Sword and Sheath

Vie Show More
2 months, 1 day ago
371 2

The blade is sharpened every day, the heart is always sheathed away.

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Author's Notes

Very short one-shot I wrote way back in April 2022 to practice writing, so it's not quite as good as my writing skill is now (I think). Figured I'd post it here anyway for those who want to see it.

The cloth glided smoothly across the edge of the blade. Sharp enough to cut through steel, but with a glimmer like diamond, the sword was definitely one of Vie's favourites. Beautiful but deadly. Like herself, it got the job done and looked cool at the same time. Admittedly, the edges had been worn from the combat it had endured, and it took quite a bit of patience to get it to pristine condition again. But Vie enjoyed sharpening her sword. In a way, it was almost calming to her - allowing her to gather her thoughts, as if she was sharpening herself, too.

The blade slid into the sheath like butter. It, too, was a work of art - the complex patterns etched into the scabbard's glossy surface were a curious wonder. Any weapons enthusiast would have paid large sums to get their hands on it. But this was one possession Vie deemed irreplaceable. Collectors would place their weapons in a display case, letting them gather dust as "antiques". Vie knew the true power of the sword - it was far more valuable in battle than on a shelf.

That being said, she knew she was running out of money - and time. She couldn't take a job she wasn't qualified for - not that it mattered, since they were all so low-paying, and the market was flooded, so selling her blades would give her a measly amount of money at best. One of her contacts had informed her of a bounty in an off-world city with a substantial reward. It wasn't quite enough to pay for what she needed, and the large prize implied nothing but trouble - though it was a risk she was willing to take. An opportunity like this only showed up every once in a while, and there were little to no options left.

Vie sighed and stood up, grabbing the sheath and sliding it into her belt, convincing herself to keep going. Just another day. Just another job. Only a bit left.

A faint whimper sounded from the corner of the room, and Vie clenched her fists.

"Hang in there," she whispered in response, though she knew nobody could hear her. "Just a little longer."

Author's Notes

Thanks for reading! If you'd like, please leave some feedback/tell me what else you'd like to see. Just remember this is a really old fic lmao