File: SCP-7142

1 month, 26 days ago

File on Martin written in the style of the SCP Foundationrsquo;s wiki articles.  Used to be a whole separate tab on his profile, but I think it fits as a literature submission pretty well.

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Item #: SCP-7142

Object class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7142 is to be allowed to remain within Dr. Martin’s old laboratory with minimal Foundation interference.  It appears to be unable to leave Foundation site 19 and minimal effort needs to be made to keep it contained.  SCP-7142’s lab should be treated like any other Foundation researcher’s workspace and due respect should be paid to its work.  Under no circumstances should SCP-7142 be referred to as “SCP-7142”; it is safest to address them as “Dr. Martin” or “Martin”.  SCP-7142 appears to be harmless unless agitated.

Temporary Containment Procedure Update: SCP-7142 is not normally dangerous, however any mention of the death of Dr. Martin should be avoided, and SCP-7142 should be treated like any other researcher at the Foundation.  Insistence upon trying to explain that Dr. Martin died 8 years ago is not recommended – SCP-7142 may become agitated and violent if the issue is pressed.

Description: SCP-7142 resembles a human man in his mid-30s perfectly – specifically former Foundation researcher, Dr. Martin, who was found dead in his offices November 21rst, 2014.  SCP-7142 is approximately 5’9” tall, with a head of cleanly cut, black hair interspersed sporadically with greys, and has a lanky build.  He dresses in a white lab coat with meticulously clean clothing underneath and wears a pair of glasses with a blue-grey frame.  Former acquaintances of the deceased Dr. Martin report that SCP-7142 has an uncanny resemblance to their dead friend, both in appearance and personality.  It has not aged visibly in the past 8 years.

Despite its human appearance, SCP-7142 is incorporeal and cannot be physically harmed or moved – though will “react” as such if it is aware that it is being touched, though even in those situations, those who are interacting with SCP-7142 report that they feel no weight behind it at all.  It will usually attempt to grab things in a reasonable manner, but when distracted or unaware presence of other Foundation staff, occasionally moves objects through telepathy alone.  Any attempts to question SCP-7142 on this behaviour receive confused reactions and, if the interviewers persist, eventual aggression.

Should an individual ignore recommended protocols and anger SCP-7142, it can become highly aggressive and do quite a lot of damage, both to nearby people and its containment area.  The otherwise normal human appearance of SCP-7142 will flicker and become warped, and objects in the vicinity may be lifted and thrown at random.  To avoid injury or death, it is recommended that Foundation personal immediately apologize or, if SCP-7142 is already in a violent state, to find somewhere to hide or leave the building.  SCP-7142 can phase through walls and does not react to conventional weaponry – the best method of defense against it is to either avoid angering it at all, which is fairly easy, or to keep it at bay as long as possible until SCP-7142 calms down.

Outside of its enraged state, SCP-7142 does not have any conscious control of its abilities, and is confused why anyone thinks it is capable of anything of the sort.

Addendum 7142.1: Discovery

SCP-7142 was discovered in the office of deceased Foundation researcher Dr. Martin on November 22nd, 2014, the day after the man had been found dead in the very same room.  It was first encountered by one of Dr. Martin’s research partners, causing the individual extreme distress, though SCP-7142 insisted on trying to continue doing the deceased’s work, only becoming hostile after being repeatedly told that it had died.

Dr. Martin’s former associate was injured, but survived the experience.  After some time passed and the Foundation examined the situation, it was eventually decided that SCP-7142, appearing to possess all the knowledge and skill of the deceased Dr. Martin would be allowed to continue working at site 19 – though all individuals who had known the deceased were assigned to different parts of the building.

Since that day, excluding any situations of gross negligence, there have been no major incidents regarding SCP-7142.  It does not appear to be aware of or care that 8 years have passed, all without its appearance aging a day.

The first interview conducted with SCP-7142, occurring day after its first appearance.  Further interviews would produce findings consistent with interviewer Dr. Elena Stauss’ conclusions.

Date: 11/23/2014

Interviewer: Dr. Elena Stauss

Interviewee: SCP-7142


SCP-7142: I do hope you have a good reason for this interruption.  I’m in the middle of work.  And where is everyone?  Don’t tell me someone let-

STAUSS: There was an incident in this office a few days ago.  Everyone exposed has been sent home for the time being.

SCP-7142: What do you mean?

STAUSS: You believe yourself to be Dr. Martin?

SCP-7142: What kind of question is that?  I am Dr. Martin.

STAUSS: Right, yes.  What were you doing at 9AM on November 22nd?

SCP-7142: Working.  As I should be now.

STAUSS: (laughs) Can you recall if anything unusual happened?

SCP-7142: Nothing of the sort.  It was a normal day at the lab and I… well.  It was the last I saw of my colleagues.  They’ve left the place in a horrible mess, as you can see.  (A broken beaker lifts from the floor.  SCP-7142’s arms have not moved.)

STAUSS: How are you doing that?

SCP-7142: What?  (It appears genuinely confused.)

STAUSS: (She gestures at the beaker.)

SCP-7142: I…  (The beaker drops.)  …Was there anything else you needed?

STAUSS: You’re certain nothing strange happened on the 22nd?  And what about the day before?

SCP-7142: If there’s some point you’re trying to make, spit it out.

STAUSS: I – well, alright.  There was a Containment Breach on the 21rst.

SCP-7142: Here?

STAUSS: Yes.  And your office was one of the areas most affected.

SCP-7142: I think I would remember that.  If this is some sort of joke, it’s not amusing.

STAUSS: It’s no joke.  Dr. Martin was killed on the 21rst.  The Foundation was only able to recover part of his body.  You are– (She trails off as the room begins to shudder slightly.)

SCP-7142: (Its voice wavers oddly)  That’s enough.

(They’re both silent.  After a few minutes, the shaking stops.)

SCP-7142: Was there anything else you needed?

STAUSS: No, no.  I’ll… I’ll just leave you to your work.


Interviewer's Note: SCP-7142 seems to have no recollection of Dr. Martin’s death, though all of its other memories of the man appear to be accurate to what we knew of him.  It becomes agitated when confronted on this, but otherwise seems harmless.