Vampiric powers

1 month, 14 days ago
1 month, 14 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 14 days ago

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Vampiric Powers

Wip - More powers will be revealed as I write the story.
╭───────✧────✧───∘∘∘ ✧ 🩸 Vampiric powers 🩸 ✧ ∘∘∘───✧───✧───────╮
Energy scale:
Requires little energy ✧
Requires a lot of energy ✧✧✧✧✧

Quickly move from point A to B in a flash. Can't move more than a couple of meters at a time. 
Blink is soundless and the name refers to a blink of an eye. 
They must be able to see where they want to go. 

Walk and merge into shadows. Must generally see where they want to go but can pass through doors as long as shadows are connected. 
Shadows will flicker like smoke around the vampire wielding the power but be soundless. 
Can hold another vampire and transport through the shadows. 

Second sight: 
A weak version of mindreading, and or reading emotions/feelings. 
Works well on humans, but poorly on some male vampires. Rarely work on female vampires. 
Can be felt as a buzzing faint headache if trained to detect the mind attack. 

A weak version of the Urge. Enthrall humans to calm down and bend their will to their own. 
Puts a human into a trancelike state. Rarely works on other vampires. 


Breaks the invisible wall that keeps a vampire from entering a home uninvited.
Feels like a vacuum being unsealed and will create a small wave of gust as the wall shatters.
This will sting the vampire and any vampire next to the wielder's skin for a few minutes and can feel like a soft burn as when
scrubbing your body too hard in the shower with a peeling shower scrub.

Wings sprout out of their backs and will only be available after a spawn has lived an x amount of years and consumed a large portion of blood.
The winged form is a lesser version of a more thorough transformation a vampire can go through called a lesser demonic form.
Most females cannot grow wings no matter how old or powerful. 

Take full control of a vampire spawns body through their blood and force them to bend to the wielders' will. 
Only available for very powerful female vampires. 
Males can rarely resist the urge and some strong female spawns can resist and break the spell. 

Cons of use:

Using a vampiric power drains the vampire of energy.
Overuse will exert the vampire and they will first begin a nosebleed where they eventually will
bleed from their eyes, ears, and mouth and faint from exhaustion. A vampire's age and gender will equal their total power. 

Bodily changes:

When the vampire transformation is complete a vampire will be able to extract and retract sharp claws out from their fingertips.
The claws leave jagged cutmarks, easily recognizable to vampire hunters. A vampire's eyes will turn any shade of red.
A female vampire will always have white hair, no matter her previous human hair color. And their ears grow pointed.
A male vampire will be physically stronger than a female, but a female might be faster than a male. It depends.

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