Flake's New Friend (Trade for ZaraTM)

2 months, 3 days ago
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Flake’s New friend

As the sun set over the trees in the distance, Bear stood on the porch of his little cabin. Situated deep in the woods next to a small lake, Bear lived with his dog and only companion, Flake. 

Bear shielded his eyes from the sun glinting through the trees, his brown hair ruffling slightly in the evening breeze. Flake was nowhere in sight, this wasn’t too concerning as Flake often spent time in the surrounding forest. Nonetheless Bear called his name, yelling into the forest and rapidly approaching dusk. 

Nothing. Strange, Bear stepped off his porch and headed towards the edge of the forest. Peering into the undergrowth he called to his dog again. 

“Flake time to come home! Flake?”

After a short while he heard a faint rustling in the forest. Smiling he called to his dog again, this time greeted by a familiar bark. Bear waited patiently at the edge of the clearing, listening to the crisp sound of crunching leaves approaching. 

As Flake came into view, Bear realized his beloved dog wasn’t alone. Following calmly behind Flake was a small animal. As they came even closer he determined the creature was a young deer. Bear eyed the deer confused, why was it following his dog? Flake didn’t seem the least bit disturbed by the creature as they bounded into the clearing, stopping just short of Bear. 

Bear leaned down to pat his dog’s head affectionately. He straightened and said half laughing to Flake, 

“Who’s your friend here buddy?”

As expected he was only greeted by Flake’s wagging tail. Bear slowly approached the deer, which took a tentative step back. Eyeing him with big brown eyes. 

“Hey there buddy, why’d you come with flake?”

He cooed softly, trying not to scare it away. Flake walked up and nosed the deer softly, wagging his tail.

The deer flicked its ear and stepped tentatively toward Bear. Bear reached his hand back out, watching with bated breath as the deer stepped slowly closer. Then with a final step the deer nosed his outstretched hand softly. 

Bear smiled and petted the deer softly; gently caressing behind the deer’s ears. Flake wagged his tail and trotted in the direction of the cabin. Bear straightened and followed him, making it all the way to the porch on  the front of the cabin. He was about to open the door for Flake when he felt something soft against his leg. Looking down he realized the deer had followed them. 

“Hey buddy, you can’t come in sorry”

He said softly, patting it on its head. Flake came up and nudged Bear’s leg softly with his nose, looking at Bear with wide eyes. As if pleading with him to let the deer inside. 

Bear smiled and looked from the deer to his dog, and back. They were both giving him that look, he couldn’t refuse. Shaking his head and sighing he opened the door and let them both into his cabin. It was small, but plenty big enough for Bear and Flake to live in. Flake bounded inside, wagging his tail and going immediately towards the fireplace where a small blaze was going. 

He smiled as his dog and the deer stood side by side beside the hearth, warming themselves in the fall air. He stepped inside and closed the distance to the two animals. Sitting down beside them, he patted them both on the head and said softly, 

“Well Flake, it looks like you found us a new friend.” Then turning his head to the deer he said, “And you buddy, need a name.”

He paused and tilted his head upwards in consideration. He looked at the ceiling and a slow smile spread across his features. 

“I know, I’ll call you Pine, like the tree” He chuckled to himself and muttered. “I’m talking to a deer, well, it's better than talking to no one.”

Bear smiled at the deer, now named Pine, and then at Flake. Yawning, he stood up. Glancing out of the window into the quiet night before flopping into his bed.