onto her bed after saying bye to her friend, her books falling out of her bag as she eyed them. Her social battery was running low, Kerena being the only person who talks to her but not really seeing her as a close friend. She sat up, looking at the book Mr. Icarus made them get for his class as she thought maybe she read it all, he would be impressed. So she got up, took the book, and started reading it from her desk, right from the beginning. After a few pages, she actually got into the book, rubbing her own red ruby necklace until she got to the part where the butler told the princess about the necklace, and it surprisingly worked. She thought what if she did the same, but laughed at her own mind as she continued on. "I'm guessing this story was rewritten to a more modern tone like all the other old stories..." she mumbled, getting to page 20 as her stomach growled. She picked up her phone and started ordering some Chinese takeout, then went back to the book.

She awoke, crying her eyes out as a baby would but as she took her mind back, she stopped crying. The princess looked at the people holding her, it didn't look like her parents, or as she remembered. "Doctor, why did she stop crying?" a woman asked. "Is that a bad sign?" a man asked. "Don't worry, she is fine, maybe your faces calmed her? Though..." the doctor held up the necklace she had on, which made the princess start to panic, "this wasn't here before..." the doctor took the necklace off, placing it on the side. The princess was unable to go back to the butler, she failed to do what he said to do! The thoughts in her mind slowly started to fade, she tried to cry out for help but it was just replaced with baby tears.

Knock Knock

Yuna perked her head up, walked toward the door, and grabbed the food she ordered, sitting back down at her desk. She placed the bag on the desk before looking at the book and rubbing her necklace again, letting curiously take the best of her. She closed her eyes and thought of Mr. Icarus waking her up in class this afternoon, "heh, what am I doing, this is dum-" she opened her eyes, sat up, and saw Mr. Icarus looking straight at her, "Am I dreaming?" she said as Mr. Icarus patted her on the head. "Silly, I've heard many say they've dreamt of me so it's possible," he said, "now I would recommend reading up to page 20 for the assignment tomorrow" he walked down the column just like before and left the class, leaving Yuna shocked as she looked around. "W-Wait..." she said, looking down at the book and grabbing it, reading the page with the butler once more, "T-Think back to where I was..." she mumbled, closing her eyes again, thinking of her room with the food she has just gotten. She opened her eyes to see the bag of food and her dorm room desk and she nearly falls out of her chair. "I-I'm the princess?! O-Or I have her necklace?!" she shook on the ground, holding her hands to her face while rolling into a ball, "H-How?! T-These stories aren't real! This was made such a long time ago! How... How... How..." She thought of something as she quickly stood up and grabbed her phone, dialing her mom onto the phone. "Hello, sweetie? Why are you calling at such a late hour?" her mother said on the other side of the phone as she took a deep breath. "Mom... I'm old enough to know where I got my necklace from right? Why have you been hiding it from me?" Yuna said, her mother stayed quiet for a few moments, "Sweetie, I told you... I'm not sure where it came from... You had it since birth," she said, before she could say anything else Yuna stepped in, "Mom, there's no way a necklace can just come out of nowhere! Maybe ask dad? Does he know? Please mom you guys have to know something..." Yuna was getting stressed from the whole thing as her mother called her father, telling him what she is talking about, "The ruby necklace? Why are you on this necklace again? Does it really matter where it came from? It is the dead of night, go to bed, I think you need some rest." Her father hung up the phone and Yuna was left to stress about it by herself, but... At least she had food. She turned on her tv to watch Netflix and eat her Chinese to try and get her mind off it but she had one thought stuck in her head. She took the book for a moment to check where she left off and there were just a bunch of empty pages, reading the last few lines again. 'the doctor held up the necklace she had on, which made the princess start to panic, "this wasn't here before..."' she read as her heart stopped, "Am I... The princess who was lost in time?!" she yelled, choking on the food she had in her mouth as she went to go get a drink of water, processing everything she just experienced. "Yeah... Maybe my dad is right... I need sleep..." she said, putting on everything she had sown and turning off the tv, resting her body on the bed, and trying to drift off to sleep.

