Abut Tuzi

1 month, 29 days ago

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Tuzi isn't necessarily FROM Liyue.
Her parents were adventurers that travelled throughout all of Teyvat.
Tuzi herself doesn't remember exactly what happened, but she does know that one day on the outskirts of Liyue her parents stopped for a rest for the night at an abandoned building, told her they'd be back soon, yet never returned.
She's not stupid, she's pretty certain she knows what happened to them, as they'd been being pursued by some nasty demons for awhile.
she knows deep down that her family left her there on purpose for her safety.
But a part of her refuses to accept it, if asked about her parents, she'll simply state that they're out adventuring, and she doesn't know when they'll return.
While in that abandoned hut little Tuzi realized that she wasn't entirely safe, she could hear the lingering sounds of the demons looming around, but there was nothing she could do but huddle in the very back corner and hope that nothing would be alerted to her presence.
Her Kaninchen bloodline makes her scent all the more succulent to the darker creatures of the world, and thus why her and her parents were tracked for so far.
One dreary rainy day whilst still hiding from the lingering demons searching for her, the world suddenly grew quiet. She was confused, she couldnt sense the demons anymore...but why would they leave?
Confused she used her heightened hearing ability to listen closesly for any sign of life.
She could hear absolutely nothing.
No demons, no animals, not even the faint footsteps of a human.
The longer she sat there listening to the emptiness of the world through the rain, the more she let her guard down.
Almost feeling completely at peace and safe, she suddenly hears footsteps.
Clearly a human.
"Maybe they'll just run by"
she hopes to herself.
Almost as if to spite her the person ran straight into the abandoned building.
A young boy with light blue hair.
"Aw man I can't believe it started raining so hard"
he grumbles to himself looking out the door of the abandoned little building, wiping the rain from his face, unknowing to the girls presence.
"I can't believe I didnt see any spirits again..."
he sighs to himself as he sat down waiting for the rain to stop.
She remained silent and unmoving, to avoid being detected.
All she wanted was for him to go away.
Time passes, and the rain finally starts letting up.
The boy clearly saw it as a opportunity to leave, he mumbled something about...constitution?? as he ran away, Tuzi was very confused by the words the boy spoke as he complained to the empty air of the building.
Awhile later, when the sky shone through and the rain had dried, Tuzi decided to venture out and head the direction the boy went.
She felt maybe there was a small village nearby she could see if anyone saw her parents, or so she told herself.
She eventually ends up in Liyue, still afraid of everything alone, and how vast Liyue is.
She scurries around trying to avoid everyone she can.
Eventually she makes it to outskirts of the harbor, where she ultimately runs into another person, a young man reading a book, with darker blue hair.
The two end up becoming friends, and he helps her adjust to Liyue, even helps her find a place to reside.
She ends up joining the clan hes in, but the art  of the sword, nor the polearm felt right to her, so ultimately she left, despite liking the art of the Guhua clan, she couldnt get into the practice.
She ends up learning of Chongyun through Xingqiu and eventually the all become friends, the more she learns of chongyun, the more she comes to the realization that the demons never left that day.
He unknowingly saved her, with his pure yang spirit.
Over time she struggles with herself being different from others due to her bloodline, researching with xingqiu she learns of her bloodline, and becomes absolutely determined to lead a different life than what she read upon.
Which eventually leads up to her obtaining a cryo vision.
Good hearing, smell, vision, good at hiding, excellent at running away.
Her bloodline is known to be the type to run away, and fail horribly if ever placed in a situation where theyd have to fight.
Tuzi still has the traits, but she learns and uses it to her advantage.
Strong, fast, agile, stealthy, accompanied by her vision she has no trouble dealing with anyone who gets in her way, and changing the meaning of her bloodline for herself.
Her goal has become to assist Chongyun in achieving his goal, as well as to just fit in with those of Liyue despite being different.
Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xiangling, and Hu Tao are all people she knows and trusts with all her heart now
Her personality comes off as soft and meek, but its not how she really is or acts at all, shes outgoing and conversational.
Shes an airhead, but not entirely dumb either.
She loves pulling pranks with her friends and has come to realize that she really has a hobby for designing outfits as well.
She wont ever show anyone her designs though, as shes too shy about it due to how unique her designs end up being.