tos n dni n shit

5 months, 6 days ago
5 months, 6 days ago
4 518

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 6 days ago

how the fuck do literatures work. um this is just so i can shove everything into one place

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basic dni, zoophiles, pedos, homophobes, racists n shit, yk

proship/comship/noncon/shotacon/lolicon/what fucking ever. sod off 

majority nsfw/fetish artists


man-loving lesbians / woman-loving gays or strictly male lesbians / strictly female gays (like.. a lesbian that is or is with someone that strictly identifies as male, a gay person that is or is with someone that strictly identifies as female, yk, but still uses the label. this doesn't include those that are demi or genderfluid or anything like that)

dsmp fans (if u just. like it i guess you're fine??? but if you're weird about it or have it all over your profile go away please)

vivziepop supporters

(this isn't a dni but i'd just like to say that i may be uncomfortable with interacting with you if you go by the name skippy, due to a few Situations ive been through with people named skippy👍👍u can still interact i just wanna point this out . if u go by skippy and have any other names you're also fine with please tell me)

Author's Notes

last updated 12/06/24