"Yuna!" A yell was heard with many knocks, "Yuna! Come on girl, you can't be oversleeping in college!" Yuna slowly blinked her eyes, her vision blurry as her sigh processed the room, her dorm room. "Yuna seriously, I'm here being late for you too! Cause you know, you're my girl! Girls stick together! But seriously you got to wake up!" Yuna recognized the voice and their speech, "Kerena?" she said faintly as she struggled to the door, opening it to see a friendly face, going straight in to hug her. "Oh my goodness Yuna, I was gonna assume you were dead girl!" Kerena said, letting her go with a stern look, "you missed like the whole day believe it or not, but you still have time to make it to Mr. Icarus's class, you're welcome girly, now move move move!" she softly turned her and pushed her back in her dorm while the words just got into Yuna's mind, quickly getting ready and freshening up as Kerena respected her privacy and closed the door. After a while, Yuna came out looking fresh and new and they ran over to her class, Kerena said bye before she walked in, and everyone stared at her. Mr. Icarus gave her a worried look, walking over to her with a head on her shoulder, "Ms. Tresobe, are you feeling well?" he quietly said, "You're not usually late to my class..." Yuna sighed, noticing his hand on her before blushing at him, some of the girls in the class getting jealous of her. "N-No yeah I'm great, Uhm..." she thought for a moment, "You... Think we could talk after class?" He nodded as he directed her to her seat and then went back to teaching. "Alright, class, for your assignment, which is quite simple, your theory on how you think people in the 1400s thought about time travel!" he explained, "of course, I would like you to use the story as the ending... Isn't really much of an ending. There isn't much said of what happened to the princess or if she ever got back to her own timeline, and since this book is old, the ones who rewrote it have no clue if there's more to it or not. This class will be easy today, do some research on current time travel and tell me, do you think it's real? Why or why not? And once you're finished I'll be happy to give you more work so please, take your time." The class went straight to work as Yuna started to remember last night, taking the story in as she went to start her assignment but she forgot her bag. She laid her head down 'Damnit! It's going to be so embarrassing to be late and forget everything for class! It feels like high school all over again!' she thought, 'but... what if last night was real?...' she put her head up, Mr. Icarus giving her a glance before she closed her eyes and thought of this morning, hoping she would wake up.

She opened her eyes, she... was in bed. She looked over at her clock and it showed 7:31 am, an hour before her first lecture. She quickly got up, getting ready as she looked at herself in the mirror, "Yuna... You can time travel... College is going to be so much easier!" she happily yelled, going onto her day as she would normally. Going to her all classes, eating lunch with her friend, and daydreaming about Mr. Icarus while in his class. "Don't forget your assignments, class dismissed, enjoy your holiday," the professor said as the student walked out, him already knowing Yuna was still there but she wasn't asleep this time. He walked over to her, snapping his fingers as she snapped out of her trance to see such a handsome face, making her blush. "And Ms. Tresobe, what have you written about time traveling? Do you believe in it?" he asked, "Or were you not paying attention once again? Heh, I promise not to be mad if so." He looked down at her necklace for a moment then back at her. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Again... B-But I swear I have something this time!" she stood, turning her computer to him, "I believe time travel is real! We as humans wouldn't find it real because of how crazy it sounds but if you really think about it, anyone here could be one. This brings up my question, Mr. Icarus, do you believe that the book is a true story?" He was quite amazed at her paper, looking over at her with a grin, "It is my favorite story to teach, I believe so, I have such a strong connection to it, and showing my students every year leaves them questioning," he said, "And... Your necklace, it's quite pretty, it closely represents the princess' don't you think? Are you asking this question because you believe you are the princess who was lost in time?" Yuna was shocked by his reply, she nodded her head bravely. "Non-Sense Yuna, this book is more than a thousand years old, if it were true then it should've taken place back then, not now," he said, turning her computer back around, "though if you do think you are, then you wouldn't mind if I had a look at your necklace?" she held his hand out but Yuna held onto the necklace, quite frightened. "Have you ever tried to go back in time with it?" She hesitated, thinking he would think that she was crazy from this whole thing, and just shook it off, "I think I was just dreaming of the whole thing you know?" she laughed it off as she started to pack her things, Mr. Icarus getting puzzled from her actions as Kerena popped her head in to see what was going down, disappointed to not see them fucking or something. Yuna saw her and panicked, "I hope you have a well holiday Mr. Icarus, please excuse my... stupid.. self..." she gave a blushed smile as she ran off, pulling Kerena away as she reached the door. "Oh my goodness, did you get his number? Maybe his first name? Girl give me the tea!" Kerena said, Yuna covering her mouth with a sigh. "No, it was just a talk about class," She said, moving her hand away, "I need to rest, the holidays start now and I plan to sleep!" She walked off, leaving Kerena saddened. Mr. Icarus overheard their small talk, him pulling out his phone and calling a strange number, "Hello, I would like to report supernatural activity... Though is there a chance you don't kill her?... She's a dear student of mine and I swear she serves no harm, I just want to see if my theory is true..."

