Feels like three bridges over a ravine

2 months, 10 days ago

The V.D.C where Babylon makes a deal with a giant and finds out Lucille lives in the same town.

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So how Does Babylon go from running for his life drom a giant to approaching the Same Raider for a talk? Babylon wasn't sure either but he had to take a chance when he spotted the same gopher again a week later. 

Babylon nervously approached the gopher. 

"You again?." The gopher irked towards the Slug

" I know the whole thing last week was bad," Babylon began to explain," I swear I have nothing against you."

" What about The masked guy?." Willie-Ray then pressed Babylon as walked closer to him, "How Do you know each other?"

The gopher getting closer to him made the slug shiver, Babylon was nearly about to just run for it again, but couldn't. He wasn't sure if it was him warming up to the gopher or If he was just frozen in place.

"I ran into him once, couple of months before we met." The slug answers , " And that Person was crazy. He tried giving me knife and he wanted to harm a lost familiar." 

The gopher scoffed at the answered he was given,

"First that guy wanted to cut off my arm then now he wanted to harm critters?" 

"Apperently yeah," The slug," It just needed their collar fixed, the poor nautilus was about to have it torn into two."

"Nautilus?" The gopher perked at hearing about the familiar," Tell me more about it? I need to know if it's a particular one."


"Well he's blue, oranges, and purple in color." The slug recalled.

"Like how?" The gopher asked again, raising an eyebrow.

" well the and it's shell has a part orange and the rest a dark blue with orange stripes."

"Sr.Calamari!!" The gopher gasped, " You found her familiar!!!"

Babylon grinned happily," so you know his owner?"

The gopher began to slouch 

"Ya, about that...." The gopher sighed," Sr.Calamari belongs to a friend of mine who disappeared."

"Disappeared!?," Babylon jolted in surprise," What do you mean she just vanished?"

"Like since there's missing poster of her around Lilypad." The gopher recalled," or atleast I hope they're still up."

"..." Babylon groaned. 

He found someone who knows Sr.Calamari's owner, but the owner herself missing. But then the slug got an idea.

"How about I help you find your friend?" The slug Offered the raider.

"Under the one condition," The Gopher said, " if ya could wear a different face for a bit then I'll be on board with you." 

[ 2 hours later]

The Vampire Lucille was walking throught the streets of Duskhaven woods, after doing her monthly shopping therapy, Putting up with her Angelic neighbor's errands, she was headed to do another round of shopping. Though on her way she spotted two familiar faces. Well, one she did recognize and one she knew was looked more off than usual.

A gopher, The Gopher that was stalking her and the slug she bumped into a couple of times a month ago, and what looked to be the infamous monkey Flint; though unlike the real one, this Flint had pterodactyl wings for his arms and an actually hairstyle that worked instead of whatever the real one was trying to pull off.


" You Again!" the vampire shouted, pointing at the Gopher.

"Oh hey, Ms.Vampire!" The not-Flint greeted Lucille, upon hearing his voice the Vampire realized who this winged monkey actually is.

"You're..." Lucille then pointed at the Not-Flint with bit of a pause after," You're that Slug from last month."

" Yeah.... and that You're that Vampire." Not-Flint said back," Did ever gave our names last time?" 

"I don't Y'all did." The gopher added in.

"WE can see That." Lucille scoffed at the raider before facing back at Not-Flint," Why are letting raider get this close to you?" 

" I promised I would help find his friend-" Not-Flint tried explain to Lucille, however the didn't buy that vague excuse

" Isn't she already in the hivemind? Or maybe He wants her to.

" Oi I didn't give up my shadow just to betray my bestest friend in my life." The gopher objected.

"You're sure about that raider boy?" Lucille mocked the raider.

" O-okay guys," The Not-Flint immediately interrupted " Let's not start anything too Reckless, Do you really want things to escalate that badly?"

" Fine..." Lucille reluctantly agreed," But Don't be surprised when you lose some valuables or your shadow."

"Good." The gopher, "Aw Shrubs, I promise I Won't do a thing to yall." 

"So who are you guys are?" Lucille the asked the Two.

"Call me Willie-Ray." Willie-Ray bluntly gave out," It takes a flashlight to sent me packing." 

" For now It's Babylon." Babylon shrugged, " It's a bit complicated on why I look like Flint and good luck figuring out my past, cuz I don't know either."

"And You?." The two then ask Lucille, the Idiotic vibe they radiate errode the vampire's suspicion.

"Lucille Schwarz, I also go by 'Lady Luck'" She groaned.

How the Heck did this slug manage something this stupid as befriending that raider or if it was genuine at all. Either way she's now added to the mix.