First meetings wooo

2 months, 4 days ago

Wallace meeting Neo for the first time wowza

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Author's Notes

-At this time Wallace and Terri are around 7-8 -Yes they’re very young to be thinking/acting like this but that’s what trying to live by yourself does to you I guess -Swear warning I guess, just minor stuff tho

Wallace walked under the blistering sun in the desert. They knew that it was a horrible idea to be outside in this heat for a long time, but what can you do when you need to get to Splatsville without a train ticket? It would be nice to have one sure but where would they even get the money? Whatever, they don’t want to start being discursive. Gotta focus on what they can do.

At least that was their train of thought until the sun somehow felt even hotter. Wallace trekked on, looking for any place for shade… nothing but the flat desert. Great. The fun part is the sand is hot as well thanks to the sun. Damn the city still looks really far away.

Eventually Wallace saw a crashed train car. They scrambled over to it as fast as possible to try to get some shade. It wasn’t much but it was nice to finally be out of the sun. They then collapsed on the ground.

“....Okay i’ll just rest here till night, maybe it will be cooler by then.” Wallace sighed. They started to close their eyes, not like anyone would find them out here. Only another idiot would do something like this.

…Then Wallace woke up to someone shaking them. What the hell-

“Oh, you’re not dead then…” An inkling muttered.

Wallace shoved the inkling back. Whoever this person is, they must be insane to be out here- wait…

“Haven’t I seen you at shore school?” Wallace inquired.

The inkling looked surprised. They seemed to be around the same age at least. Though it seemed to be a lot… rougher. To say the least.

“Oh shit that place? Yeah I go to it, it’s the only place that I can be in heh. I don’t really like it but it’s something I guess. So what are you doing out in the desert? You kinda seem like a nerd, why not go home?” It asked in a fairly quick manner.

“Well you are very…loquacious. But if I have to answer, I'm trying to head to Splatsville… Trying to get away from… eh that part doesn’t matter. Again I'm just trying to get to the city.”

Wallace stood up, it was around sunset; close enough to night. They were about to take a step before the other kid stopped them. “Woah woah where are you going? With how your trip was going so far, it seems like you are going to have a very quick and pathetic death” The inkling snickered.

Wallace frowned at the comment. What does this inkling know? They seem like someone who would eat chalk.

“Buuuuuut good for you, you actually have someone who has lived out in this hell hole long enough to give ya directions to survive at least until you make it to the city. All I would need issss… how about everything that’s in your weird bag?”

Oh right, the bag… Wallace was mainly using it to store the “weapons” they had. They weren’t done yet but they might be useful later. Wallace clutched the bag.

“What?! No! Why should I give this to you of all people?” Wallace called.

“Hmm…. alright, well I was offering you a service in trade but I guess you’ll get the short end of the stick. Sorry buddy”

The inkling ran up and kicked Wallace before trying to yank the bag. The strap broke off but Wallace kept grip of the bag. The two are both tugging at the bag, Wallace was for sure weaker but like hell they are letting go without a fight.

“Come on, just let go already! You aren’t winning this fight!” The other inkling demanded before throwing a punch.

Wallace jolted at the punch but still held on. “Why do you need it anyways? You don’t even know what’s inside!”

This back and forth bickering and fighting went on what felt like forever. Until the other inkling finally got the bag. But instead of running away, he went silent for a moment and started to laugh.

“Heheh… you really don’t give up do ya? Well kid looks like you can survive in this desert. Name’s Terri by the way” The inkling stood up and offered her hand.

Wallace looked up in confusion, a few minutes earlier they were sure that this inkling might even try to kill them… What the hell is this change of pace? Wallace stood up by their own and dusted the sand off.

“Whattt? Did the fight throw ya off or something?” Terri snickered.

“...could I get my bag back now?” Wallace muttered.

“One moment we got time.” Terri opened up the bag and looked inside. “...What the hell is this… uhh-”

“Wallace, and they’re my own inventions. They’re unfinished though. Now if you can give me back my-”

“Waittt shiiiit you made these things? Cool! I do have some scrap metal at my place if these really are unfinished. I’m sure something there could help you make them.” Terri looked back at Wallace, tossing them the bag.

“...Well… Fine, if you stop bugging me about it at least.”

“Yes! Come on, it's not too far from here!” Terri grabbed Wallace by the arm and started to run off into the desert.

Well…This inkling sure was… interesting, a very very weird brute but still interesting. Hopefully she wasn’t leading them to their death.