After the holidays, she used her time travel to her advantage every day, if she was ever late, go back in time, missed something, back in time, see Mr. Icarus again, back in time. She had no worries anymore and was able to become the 'perfect' student, in which, hoping to get through the rest of these years. One day a new student came in, a boy with black hair and blue eyes, in the same year as her, and he was H.O.T. It was like a little Mr. Icarus and with that everyone was on him, they had a higher chance to get with him than the professor so he has gotten less attention until someone was able to get with him. Yuna was quite interested too, for some reason he had every class with her, her assuming she was very lucky, she started her new obsession, the new boy.

"Girl there's no way you can get him," Kerena said, them sitting down in the cafe together, eating breakfast, "Every girl wants him! Even my classmates, unless you got some superpowers to make him fall in love with you, it's not happening." Yuna sighed, eating her scrambled eggs, "Are you saying you don't believe in me? Someone is going to get him, it could be me," Kerena nods, yet has a worried look on her face, "And what if I do have a superpower?" Yuna moves her plate to the side to lie down, her friend patting her on the back. "Listen, you don't even know him, what if he's like... An abuser?" She said, getting scared, "He might be one of those cute serial killers or future serial killers, maybe some of these girls will go missing! I don't want you to be one of them girly." Yuna nodded, her head hitting the table as she sat up and nodded once more, "You're right... I should focus on myself! I don't need a hot guy in my life!" She said greatly before a small tap on her shoulder made her turn around, to her surprise it was the exact guy she was talking about, everyone looking over to see what was going on, Kerena looked there in shock. "Hey, sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if I could speak to you?" He asked, everyone, gasping, Yuna included before she fixed herself, blushing heavily, "I'm Ashton by the way, I don't want you to think I'm weird haha." Yuna nods as she stood, then walked away with him before she looked back at Kerena, her jaw pretty much on the ground as they went away, no one bothered to follow behind. She was alone with him as he turned to her, "Yuna right? We have the same classes together so I was wondering if we could help each other out in case something happens," he started, "Your green hair stands out a lot, no one else really has light green hair other than you, though I have seen some, yours stand out more. Anyways is it okay with you?" She was lost for words, being alone with everyone's crush, he picked her, and she nods nervously, "Oh, yeah I understand if any of us miss a day or something right? I have those days all the time," she said, not really thinking much of it, "you have to see how much I doze in Mr. Icarus' class, I mean its quite hard for me to keep up with him sometimes so it would be really helpful to have someone have my back!" Ashton chuckled, making her blush more, "That's great, you can have my number if you need anything okay? I hope maybe we will become good friends," he handed out his phone to her, showing his contact info, "I hope you don't mind the crowd, I'm not sure why everyone is following me really, it's quite hard to do anything with people hunting me down." Yuna smiled, honestly feeling slightly bad for him, he is walking around like a celebrity when he isn't actually one, every girl wanted him for his looks, not for who he is, which made her quite sad. She never was one of those people, just watched from a distance, though the distance came to her which means she was doing something right, right? "I'll let you go back to your friend now, I'm sorry for taking you away, I'll see you around," he said, walking off as Yuna waved to him, heading back inside the cafe to see everyone waiting for her, surrounding her right after asking questions, 'did he ask you out?' or 'does he speak as cute as he looks?' or 'did you do stuff with him?' and many similar repeating questions before Kerena pushed everyone out the way, "Move away from my bestie!" she took her arm and pulled her out of the crowd, having both of their stuff so they can leave and get away from the people, "girl everyone is going to be on your now, honestly I'm as shocked as they are, I can't believe he came up to you! You gotta tell me the deeds girl, you're going to be hella popular like I said." Yuna looked worried if she became popular now, she would become more suspicious of using her powers, but she could also try and escape using them. She didn't want to use them further back now as she is pretty much friends with him, and everyone is now jealous of her. "He just wanted to be a class buddy since I had every class with him, in case one of us misses something we could just go to the other," she said, "nothing really serious but it would sure get us closer!" Kerena clapped joyfully, "I take everything I said back, he seems so kind and trustworthy! And now you have such a better chance with him than everyone else!" She grabbed her hand, "he is perfect for you, hopefully, I could get with Mr. Icarus and we both have hot boyfriends!" They both laughed and jumped, being happy with how everything is going as they went their separate ways, Yuna going back to her dorm to fan girl over her new buddy.

