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1 month, 15 days ago

The first email Morrigan has sent to his parents since running away from home in 2043, after learning new information about their "betrayal" Date: 19 Apr 2047

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How do i check if the speech to text works for emails? Well, uh, fuck, oh seems to be working. Remind me to cut this out Kat, 

Well Mam, bin a bit. Tried callin ya, but some random fucker has your phone or something... Doesn't matter whatever... Anyway uh, just learned what actually happened in 43, the deal with the RSA... I'm sorry for being a fucking gonk about it... If I could take it back, I would but well... Fuckin funny how I fucked it though, heh, thing they threatened ended up pretty much happening anyway... I'm sorry. Want to come home, but that isn't fuckin possible at the minute, probably not gonna be ever, honestly.

Well I'm, okay at the minute I'd say. In a good crowd... Some of em have a few circ's loose, but they've got my back. The russian ripper especially, saved me from flatlining m- oi, Kat, what you at? Calm down... It's okay... Oh shit, what was I saying.., whatever, uh. I'm doing fine, anyway. Dunno if you or dad would be exactly proud of what I'm doing, but well, its what I need to do to get by. Then again ye make weapons... 

Anything, uh,, 

Cmon you fuckin gonk, why are you making this more difficult than it needs to be. I... Uh...

 I've still got the guitar ye got me... Rarely let it out of my sight, had to modify it a bit, but did my best to keep it in preem condition...  Uh.   Fuck... Kat, why ya looking at me like that, I dunno what the fuck I'm doing... Oh, hungry? One sec... Here. Uh, new number is, how I check.., oh it's (insert it here) feel free to call, I guess. Uh, if you want to, anyway. Doesn't matter if you don't want to, given everything..  anyway, later? Well that doesn't fit... Dunno what does, whatever just gonna send it anyway

(Insert attachment - image of kat chilling on the desk)