"Yes her patterns had changed since that class, she never sleeps, always gets her work done, top of the class, everything changed," A familiar British voice said, "She had a keen interest in the book now, asking to keep it, having a similar necklace as to the main character, I told her the story is impossible to be true as it was made thousands of years ago yet she still believes it's true, yet I am too, could it have ended like that because she is the end of the story?" Another voice cuts in, "This is a serious case, a supernatural story coming true? A being from years in the past coming into the more modern times, she could be acting like she doesn't know so she doesn't get caught, what could she be planning?" small tapping is heard, "no matter, it's dangerous, you know we can't leave supernatural beings alive, even if it seems she isn't doing anything harmful... Yet, we don't know her plans and we have to stop her from thinking of any. I already got the first part of my plan, I will wait to get more proof before acting but unless she's innocent then we can't keep her alive like you requested." The other voice gave a sigh, "I understand, she is one of my favorite students, I would hate for her to die but, I completely understand if it's for the greater good, one life is less than many."

Yuna started her day as usual, getting extra sleep, getting extra time for breakfast and talking with her friend, and always making it on time. But this time she had another friend, Ashton often talked with her, making sure they are up to date with the work, especially with how he started late. Every girl watched them, jealous, nearly hating her, but they couldn't do anything as he picked who he picked. She was enjoying life, though the end of the year was coming fastly, meaning Kerena would graduate soon and she would have to see her less, she didn't really talk to Ashton other than during classes so she wouldn't be able to see him anymore, it was all saddening to her. She wanted to risk it back going back to when she first met and talked with him but she didn't want to relive everything other than continuing on with her life. This made her think of one thing, asking him out, the college decided on an end-of-the-year party, maybe asking him out before then could get the chancing of her being with him more. He never made a move so it was only fair for her to before it was too late.

"So Ashton, the year is almost over, we won't be able to see each other over the summer," she said, at the end of one of their classes, "I usually go out of state so I was wondering..." Ashton nods, "I won't be able to be here next year," what he said shocked her, meaning she actually had to act or she will never see him again, "I'm a foreign exchange student, that's why I joined school late." She got sad, looking off before taking a deep breath, "Really, where are you from then?" she asked, preparing herself for her actual question, "You don't really have an accent as I thought you would from another country." He nods, "I'm from Canada, my family wasn't really around their accent," he continued, "it is pretty nice here other than the people following me around, is that a normal thing? It was happening all year, I could almost get no alone time even with you." She gives a nervous laugh, "No actually... It's because you're really good-looking and people don't know how to act about it," she said, looking at him straight in his eyes, him seemingly having no reaction to it, "I don't focus on just looks, you have such a nice personality and honestly if I knew you before we became studying buddies I would be on you too... So I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?..." She looked away shyly as she asked, him still not having a reaction at least she thought as he stood up, making her look back. "Yuna I thought you were different... I thought maybe we could just be friends but you're just like everyone else... Lovesick..." She was shocked, heartbroken, scared, and so many emotions as he talked to her, "I'm not going to be with someone who only focuses on themselves, I hate you Yuna, never talk or think about me again." He grabbed his things and walked out, leaving her to her thoughts as they ran wild, 'did I mess up?' 'did I do something to make him think that way?' 'I thought things were going good?' 'am I being selfish?' She couldn't stop thinking, laying her head down as Kerena walked into her crying her eyes out alone, going straight for a hug, "Girl what he do? Why are you crying?" she asked, slightly panicking, "Did he hurt you, here lemme get you to the nurse's office." Yuna stood herself, tears still falling down before she thought to herself once more, 'Maybe I'll pull the first move by meeting him first... meaning to go all the way back to the end of the holidays... I can't mess this up' And with notice, she did, going all the way back to where he had first shown, in the hall with everyone surrounding him once more and Kerena standing next to her, whispering about him. She walked over to him, through the crowd, leaving Kerena shocked, she made it as everyone looked at her rudely wondering what she was doing, "Hey! Welcome to our school! You're the foreign exchange student, right? Ashton?" She asked, leaving everyone shocked at how she knew that much info, "I was tasked with showing you around, so if everyone could move out the way, I would like to give our guest a tour." Surprisingly, it made everyone back off, leaving Ashton curious too as he agrees and they walk off together, Kerena was kinda sad that she didn't know about this and was left behind, but she continued her day by herself.

"Any questions?" Yuna asked, finishing the tour with Ashton as he shook his head, "Well that's great, I hope you're able to get around easily and you enjoy the rest of the year here, if you want we could become friends if you need anything, maybe from notes from the classes you missed? What classes do you have?" He pulled out a piece of paper showing the classes, passing it over to her, "I must thank you for today, aren't you missing your classes for this?" he said, looking at her, "you're a great help for all this." She nods, keeping her composer as she looked at the paper, "It seems you have the exact same classes as me, perfect, I can give you any makeup notes that you need if you like," she said while giving back the paper, "I hope you're able to learn as much as your old school back where you're from in Canada." He nods, waving, "I shall get going to my dorm now, I'll see you around," he said, walking off after she waved back. Yuna let out a huge breath of air after all that, she was able to bring out the first move and maybe that will get him to her. As she is walking back to her own dorm, she runs into a familiar figure. It was Kerena, she looked upset as she turned to her, "Girl what was all that? You never told me you had foreign duties," she started, "You kinda just left me for him all day and you don't even know him, even with that he's cute and all, I have bad vibes about him, so I ho-" Yuna stepped in, "He's a good person, trust me, you don't need to worry about it honestly," she said, leaving Kerena in shock, she never had been this bold before, "I'm sorry for leaving you okay? I'm fine though so I'll talk to you later." She walked off, leaving her behind again, Kerena's heart slightly broken as she think she lost her only friend to a boy who just started here. And so Yuna stuck by Ashton's side, being a helpful guide and his close friend until it was nearing the same time as before, her wanting to confess differently as this is all different. They sat in the same place as before, just them talking alone in a classroom before she sighed, getting herself ready, "The year is almost over isn't it?" She started, "It is quite crazy how everything happened so quickly, you won't be here next year right? So we won't see each other anymore." He nods, placing a piece of paper down that seemed to be notes of sorts, "This school is great, it seems like everyone is nice and sweet, this year was great," he said, looking over to her, "I'm sorry we won't be able to see each other anymore, I hope it's alright without me haha." She nods, "Actually I wanted to bring something up, what if we could be together? Maybe get to know each other more... In other ways? More than just school?" She said nervously, "I've really taken a liking to you and I don't really want it to end you know?" She looked up at him, but he had no reaction, just like before, yet he stood up, just like last time which made her heart sink, "Was you being nice to me all because you liked me? Were you using my kindness against me?" he said, her holding onto her chest, "I thought you were different Yuna, you're just like everyone else aren't you? Selfish, I hate you, I could never like anyone like you." He said as he walked out of the room, passing by Kerena who was passing by the room, she looked inside to see Yuna just sitting there, but she didn't have the guts to go up to her and walked out. Yuna messed up somewhere again, but where? There's something she's doing wrong and the only way to know is to start completely over, starting from the start. The start, the end of the holidays, again, again, again.

She repeated the same few months over and over, confessing just to be shut down, waiting for him to talk to her then going a new route just to be rejected again. She kept trying new ways, new routes, but he kept rejecting her, so she finally thought, maybe let him come to her first, maybe that's how she will get him. So she did one final restart, letting him come to her first to become friends, making sure she did everything he asked her to, she became a toy to him without her knowing. Through all this, her friend Kerena was forgotten, and would never talk to her again, only focusing on Ashton through every timeline, so she decided to start doing the same with Mr. Icarus. She went into his room when he didn't have a class and took her time. "Ah, good morning, who you might be?" he said to her walking in, "Aren't you Yuna's friend? I believe I see you after class with her a few times." She shook her head, getting in front of him with a sad look, "I don't think she wants to be friends anymore, she had been ignoring me ever since this new boy came, Ashton, I think his name was," she said, "She hasn't even said a word to me like we haven't been friends since she started college, she's always with him like she forgot I existed... She was my only friend too, I don't think anyone wants to be with a... Fat black girl..." Mr. Icarus held onto her shoulder, shaking his head, "Don't say those things about yourself, you just haven't tried with the right people, I'm sure you'll friend an actual best friend soon enough," he said, taking out his phone, "Do you want to know something? Yuna isn't who you thought she was, she is a monster, dangerous, the reason she stopped being with you is because Ashton is trying to save you and everyone's life. So it's for a good reason, do you want to help us with her?" Kerena looked shocked, though it explained everything and she was heartbroken for the person she thought she was best friends with. She looked at him with nearly tears dropping, "So... Is Ashton, not a student? He came to deal with her?..." she said shaking, "She's a monster I've been with? I could've been killed?" He nodded, calling a number in his phone as he was sad as well. She took time to think about it as he took his call, "Yes Yoto, I'm here to inform you that I was correct, you did a good job with the mission, her friend confessed she is only focused on you now, take action before the end of the year," he said, her looking back to him, "I think the best time is the party, catch her when she isn't looking." He ends the call, Kerena now crying gives him a concerned look, "Was that him? W-What are you going to do with her?" she asked, him giving her he stern look, "You're not going to kill her are you?..." He held her close, her blushing from his touch, "She's a monster, we have to do what needs to be done..." he said, her crying her eyes out, "I understand if you can't take it, how about you skip the party? It would be better for you and with that you can always come and talk with me."

It was the time Yuna usually confessed, but she didn't do it this time, she saw him leave the room to take a call, giving her time to stand and walk out on her own as the call the ending, "Hey are you planning to go to the party?" she asked, "maybe it would be a nice going away party too?" He nods, giving her a smile, "Yeah that would be nice, you'll surely see me there," he said, "I'll talk to you tomorrow though, have a good rest of your day." He walked off to his dorm, leaving her behind she sighed, "This outcome was way better than all my others, I'm tired..." She grabbed her necklace, looking down at it in worry, "I'm sad that I don't have much info on you other than going back in time... But I suppose that's only to be written by the princess herself..." She sighed, walking to her own dorm, getting ready for the soon party.

And just like that, she opened her eyes, seeing the people dancing in nice gowns and suits, people eating from a snack bar, and others sitting by the large back exit that was attached to a dock into the ocean. She was stuck in a short dress that really brought out her blue eyes, looking at herself one more time, she was hoping this would get Ashton to confess to her so she could see him forever. She walked around, looking for him, but he was nowhere to be seen, so she sat down and waited, realizing that Kerena, who usually likes parties wasn't there either. She was alone. The party slowly died out, and people started to go home, some staying a bit longer just to go home soon as well, she sat there all night until the last person left, her now truly alone. She stood up, ready to leave, "Yuna!" a familiar voice called as she turned to the back exit, Ashton standing there, but he was in odd clothing that she would never see at a party, maybe like those people in video games she saw sometimes. "Ashton... I thought you were going to come... You are late..." she said, starting to walk over to him, "I sat here alone waiting for you, you said you would come." He stood there, holding his face with his fingers before moving them down, showing an upsetting angry face, "I wanted us to be alone, but I'm sure you knew that right?" he sounded crazy, way different from the person she knew before, "You know everything now don't you? Or is this your first time with this?" She stopped in her tracks, dazed, "What are you talking about?" she said, going to hold her necklace with anxiety running through her, "Why did you want to be alone with me? Did you have something to tell me?" He stomped his foot, making her jump back, "You're so careless aren't you?! You thought you could just hide it? Did you think no one would be suspicious?! You're truly an idiot Yuna, catching yourself... Red... Handed," he took out a knife from behind his back, making her now more scared than ever, "You're a monster Yuna, you think Ashton would confess to you didn't you? So you didn't bother to time travel until this moment, which led you right into my trap..." She was shocked, he knew?! She slowly moved back, unable to think straight she started running towards the door, him quickly catching up and sticking something behind her back before swinging the knife. She ducked, avoiding it just to find out the front doors were now locked, she hurried away from him, looking around and seeing that it was possible for her to climb up to the ceiling, so she did trying to avoid his attacks, reaching the stop unharmed. "H-How do you know?! How am I a monster?! What happened to Ashton?! I didn't do anything to deserve this!" she yelled down at him, he gave a grin to her, "Why are you doing this Ashton?" He put his fingers to his face again, "Because my name isn't Ashton, it's Yoto, a supernatural hunter, you time-traveled to be with me, and every time you gave me the exact info I needed to tell me you went back in time," he started, "I never told the school I was a foreign exchange student, they knew I was a hunter experimenting and told them to give me the exact same classes as you, I'm not actually from Canada but without me repeating myself you told me I was, I never said I had to leave after the year ended but you told me I did, I took note of everything you knew about me that I knew I didn't say yet, I knew rejecting you would make you want to go back, and so you did over and over didn't you? You feel right into my trap Yuna! Supernaturals are dangerous to humans, so you need to be killed!" She felt so many emotions, her heart beating faster than ever as she felt stupid and dumb, she gave herself away but she wondered how it all could be dangerous, she didn't even want to ask more questions as she looked down, closing her eyes just like she always did, going back to the beginning one last time to avoid him at all cost.

She opened her eyes and thought, she was in the same place, but Ashton or Yoto wasn't there anymore, so she thought she was safe at least. She slowly went down, being careful to not fall as she looked around the empty but large room. She took a look out the backdoor to see a few people getting onto boats, Yoto being one of them, he waved to her, "Yuna! There you are!" he yelled, "I'm sorry I was late to the party, I wanted to surprise you with something!" It seemed like Ashton again, the nice and sweet guy she knew, so she walked to him, seeing the boat as he held his hand out to her. "I love you Yuna, Let's go to a new place together!" he said gracefully as the boat started to take off before she could get on. Without thinking, she tried jumping onto the boat after him but before she knew it, he swung out the knife, slicing deep into her face and she fell into the water, sinking straight down. She didn't time travel back? How... Her powers didn't work... Was her time up? Because of her mistakes, she is now sinking to the bottom of the ocean, her face filled with blood and blocking her view of the boat going by. It was all a lie, and it got her killed. Something that was stuck into her floated up as it was no longer sticky due to the water, was that what stopped her? She didn't know what to think or say, though she closed her eyes once more, maybe this is her chance to escape the mess she put herself in. She thought about the story, the princess and the butler, maybe if she thought back to then, she could be face to face with him and ask him all the questions she needs. As she reaches her last breath, she thought hard, and then... Opened her eyes.

Author's Notes

Story and Writing



@bvnnymatsu on Twitter

This is based on a dream I had, I thought it was pretty cool and I would write it into a full story. I'm really proud of it and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Please do check out my other stories or future stories! Follow me on twitter (instressing) for updates about them and more about my projects. Once again thank you for reading!